Today there is no worsening
of the Covid-19 situation:
on the contrary, the cases of disease
are now practically zero.
There is no point
in trying to reduce the infection when
(like in summer)
the virus is harmless
(the spread of infections
increases the immunity of the population)
Since today Covid-19 – also thanks to the summer season – is practically harmless,
talking about increased “cases” is a hoax
The hoax consists in the fact that when the institutions and the mainstream media talk about increasing cases (and about outbreaks, hot spots, …) they make us believe that it is an increase in the number of patients (or people with can infect other people). But actually
“Cases” are only the “harmless” carriers of the virus.
The fact is that
the increase in “cases”
is simply due to the increase in the amount of tests
done on the population.
(note that the projections made at the beginning of the epidemic already revealed that a large part of the population was infected – remember that only a small part of people infected with the virus develop the disease <see>).
The actual truth is therefore that
● today there is practically no danger of catching the “disease” of Covid-19 (no more than the possibility of catching the flu), or of infecting others.
● over time it has been discovered that Covid-19 is no more dangerous – deadly – than a normal flu <see>
That is, today the analysis of actual reality shows us how:
All the emergency measures against Covid-19
taken in summer 2020
are based on a macroscopic misunderstanding:
when we talk about an increase in cases because, in fact, we are not talking about a disease at all, but about the spread of a harmless virus: the data show us how, in fact, people no longer get sick.
From an analysis of the facts, therefore, the emergency measures:
● from the scientific point of view they appear to be literally without justification (them are false);
● and from a legal point of view, the “emergency measures” are illegal (they are in contrast with the Laws in force).
That is, even if Covid-19 were as dangerous as it is depicted – but it is not – there would still be no means of implementing measures such as the lockdown, or the obligation to wear a mask (the Western Constitutions would not allow it). <see “The measures taken, in addition to be unjustified, are illegal” >
Instead of “defending” oneself from Covid-19
it would be advisable
to take advantage of the harmlessness of the virus
to be “infected” and develop immunity.
The spread of the virus in the Society is now of great use, since it – while not representing any danger – makes it possible to make the population immune to the disease in the event that the virus returns to being aggressive.
Note that if the same annual Coronavirus tests had been done in the past few years, the same number of cases would have probably been found.
What is not said (but any doctor knows) is that:
● that Coronaviruses (basically flu viruses) become harmless in the summer season. In fact, “infected” people today do not risk getting sick, nor do the people who come into contact with them risk being infected.
● that in a seasonal epidemic, the vast majority of people get infected, but only a few get sick. (the projections made on the swabs made in the initial stages of the epidemic had in fact already demonstrated the numbers of “cases” added).