FreeWall Project

General qualities: a social initiative linked to sports and leisure,

● high social quality: (1) makes “popular”, with new plants, new modes of play and learning, Tennis, a still elite sport; (2) the public lands (parks, etc) become poles of socialization

easy and economical construction

important return of image (the initiative was created to become an international phenomenon – it is connected to a Social Network).

What’s this: these are areas in witch there are tennis walls (and optionally the fields of “mini-tennis”) scattered in the city (in public places: gardens/parks, parking lots, and other outdoors or indoors), which provide different types of service: events and activities (with ad hoc methods that facilitate, by a lot, even for children and the elderly the approach to Tennis) – tournaments for different age groups, etc.

In those areas are embedded elements such as kiosk-bar (which make the area a sort of “popular Tennis Club”).

Educational quality: the teaching method and practice of game designed specifically for the initiative have special pedagogical quality, leading children to develop values and personal qualities that other sports practiced today in school-age children are unable to induce.

For this reason are planned arrangements with schools that want to lead students to courses for beginners (there is the possibility to equip schools to the task, and to train teachers and students at the schools).

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