- ∙II.a.1 – What is Social-democracy: State sovereignty (differences between Socialism and Democracy)
- II.a.2 – Globalism: the sharing of the Socialist ideology between Social Democracy and the protagonists of global Financial capitalism
- II.a.3 – The common matrix of Social Democracy and Fascism (the “special powers” of Social Democracy)
A turning point in the evolution of modern Democracy is represented by the moment in which the governments of individual nations joined the world of international finance.
In this regard, we must underline that:
● Social Democracy is by its very nature “international”: the social-democratic ideology aims in fact at the merger of national governments into one world government – at least, in this phase, the Social-democratic parties aim to subject national governments to global institutions (UN, OMOS, etc….).
Internationalist is the nature of Socialism (the Socialist International still exists today, “the world union of social democratic and labor inspired parties” [Wikipedia])
● Financial capitalism tends to develop globally since its birth: and today it is able to control and manage the global economy with people and institutions such as the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg group, Soros, etc. ..
International finance was born as early as the 18th century with the Rothshild family of bankers, who sent their children to the major capitals of Europe to expand its financial empire.
Subsequently, the Rothshild family integrated with that of the Rockefellers, US businessmen since the 19th century.
The institution that today dominates the world of finance, Bilderberg Group, was started in 1954 by a David Rockefeller.
Recall that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton made a “secret” visit to the Bilderberg Group to resolve their differences during the 2020 presidential campaign; and it was justified in this way, as The Guardian reports: «”Others had a desire to meet with him in a private way,” he explains. This is an extraordinary admission from Gibbs – “others” clicked their fingers, and Obama came running, with Hillary in tow.” But The Guardian itself reminds us how «Bill Clinton was introduced to the political big league at Bilderberg 1991.» <see Article on “The Guardian”>.
Perhaps the most significant statement about how much international finance values the Communist government model is that of David Rockefeller (of the Rockefeller Foundation, but also the initiator of the Bilderberg Group) who asserted that Mao’s Communist China represented the model of ideal society.
“One is impressed immediately by the sense of national harmony …. Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution it has obviously succeeded … in fostering high morale and community purpose. General social and economic progress is no less impressive …. The enormous social advances of China have benefited greatly from the singleness of ideology and purpose …. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history. ” – David Rockefeller “From a china traveler” New York Times, 8-10-1973.
Another significant fact about the approach of the large financial groups to Socialism (Communism) is the return of Lenin to Russia for the founding of the Soviet Union, which took place with the direct support of German finance. From the New York Times article, “Was Lenin a German Agent?”:
“The evidence assembled by Kerensky’s justice department, much of which has only recently been rediscovered in the Russian archives, was damning. No matter Lenin’s real intentions, it is undeniable that he received German logistical and financial support in 1917, and that his actions, from antiwar agitation in the Russian armies to his request for an unconditional cease-fire, served the interests of Russia’s wartime enemy in Berlin. “