The problem is not whether the theory of Disrutpive Innovation. But it is “if a radical innovation (which is called in different ways, and also Disruptive Innovation) is truly necessary for the Business”.
The question is not about the numbers
of how many Disruptive innovation applications there are already (the radical innovations of the company – and the Market – initially take place slowly).
The question is whether
successful businesses are developed
in Disruptive Innovation mode today!
If this is true, the Disruptive Innovation theory is valid (i.e. the theory that serves a very profound Innovation of the current generation of Products).
But if the question arises:
is the current spread of Disruptive Innovation
really useful for Business?
The answer seems to be: NO.
The causes of this are manifold:
<see There is no “Culture of Disruptive innovation”, but an Aptitude for innovation >
There is instead a Culture which is an attempt to adapt the Culture of the previous Market (of the Sustaining innovation of the “Incumbents”) to the canons of the Disable Innovation. Which creates bankruptcy businesses.
2) THE DEBATE ON DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION IS DEVELOPED ON AN ABSTRACT LEVEL, the conclusions remain “on an intellectual level.”
These debates are almost exclusively concerned with developing dissertations on the use of a particular meaning rather than another (an induced problem from the first arguments of Christensen, then corrected by himself – something that no one seems to have noticed.)
Therefore there are
no practical indications on Disruptive Innovation.
Or worse, when these practical indications are there, they are actually misleading, because they propose the Rules of Sustaining Innovation in a domesticated way.
<see Disruptive Business Consulting [1] – How disruptive Business Consulting changes >
The problem of the present Culture of innovation is not only the lack of the practical part: the current Culture is developed from the foundations in a complex way and “elitist”, which ends up feeding only the Business of the” experts “(Managers, Professors, Consultants, etc …).
<see °The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits >
In this Culture:
1) what it wants to be told is said to the established Business: things don’t change as much as analysts like C. Christensen say (putting the Incumbents in a critical situation, which will see their strategies fail in the medium to long term).
2) Culture is kept at a complicated level and not accessible to most (unless the work of Consultants, Managers of the previous generation, etc. is used).
What is missing is precisely a Culture of simple understanding, which allows most to understand the essence of Disruptive Innovation.
It should be noted that Disruptive Innovation is precisely a modality of strong simplification which transforms the Business from the current complexity to a relatively simple Entrepreneurial modality.
In Disruptive Innovation we return to the original dimension of the Business, fundamentally based on the intuition of the Entrepreneur (where what matters is the ability to intuit people’s needs, and the current mechanisms of investigation, analysis of Big Data become obsolete, etc. …).
Among other things, in the Disruptive Innovation Business there is:
● an elementarization of the Business plans; and also
● a strong simplification of the financing problem since the businesses of the new Startups start “from the small”, with a scalar project, and then grow by reinvesting the profits.
So, in the final analysis, what is needed is an innovation Culture functional to the current market phase.
A culture that offers precisely:
1) a description in essence of the meaning and methods of disruptive innovation, and
2) a methodology, models that can serve in practice those who want to start a Disruptive Innovation business.
The Gudelines for Assessing Disruptive Innovation set themselves this goal. <see Introduction to Guidelines to Disruptive innovation >
For an effective assessment of the quality of a product's innovation, the "TrendInsights's Guidelines to Disruptive Innovation" was developed, which offers:
1) an essential description of the meaning and methods of Disruptive innovation, and
2) a methodology for those who want to start a Disruptive Innovation business.
3) a Table summarizing the quality of the Disruptive Innovation for an assessment of business innovation capacity (usable both for developing a new Business and for analyzing Business already in progress).
<see "TrendInsights's Guidelines to Disruptive Innovation" >