Topspin ForeHand ● IMPACT

THE IMPACT in topspin forehand

On impact with the ball, there are two force components (in the next chapter).

1) a component that gives the ROTATION (spin) of the ball (and makes a trajectory high arched which allows it to pass over the net, and return to ground before the baseline).

In this component, in essence, in the impact: (a) your racket must be vertical (with some exceptions for high balls) and (b) go from bottom to top (in different ways than those from traditional stroke, that bring the body in profile to the net).

2) another component that gives the PUSH to the ball, and is heightened when you want to make a winning shot.

This component is given not only by arm movement, largely given by the progress of the right hip.

Peculiarities of impact with the topspin forehand are (see two chapters below):

body arching forward, which serves to accentuate the spin and to bring your racket in an upright position (which has now hit an “extreme” handle “under the handle”).

rotation (torsion) of the body that from the initial position of the torso (that looks the right fence) now leads the front stance with a movement in which the rear leg (right) rotate (and extens) and acts as a pivot.

windshield-wiper type racket rotation which serves to give the maximum component of spin to the ball. In the rotation does not intervene the wrist (which always maintains the same position relative to the forearm), but the rotation it is produced by multiple items as (1) elastic arm loading here is unloaded and (2) rotation of the body that hinges on the back leg.

See how to make the ball spin



█   the arching forward of the body  

*Murray Arch

In tospin forehand, in the phase immediately preceding the impact, the body tends to arch forward because:

1) is pushed from the right hip that goes forward (and simultaneously from the right leg stretching).

2) is pushed upwards by the foot (which goes on the tip) and the leg (knee that is stretching, hip that rises to the top in addition to advance). See experiment with the suit empty sleeve.

*Alexander frecce *Nadal si ribalta

photo 1: notice the rotation movement starts from the back foot stretching to the tip, and the leg that pushes forward the right hip.

photo 2 (Nadal): note that the boost is given by the back leg (the other being non on the ground).

Body arch is made evident by the fact that in the rotation start from the body, and only then follows the arm that is pulled from the shoulder (see the experiment of the empty sleeve).

the whole body acts to push something up

The movement that leads to impact is taken as if you wanted to raise something that stands before you taking it “from below”. The sensation is that of helping a child to climb a ladder with the booty in front of us at the level of our shoulder (roughly 40 cm in fornto of us), pushing it upwards with one hand under his butt.

(it’s also the posture of the waiter holding a tray in hand: think of how he would prepare for supporting post about it)

In this movement the body is really bent into an arc to begin to bring the push “from below; and then the body stretches upward with the leg extending starting with the foot (which goes to the tip), and hip moves and the spine makes an arch.

This movement is similar to the uppercut in boxing, the shot with which you take from below the opponent under the chin, as if you wanted to raise him.

*Uppercut edited

the body came backward

If the traditional stroke (profile) a critical component is the forward displacement of the body (the weight moves from the back leg to front), in the modern shot into the opposite happens even hit topspin quits with the weight on the back leg (to the point that the front leg raises).
Consider that in the traditional game key stroke is to “network” (approach shot followed by a race to the net), and that therefore it was very important to start the race to network already at the moment of impact. In the modern game the Hoosiers terminating Exchange, is played from the baseline.

In the photos you can see how this body determines body buckle back and front foot getting lighter.

the body cames back

If the traditional stroke (profile) a critical component is the forward displacement of the body (the weight moves from the back leg to front leg), in the modern topspin shot into happens even the opposite with the weight ending on the back leg (to the point that the front leg raises).

Consider that in the traditional game key stroke is near the net (with approaching shot followed by a race to the net), and that therefore it was very important to start the race to net already at the moment of impact. In the modern game the winners are almost played from the baseline.

In the photos you can see how is the movement of coming back of the chest that produce the arching of the body and arise the front foot.

*The_ForehandMurray arcuato *Nadal si ribalta

It is the upper part of the chest that goes back. The final fase of the arch is due to push forward of the hip and to push back of the upper part of the chest (this movement provide an additional level of topspin; another component of super-topspin is determined by a backdown of racket obtained from double-bend elbow bend arm to Djokovic). Djoko Forehand F'The Straight Arm And Double Bend T

position of the racket at the impact

In the topspin forehand the racket is vertical (or slightly sloped downward). The verticality of the racket is given for the most part by the arched forward body (and by the wrist ulnar inclination analysed below).

This is necessary due to the fact that the optimal winshield wiper forehand topspin needs an extreme grip in which the palm of the hand tends to be below the grip.

*Djoko grip sotto *Nadal grip sotto

Photo (Djokovic and Nadal): note that the palm is below the handle.

Remember that the racket do the whole movement (from the impact to the closure) a vertical position (looking towards the net).

To find the right position you should perform the following test: extend the arm forward while keeping the bodi erect. With this grip the racket is definitely facing down: to find the right body posture you can try putting the racket against the fence of the camp, and imagining that that is the point of impact, adjusts the posture of the body until the racket is all leaning to the fence (i.e. is vertical).

As the racket must always be vertical in the whole movement of windshield-wiper, move the racket against the fence to check the correct movement of the body which now twist from right to left..

Remember also that the wrist on impact is fully relaxed (see below), the hand is soft on handle (seeing is believing).

●● the arm (Nadal vs Djokovic)

There are different interpretations of the windshield-wiper stroke. The two main techniques, witch differ mainly in the use of the arm, are:

1) “straight arm forehand” (Nadal, Federer), in which the arm stays stretched till at impact.

2) “bend forehand” (also called “double-bend forehand”) of Djokovic and Serena Williams in which the arm is slightly bent from the very beginning of the movement, but is quickly folded during the impact.

*arms compared


With the technique of the “straight hitting arm position” on impact the arm (the elbow) is totally stretched out. This mode is used by players like Nadal and Federer.

*Federer straitght arm

Only the wrist (see below) is folded so that the racket is perpendicular to the trajectory of the ball coming (parallel to the network).

This technique requires a special timing, and a wonderful sense perception of distance of the ball (which is hit in more distant location – in front of the body – than in bend arrm forehand; that is, you must have a very good foot work).

The arm is stretched already in the preparation when, behind the body, there is the loading for torsion.

The outstretched arm (and not the wrist!) produces the rotation of racket as if it screw in the air. To better understand, it’s as if you were to pour the contents of a carafe (try to replicate this movement): the movement’s favored moving away the hand from the body by rotating your chest clockwise (in this way the arm spontaneously screws).

A similar movement is the direct fist in boxe, in which greater effectiveness is given by the rotation of the arm carrying the glove from vertical (“stand-by”) to horizontal (impact). Twist which is not given by the wrist itself, but by the rotation of the arm and shoulder that advance for the rotation of the torso.

*braccio ruota intera *braccio ruota

( source )

Nadal uses anyway to bend arm when comes with difficulty on the ball (with a particular shot defined as lasso).

● double bend arm forehand (Djokovic)

The technique of bend arm (sometimes called “double-bend forehand”) is an evolution of the technique of the straight arm in which the arm (the elbow) is bent (from the beginning of the closing movement) instead of being fully extended.

The double-bend forehand is now clearly more widespread technique, used by players like Djokovic and by most men, and Serena Williams (and generally by women).

Even in this case the wrist don’t produce movement, but all the work of rotation of the racket is done by the arm with the movement of the shoulder (which is driven primarily by the trunk rotation) and by the elbow which produce a strong forearm rotation (which is produced largely by the bicep that contracts).

The shot in the arm bend shot offers some advantages, including greater control of the stroke, (more possibilities of adjustment of the racket for the impact phase), speed of the racket.

With the arm bend on impact forearm goes behind the handle of the racket (in this way forearm bones do pressure directly on the handle) while the straight arm forces the wrist that is highly folded (the palm of the hand is pushed toward the forearm forcing the bending of the wrist).

In bend arm on wrist is decidedly less folded (it’s in the most natural position) because it forms a lesser angle with the forearm.

 *'Google Image Result for http___3_bp_blogspot_com_-eDwYQMBQacQ_UqKFnIgf *_Novak *_straig

photo: left: Federer (straight arm), hitting with the outstretched arm give a strong right wrist angle, while Djokovic (bend arm), with the bent arm on the elbow (biceps is recalling the forearm to bend further the arm) the angle of the wrist (at arm/back of the hand) is smaller, more natural.

With bend arm shot you use the “technique” that you apply spontaneously when he wants to move heavy furniture at home (or push a car): you bend your elbows so that your forearms are pressure on hand without forcing your wrists (so the force produced by the legs are unloaded optimally).

The bending of the elbow during impact is due to the action of the biceps that pull the forearm towards the body in motion that produces a rotation of the forearm that increases the effectiveness of the spin.

*bend arm

The technique of bend arm is a little more complex than that of the straight arm, because in this case you must merge the forward motion of the arm with the bend of the elbow movement (especially at the moment of impact, when there is a further rapid bending of the elbow).

This technique offers important advantages as against the straight arm shot:

1) you can “work” better the ball: you can accentuate the spin ball (give greater peeling), namely:

You can better control the trajectory of the ball (for example, you can make excellent short angles), and

You can adjust more easily the stroke movement depending on the position of the ball (you can also hit the ball very close to the body, and in a later step of the trajectory than the one in which you can hit with the straight arm).

With the technics of the bend arm you can give extra spin to the fact that this shot has a greater speed of execution (when hitting the ball in the movement windshiel-wiper), but also because of the pulling back of the racket caused by the contraction of the biceps: the racket “came back”, and this means that, since the body (the shoulder) is simultaneously advancing, the racket stays briefly in more contact with the ball (while giving the spin).

2) you can move better your racket at the start of the shot: being able to leave the racket closest to the body (as mentioned above, in the topspin forehand racket doesn’t move “hinge”, like a door that opens; but the arm pulls the racket in the direction of its buttcap perpendicularly to the net for the first part) so the racket can be pulled more strongly and more quickly.

See an interesting summary of the difference between the stroke straight arm and bend arm:



(rotation instead of advancement)

When it comes to components of a hit referring to individual movements that, that when taken together, produce the desired action (to understand what you need to try every single movement of the body to see how effective it is in itself).

Note that the movement of the racket is not given by the movement of the arm (which remains almost stationary relative to the body) but by the rotation of the body (of the hips: with the right hip that advances and the opposite that pulls back).

► Try holding the handle of the racket with your hands against your abdomen (so that your racket have the position of the impact) and you will realize how the racket moves only with the rotation of the hips. You should practice tying your racket at this location, and try to give a boost to the ball effectively (this method has been shown in 70 years by Vic Braden).

As for the rotation of the racket, the first thing to remember is that the wrist is not a force component in the rotation of racket in the movement of windshield-wiper. But this movemente i produced by the rotation of racket in front of the body, by the following components:

unloading torsion “as elastic” accumulated in the arm in the preparations of the shot. This is a key part of the topspin of pro as Djokovic.

► Try the loading movement when the shot is about to start: the racket is behind the body, bring the head of the racket a bit more towards the left fence (while the arm does not move, but twist), with a clockwise motion: you feel that the arm is loading (forcing the movement feels elbow hurts!).

bending of the elbow (in bend arm technique): this component is what allows a more rapid rotation of racket in windishield-wiper movement (this produces a super-topspin). In this case the biceps pulls the forearm towards the body: this produces a forearm rotation, and therefore a rotation of the racket.

► Try to make that movement holding the hand thumb on top, and you will see that the thumb rotate to the right without the partecipation of the wrist.

bending/tilting of the body: if the body during approaching the ball is bent to the right, and when you have the impact it bends to the left, this movement produce a component which produces itself a rotation (windshield-wiper mode) of the racket.

► Try to sway your body from right to left while holding fixed vertical racket in front of you: you can see how the racket with the wobble of your body.

In the next chapter we see how the wrist does not produce any force (movement) during the windshield-wiper.

the wrist

During the movement of windshield wiper-the wrist makes no strength but is relaxed.

► Try: if you stick a pencil to the forearm (with tape) so that it points to a sign on the back of your hand, you will see that the pencil (forearm) will not move relative to the palm of your hand.

*Nichi*polso con corda 1 *polso con corda 2 *Ulnar

the grip

The grip must be “soft”, with the hand loose on the grip since it’s not about transfer a strain from the arm to the racket, but to produce a whip (see below video of Bruce Lee who hits the ball with a mallet attached to the handle with a chain).

To facilitate this freedom of movement some players (including the inventor of the windshield-wiper, Borg – or Venus Williams) take their pinky off the handle.

This feature allows them to make a shot even more loose, which produces a rotation (whip) with greater effect.

*Borg Fore Grip *mignolo williams

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