China is by no means
a place in which Disruptive Innovation develops
(and it is therefore destined to lose the confrontation with the Western Market in terms of Disruptive Innovation). <see Decalogue of Rulesof Disruptive innovation>
Among other things, Disruptive Innovation is
● radical innovation and not improvement of existing products (is “inventions” of radically new products, “new thing” ► In China, “clone” products continue to be produced compared to those sold in the West: China seeks to compete in terms of technology, but Disruptive Innovation is not based on the technological qualities of the product <see Disruptive innovation is not based on technologies >
● the creation of New Value that happens bottom – up in a dimension in which the Customer as a passive element becomes a pro-active element ► China is, in fact, a top-down managed market, which prevents a true bottom-up innovation (innovations are literally copied from ‘West) <see Innovation is intrinsically (historically) bottom-up and Crowd-driven Innovation/Crowdsourcing >
● disrutpive innovation does not put the focus on low price (which is only one of the product’s success qualities) ► the success of the China is based on low-price (which implies an impoverishment of other qualities). <see The mistake of focusing on the low price >