Tennis4Advanced is online CLONE 2

The site Tennis4Advanced is online starting with the contents relating to Top spin: introduction and technical details, methods of learning and training, and other things (are already in advanced preparation step the sections of Topsin backhand – one hand sections and double hand; and then we will publish the sections about other techniques of Tennis: back-spin, volley, etc.).


Why the site Tennis4Advanced?

Tennis4Advanced covers – initially – especially of Topspin for the fact that today doesn’t seem to be clear which areactually the basis of topspin.

Today, after more than 40 years since the invention of the technique of topspin (Bjorn Borg), many players at recreational and competitive levels don’t seem to be clear in your mind what are the basics of this technique.

Most of the information found on the Web contain errors that are critical to running a good shot in topspin. And in some countries even the teachers of the National Federation does not have a clear idea of how you have to hit the ball to get topspin.

Tennis4Advanced was born to shed light about the basics of topspin.

guarantee of quality of content

Tennis4Advanced gave you his guarantee of the qualità of the istructions published, due to the fact that:

1) every technical detail is described also by the best experts in the field (such information to be found, scattered on the Web, on various sites).

2) each posture or movement described can be seen in the game of professional ATP (through the videos hosted on the site).

3) the effectiveness of the indications given here has been tested directly by the team of editors of Tennis4Advanced.

Trying you in person, you will realize how these techniques work. We welcome your questions and comments about the content displayed in Tennis4Advanced.

Synopsis of the content
Tennis4Advanced Projects

Tennis4Advanced produced some Projects related to the tennis world.

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