The result is that
Some rules of the new market
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Featured Contents
A selection of some of the most significant articles of TrendInsights.
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Some rules of new Market
Some rules that must be followed to develop effective strategies in the new Disruptive Innovation Market.
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INNOVA Inventions
TrendInsights works in synergy with INNOVA: a new generation of solutions that follows the new paradigm of disruptive innovation. INNOVA is looking for Partners.
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Governance Consulting/Advising
Consulting activity of Luca Bottazzi in the Government/Public Administration sector. Disruptive innovation of public sector tools and processes (and Smart City).
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Introductory Articles
Innovation Criteria - ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable innovation’≈
Today there is no critical reflection on the failures of the Market, and therefore it continues unabated to proceed WITH THE SAME MINDSET (PARADIGM) WHICH HAS PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. A reflection on the basic principles of sustainable innovation.
A third phase of the development of the modern (post-industrial) Company / Market is in progress. THE SOCIETY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS NOW MANAGED "BOTTOM UP". A new Economy based on Subsidiarity is developed, and A POST-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MODE THAT EXCEEDS THE "MASS PRODUCTION".
To understand how some "of the future" technologies (for example autonomous vehicles or artificial intelligence) cannot have the expected success in the future, it is necessary to understand the scenario in which they will have to fit into this future. <see The need to understand the future scenario to understand the value of disruptive projects > The fact is that if you can imagine the whole picture ot that scenario, you understand how many elements of it that currently appear…
Today there are two “parties” of the Market that act in different directions of Innovation (Sutanining and Disrultive), but apparently there is no real awareness of what the two ways of Innovation actually represent (the only fundamental contribution is the Clayton Christensen’s book in “Competing Against Luck”, in which he corrects his initial thesis: but the importance of this text seems not to have been understood). The fundamental question is that: 1) THE DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION OF WHICH MOST OF THE…
Innovation 2.0 intro - °The difficulty of understanding (to explain) the concept of radical change (disruptive innovation)
There is a lack of of the meaning of the terms referred to innovation like "radical", "different" ("disruptive"). This does not allow the majority of the Market Player to develop a truly salable value. These terms indicate a substantial difference, or something absolutely new which is found on a plan completely different from the previous one. but today efforts are being made to develop "different" strategies which, however, remain on the same level, on the same qualitative level as the…
THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATION IN ITSELF MUST BE RADICALLY CHANGED. Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).
► The concept of disruption is not an "invention" of someone, but the description of a real phenomenon that affects our civilization. ► THE DISRUPTION IS IN ITSELF A NEUTRAL CONCEPT: it is positive for those who adapt to changes, and strongly negative for who remains on previous Models.
It is useless to try to bring innovation into companies that are not themselves innovated (which are structured on an obsolete mindset). The innovation currently needed - radical innovation also called disruptive innovation - cannot be born where there is no executive level from the disruptive mindset. . In order to develop truly innovative products, the executive level must have a highly innovative mentality, otherwise the decisions of the executive level do not allow to develop a real innovation:…
We live in an era of profound and rapid changes, in a breaking point° in the evolution of the Market: a Disruption Age° in which the Business Models are radically transformed (strategies, structures, etc.). Naturally, since it is a disruption, it is necessary a radical change on a cultural level to get used to thinking in disruptive mode (lateral thinking). The phases of the Disruptive innovation process: the Lateral thinking <see Decalogue of Rulesof Disruptive innovation> In order to effectively…
The meaning of Disruptive Innovation (not yet fully understood) of “Job to be done” (service performed by the Product for the Customer) derives from the fact that the creator of the Theory, Clayton Christensen, was firmly convinced that man's purpose is to help the next (he was also a Missionary). Christensen in fact reintroduces the concept of business as a purpose to create something that can improve the Customer to improve his existence. . If you follow the development of…
In the first place it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the term innovation [ see ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable innovation ] RADICAL INNOVATION AND NOT IMPROVEMENT PERFORMANCES OF EXISTING PRODUCTS The competitive advantage of the Product is no longer in improving the current types of products, BUT IN RADICALLY NEW PRODUCTS, “NEW THING°” [which then enter a market in which them literally find no competition].. In other words, it is about putting most of the…
- Disruptive innovation in practice [1]: what are the criteria for evaluating Disruptive Innovation?
The redefinition of the term Disruptive by its "inventor" the essence of Disruptive Innovation it's not disruption (disorder, destruction) But it is THE "USEFUL VALUE" THAT THE PRODUCT DEVELOPES FOR THE CUSTOMER To understand what are the criteria of Disruptive Innovation it is first of all necessary to know that the "inventor" of the term, Clayton Christensen, regretted having used the term Disrutpive (since according to this definition today we focus on the negative meaning of the term, and the…
Today we read (increasingly often) that Disruptive Innovation is not what Business really needs. Or even we hear that the principles of Disruptive Innovation are false arguments, and are spread to create chaos in the Market, and weaken the established business. Whether these statements are true or not, WE ARE AT THE POINT WHERE IT IS NECESSARY TO VERIFY (OR REFUTE) THE VALIDITY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION. In this regard, it is not a question of answering…
Today we live in a very critical condition for the Market: the established Business survivesonly thanks to typical expedientsof the Market phase in declineand not thanksto the development of actual product quality In this condition the Business is not able to tune in new Demand, and therefore the current Customers will most likely be subtracted from them by the new Startups that develop functional innovation for the new Market. The seriousness of the problem lies in the fact that none…
INTRODUCTION: THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE MEANING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE MARKET (OF THE BUSINESS) Today, most of the big Companies' strategies are bankrupt. This also applies to companies that initially dominated the new disruptive innovation Market (as it is today for Apple's iPhone and Airbnb). The problem is that today a clear awareness is lacking what are the rules of the new market. This unconsciousness leads to the creation of serious misunderstandings: most Companies think they are going…
Disruptive Innovation require new Disruptive Criteria. A Table of Keypoints aimed at a diagnostic assessments of Business innovation capacity.
Today, the many failures derive precisely from the lack of understanding of the essence of Disruptive innovation: The purpose of the Guidelines is to CLARIFY WHAT THE DISRUTPIVE INNOVATION REALLY IS. You can easily evaluate THE RESPONSE OF A BUSINESS TO THE RULES OF THE DISRUTPIVE INNOVATION
The Market innovation required today is Disruptive Innovation. Competitive advantage of the Product is no longer in improving the current types of products, but in radically new products, “New thing”. Today there are a lot of misunderstanding about Disruptive Innovation. Misunderstanding that lead to the failure of the strategies of most big players <see Why does innovation fail today?> <see The basic misunderstanding on Real (Disruptive) Innovation> See also the .COMPARATIVE TABLE of Keypoints of Disrutpive / Sustaining Innovation that…
Disruptive innovation is a “revolution” of the context in which it operates: this means “radical change” (from the roots) of culture, of the mindset used up to that point (change of operating principles, of conception of values, of a design approach, of types of communication, etc.).
There are at least two types of innovation, the one incompatible with the other: ► incremental innovation (a linear evolution made of an increase in the performance of models of consolidated products). And ► disruptive innovation (which consists of a "revolution" of the context of linear innovation paradigm - examples are: the car that replaces the horse carriages, and the airplane that replaces the dirigible in civil aviation). Today there is a SERIOUS MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE MEANING OF DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION,…
the consolidated companies of the market literally can’t develop disruptive innovation within them. they are the object of disruption, and therefore can not be the subject. the problem: ● lack of “intuition” ● lack of culture of (real) innovation. a real (disruptive) innovation can only come with a fresh start, from new comers.
Today there is no real innovation (attractive and sustainable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration. ► the Public Administration continues to be oriented towards costly (insustanable) solutions ► the Big Players of the Market continue to develop a pseudo-innovation █ THE LACK OF A VALUE-ORIENTED INNOVATION (effectively useful and sustainable): it is necessary TO RESET THE INNOVATION.
The current Companies cannot really transform themselves. In order to respond to the new Demand it is necessary 1) to develop a new generation of products radically different from the current ones. 2) to develop this type of products it is first necessary to radically change oneself. . The problem is that the innovation needed today is disruptive, which means "REVOLUTION" THE EXISTING (deconstructs it, destroys it) AND THEN CREATE SOMETHING RADICALLY NEW IN ITS PLACE. And therefore WHO IS…
Main Articles [ordered by Date]
Today there is no truly sustainable approach to Mobility, so - it is "too-short-blanket-problem" - solving problems for one type of people, others are created for other types of citizens. A "global", multi-disciplinary approach to the problem is therefore necessary,…
The meaning of Disruptive Innovation (not yet fully understood) of “Job to be done” (service performed by the Product for the Customer) derives from the fact that the creator of the Theory, Clayton Christensen, was firmly convinced that man's purpose…
In times of rapid change, the needs of consumers are constantly evolving. That is, the Users, using innovative products (which allow new ways of satisfying their needs), gradually increase their awareness of what new technologies (and the new practices connected…
Today there are two “parties” of the Market that act in different directions of Innovation (Sutanining and Disrultive), but apparently there is no real awareness of what the two ways of Innovation actually represent (the only fundamental contribution is the…
Today we read (increasingly often) that Disruptive Innovation is not what Business really needs. Or even we hear that the principles of Disruptive Innovation are false arguments, and are spread to create chaos in the Market, and weaken the established…
Companies are prisoners of the same narrative with which they deal with customers. . The fact is that the incumbents have created a cultural dimension of "abstractness" that allows Marketers a "persuasion through fiction" to purchase (which induces the Customer…
The redefinition of the term Disruptive by its "inventor" the essence of Disruptive Innovation it's not disruption (disorder, destruction) But it is THE "USEFUL VALUE" THAT THE PRODUCT DEVELOPES FOR THE CUSTOMER To understand what are the criteria of Disruptive…
We must first remember that the Innovation evolved in two phases: 1. a linear innovation (also called Sustaining Innovation) in which the improvement of technologies was fundamental. 2. a generational leap (as in the "Revolutions" of History) in which innovation…
The problem is not whether the theory of Disrutpive Innovation. But it is “if a radical innovation (which is called in different ways, and also Disruptive Innovation) is truly necessary for the Business”. The question is not about the numbers…
I think it is necessary to clarify that: 1) today there is very little Disrutpive Innovation - what there is is an application by a few successful Startups. But the great majority of Startups are fake D.I. <see.Be careful: most…
Today, the many failures derive precisely from the lack of understanding of the essence of Disruptive innovation: The purpose of the Guidelines is to CLARIFY WHAT THE DISRUTPIVE INNOVATION REALLY IS. You can easily evaluate THE RESPONSE OF A BUSINESS…
In the current disruption market phase, in which the Society is going through a period of radical change in every sector of social life (and of production activities) Innovation needs to be developed in a brand new general Ecosystem. In…
One of the problems of interpreting consumer needs is that in moments of change like the current one (disruption) THE NEEDS ARE MOST PARTLY HIDDEN TO THE USERS. Those needs are a "hidden demand". This is due to the fact…
Disruptive Innovation require new Disruptive Criteria. A Table of Keypoints aimed at a diagnostic assessments of Business innovation capacity.
The market is therefore in crisis because it is no longer able to sell products that provide almost entirely benefits to producers (who no longer respect the Law of Supply and Demand). Basically, it is one of those phases of…
Currently in the market there is the rule of developing product according to Planned obsolescence ("death by design" of the product). That is according to the idea of increasing sales volumes by shortening the life of the product (shortening the…
We live in a time of profound social, market and government changes, which are the cause of a profound crisis (social chaos, economic crisis, etc.). An economic crisis of the Market and Public Administration that has lasted for years, for…
INTRODUCTION: THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE MEANING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE MARKET (OF THE BUSINESS) Today, most of the big Companies' strategies are bankrupt. This also applies to companies that initially dominated the new disruptive innovation Market (as it…
In developing a strategy of Disruptive innovation WHEN EVEN JUST A PART OF THE "OLD RULES" IS INTRODUCED, CONDITIONS ARE CREATED FOR THIS STRATEGY TO BE A FAILURE. Even when there is a potentially winning idea at the base of…
One of the problems of the current Market (del Incumbents) is that in it, at the same time, the Customers are Over-served and Under-served. In other words, with current products, Customers are over-serverved in terms of technical performance, but they…
Today, Sustainable innovation is wrongly conceived as a quality of correctness. An ideological level in which the focus is placed on issues apparently of Social Impact, which in fact do not bring real benefits to Consumers (and not even to…
The new phase of the market will be based on a Value-oriented innovation characterized by new Business models (from a new Value proposition). That is, the products that will be successful will be those WHICH CAN OFFER A REAL USEFUL…
Today we often fall into a fatal misunderstanding: to think that whoever is a successful big company today has followed the rules of the nascent Market(of Disruptive innovation). In reality, today we are living in a transition phase in which…
Today Consultants claim to PROVIDE ADVISES ON THE DISRUTPIVE INNNOVATION WITHOUT FOLLOWING, THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION ► The return to the innovation dimension of the past ► The “cultural question” (why the need for disruptive innovation)
In the Disruptive Age market, in order to satisfy the new Demand first of allit is necessary to redefine your mindset. In order to be able to conceive products that represent the leap forward that it is necessary today to…
We live in a historical moment like those that preceded the phases of radical change as it was, for example, for the French Revolution: people live a situation that has become intolerable, and therefore are driven by a strong need…
Today the market is in crisis due to a wrong interpretation of the change taking place. This happens because the New is interpreted with an old Culture. . One of the most important problems of the market is currently…
There are at least two types of innovation, the one incompatible with the other: ► incremental innovation (a linear evolution made of an increase in the performance of models of consolidated products). And ► disruptive innovation (which consists of a…
To understand how some "of the future" technologies (for example autonomous vehicles or artificial intelligence) cannot have the expected success in the future, it is necessary to understand the scenario in which they will have to fit into this future.…
Can Autonomous Vehicles be successful products in the current Disruption Market? Short Aswer: AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE DOES NOT REPRESENT DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION <see Why developing technologies are incompatible with disrutpive innovation> And more generally Hi-techs (developing Technologies) do not allow the development…
► THAT DEVELOPED TODAY BY THE MARKET IS NOT A REAL INNOVATION: IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE ► the market must perform a quantum leap – a shift paradigm – in which they can radically change the business.
. To understand the validity of truly innovative ideas (for example disruptive innovation) IT IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL BE THE SCENARIO IN WHICH THEY WILL INSERT (also modified in a disrutpive way) . Obviously, the future scenarios (the…
We are at a breaking point° (disruption point °) of the evolution of the Market (of the Western Society): change (radical, disruptive)TODAY IT IS NOT AN OPTION,BUT ONE NEED(or change, or you are out of the market). Change today is…
To be able to develop a real Disruptive innovation there is need for an Ecosystem that favors this form of innovation. In fact, disruptive innovation requires disruptive instruments at two levels (ie two different types of Ecosystem): ● for production:…
The new phase of the Market will be characterized by a new production mode that "Revolutionizes" the current methods: Smart Manufacturing. The current conception of Industry 4.0 does not represent a real innovation at all. It is necessary to take…
The case of Flying Cars One of the most significant cases of unsustainable "futurist" products is probably that of Flying Cars (but the cases of Autonomous Vehicles, or electric city cars, present the same basic problems, albeit in different…
Market sectors are not changing quickly, BUT THEY ARE CHANGING IN A DISRUPTIVE WAY In disruptivity there is no change in the current sectors of the Market, but there is the replacement of one sector by another (completely new). That…
Joints between Businesses and Public Sector institutions are part of the world today in rapid "disruption". In other words, this is the phase of evolution of our Society defined Crony Capitalism, which proposes a soft variant of the totalitarian "social…
● What IS and what IS NOT disrutpive innovation ● Why developing technologies are incompatible with disrutpive innovation ● What to do?
What are the reasons why the Incumbents are unable to innovate and regain sales success? . One of the reasons is the existence, within them, of an Immune System that prevents them from innovating. <see also Why the big…
Featured Articles
Innovation Criteria - ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable innovation’≈
Today there is no critical reflection on the failures of the Market, and therefore it continues unabated to proceed WITH THE SAME MINDSET (PARADIGM) WHICH HAS PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. A reflection on the basic principles of sustainable innovation.
A third phase of the development of the modern (post-industrial) Company / Market is in progress. THE SOCIETY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS NOW MANAGED "BOTTOM UP". A new Economy based on Subsidiarity is developed, and A POST-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MODE THAT EXCEEDS THE "MASS PRODUCTION".
Smart Manufacuring (Ind 4.0+) - *Towards a radically new model of Industry 4.0: introduction to a Smart Fabrication plan (FabLab 2.0)
The Fab Labs are part of the Market that is now at sunset (a failed Model). But from some qualities of Fab Labs new Business Models can be born (and new ways of Production/Distribution).
In developing a strategy of Disruptive innovation WHEN EVEN JUST A PART OF THE "OLD RULES" IS INTRODUCED, CONDITIONS ARE CREATED FOR THIS STRATEGY TO BE A FAILURE. Even when there is a potentially winning idea at the base of the product, if in the strategies a key element of the declining Market is introduced (Sustaining Innovation), the product cannot develop its potential in the nascent Market. This because the two forms of innovation that we seek to integrate ARE…
Today there are two “parties” of the Market that act in different directions of Innovation (Sutanining and Disrultive), but apparently there is no real awareness of what the two ways of Innovation actually represent (the only fundamental contribution is the Clayton Christensen’s book in “Competing Against Luck”, in which he corrects his initial thesis: but the importance of this text seems not to have been understood). The fundamental question is that: 1) THE DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION OF WHICH MOST OF THE…
THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATION IN ITSELF MUST BE RADICALLY CHANGED. Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).
[Summary] Ecology is today one of the sectors in which disruption is most evident. ► IN THE CURRENT HIGHLY DISRUPTIVE CONTEXT IT IS NECESSARY TO INTERVENE WITH AS MUCH AS DISRUPTIVE SOLUTIONS It is not possible to solve a problem with the same "philosophy" (mindset) and tools that have created it: you incur the classic "too short blanket" problem in which you always creates collateral damage. We continue to generate problems that will eventually render the solution useless: the problem…
► The concept of disruption is not an "invention" of someone, but the description of a real phenomenon that affects our civilization. ► THE DISRUPTION IS IN ITSELF A NEUTRAL CONCEPT: it is positive for those who adapt to changes, and strongly negative for who remains on previous Models.
It is useless to try to bring innovation into companies that are not themselves innovated (which are structured on an obsolete mindset). The innovation currently needed - radical innovation also called disruptive innovation - cannot be born where there is no executive level from the disruptive mindset. . In order to develop truly innovative products, the executive level must have a highly innovative mentality, otherwise the decisions of the executive level do not allow to develop a real innovation:…
We live in an era of profound and rapid changes, in a breaking point° in the evolution of the Market: a Disruption Age° in which the Business Models are radically transformed (strategies, structures, etc.). Naturally, since it is a disruption, it is necessary a radical change on a cultural level to get used to thinking in disruptive mode (lateral thinking). The phases of the Disruptive innovation process: the Lateral thinking <see Decalogue of Rulesof Disruptive innovation> In order to effectively…
Can Autonomous Vehicles be successful products in the current Disruption Market? Short Aswer: AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE DOES NOT REPRESENT DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION <see Why developing technologies are incompatible with disrutpive innovation> And more generally Hi-techs (developing Technologies) do not allow the development of Disruptive Innovation . Unfortunately it is a condition with which it is not possible to reach a compromise, due to the intrinsic characteristics of such technologies, such as ● costs: one of the factors that makes disruptive solutions attractive.…
The contraction in sales derives from the basic set-up of company strategies, and not from contingent critical factors.. It is necessary to understand the difference between the original conception of Marketing and the current conception of it. ● Marketing originally operates before the product definition ● current marketing has an opposite action: it presents itself to the potential Customer having already with a product, and tries to find for it a reason to purchase the product
The meaning of Disruptive Innovation (not yet fully understood) of “Job to be done” (service performed by the Product for the Customer) derives from the fact that the creator of the Theory, Clayton Christensen, was firmly convinced that man's purpose is to help the next (he was also a Missionary). Christensen in fact reintroduces the concept of business as a purpose to create something that can improve the Customer to improve his existence. . If you follow the development of…
In the first place it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the term innovation [ see ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable innovation ] RADICAL INNOVATION AND NOT IMPROVEMENT PERFORMANCES OF EXISTING PRODUCTS The competitive advantage of the Product is no longer in improving the current types of products, BUT IN RADICALLY NEW PRODUCTS, “NEW THING°” [which then enter a market in which them literally find no competition].. In other words, it is about putting most of the…
- Disruptive innovation in practice [1]: what are the criteria for evaluating Disruptive Innovation?
The redefinition of the term Disruptive by its "inventor" the essence of Disruptive Innovation it's not disruption (disorder, destruction) But it is THE "USEFUL VALUE" THAT THE PRODUCT DEVELOPES FOR THE CUSTOMER To understand what are the criteria of Disruptive Innovation it is first of all necessary to know that the "inventor" of the term, Clayton Christensen, regretted having used the term Disrutpive (since according to this definition today we focus on the negative meaning of the term, and the…
Today we read (increasingly often) that Disruptive Innovation is not what Business really needs. Or even we hear that the principles of Disruptive Innovation are false arguments, and are spread to create chaos in the Market, and weaken the established business. Whether these statements are true or not, WE ARE AT THE POINT WHERE IT IS NECESSARY TO VERIFY (OR REFUTE) THE VALIDITY OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION. In this regard, it is not a question of answering…
Today we live in a very critical condition for the Market: the established Business survivesonly thanks to typical expedientsof the Market phase in declineand not thanksto the development of actual product quality In this condition the Business is not able to tune in new Demand, and therefore the current Customers will most likely be subtracted from them by the new Startups that develop functional innovation for the new Market. The seriousness of the problem lies in the fact that none…
Wrong Strategies - Does it really exist to the possibility of having an Artificial Intelligence? (the unsustainability of the AI) [1]
Can a “machine” actually make correct decisions? Science, with fundamentals principles (many Nobels) says NO. Let's see why.
INTRODUCTION: THE NEED TO CLARIFY THE MEANING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE MARKET (OF THE BUSINESS) Today, most of the big Companies' strategies are bankrupt. This also applies to companies that initially dominated the new disruptive innovation Market (as it is today for Apple's iPhone and Airbnb). The problem is that today a clear awareness is lacking what are the rules of the new market. This unconsciousness leads to the creation of serious misunderstandings: most Companies think they are going…
Disruptive Innovation require new Disruptive Criteria. A Table of Keypoints aimed at a diagnostic assessments of Business innovation capacity.
Today, the many failures derive precisely from the lack of understanding of the essence of Disruptive innovation: The purpose of the Guidelines is to CLARIFY WHAT THE DISRUTPIVE INNOVATION REALLY IS. You can easily evaluate THE RESPONSE OF A BUSINESS TO THE RULES OF THE DISRUTPIVE INNOVATION
fmobThe new Demand for Mobility requires non-hi-tech products, BUT SIMPLE PRODUCTS, FOR PERSONAL USE, producible at low cost. A new direction in the development of Automotive that, in the urban context, radically redefines vehicles and ways of traveling LiteMotive is a Sustainable Mobility Project which, on a global level, has a great competitive advantage compared to the current ones, being radically new compared to the current ones in each of its 4 specific components: ● low cost electric car, with…
In an era of profound changes, the concept of innovation itself must change. Today a substantial innovation is needed, which is able to develop a really-useful value for the Customer.
Today the market is in crisis due to a wrong interpretation of the change taking place. This happens because the New is interpreted with an old Culture. . One of the most important problems of the market is currently the INTERPRETATION OF THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN CHANGE IN ACT (ie "how much is it necessary to bring the fucus on the technology in creating new attractive products for the New Demand?"). The answer: contrary to what most Market…
The Market innovation required today is Disruptive Innovation. Competitive advantage of the Product is no longer in improving the current types of products, but in radically new products, “New thing”. Today there are a lot of misunderstanding about Disruptive Innovation. Misunderstanding that lead to the failure of the strategies of most big players <see Why does innovation fail today?> <see The basic misunderstanding on Real (Disruptive) Innovation> See also the .COMPARATIVE TABLE of Keypoints of Disrutpive / Sustaining Innovation that…
Disruptive innovation is a “revolution” of the context in which it operates: this means “radical change” (from the roots) of culture, of the mindset used up to that point (change of operating principles, of conception of values, of a design approach, of types of communication, etc.).
the consolidated companies of the market literally can’t develop disruptive innovation within them. they are the object of disruption, and therefore can not be the subject. the problem: ● lack of “intuition” ● lack of culture of (real) innovation. a real (disruptive) innovation can only come with a fresh start, from new comers.
Today there is no real innovation (attractive and sustainable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration. ► the Public Administration continues to be oriented towards costly (insustanable) solutions ► the Big Players of the Market continue to develop a pseudo-innovation █ THE LACK OF A VALUE-ORIENTED INNOVATION (effectively useful and sustainable): it is necessary TO RESET THE INNOVATION.
Fake Trends - The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1]
Today there seems to be a lot of confusion about the trends that are developing on the Market. That is, for each Trend, there are interpretations of a completely opposite sign. At the basis of everything there is - as often happens in modern culture - a semantic question, of meanings of terms. It happens that over time some terms that describe social aspects of human life take on a different meaning from the original one. The manipulation of the…
In the current Disruption Market phase, in which the Society is going through a period of radical change in every sector of social life (and production activities), innovation needs to be developed in a brand new general Ecosystem. In other words, any innovation of products and practices, so that it can produce truly useful results for the Customer (and the Society) must be able to be inserted in a new ecosystem that allows the product (good or service) in…
. To understand the validity of truly innovative ideas (for example disruptive innovation) IT IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL BE THE SCENARIO IN WHICH THEY WILL INSERT (also modified in a disrutpive way) . Obviously, the future scenarios (the development of new trends) that you need to be able to imagine cannot be understood using an obsolete mindset (the current one). <see The wrong interpretation of the Customer Experience > . To correctly frame what the development of the…
Innovation Criteria, Mobility 2.0 - The new direction of the innovation (in particular for the Automotive)
At a time when Demand is radically changing, the Goals of Business strategies must be radically changed.
Marketing 2.0 - The problems of the current Market strategies: towards a crowd participated Marketing
CURRENT MARKETING IS NOT ABLE TO INTERPRET THE NEW NEEDS OF CUSTOMERS. Thanks to Information Technologies today it is possible to change the role of Consumer by inserting them in the product development process.
The incorrect interpretation of the new trends is the underlying problem of the current market. In this way serious misunderstandings and failed strategies are created. It is a question not only of radically changing our strategies, but also of ADOPTING A NEW VISION. The need to recover the law of Supply and Demand.
The key to the development of technological solutions IS NOT THE TECHNOLOGY! The quantum leap of the Market of the disruptive innovation is re-defining a role of technologies.
Wrong Strategies - Why does innovation fail today? The inability to understand in new Customer Needs
► THAT DEVELOPED TODAY BY THE MARKET IS NOT A REAL INNOVATION: IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE ► the market must perform a quantum leap – a shift paradigm – in which they can radically change the business.
Joints between Businesses and Public Sector institutions are part of the world today in rapid "disruption". In other words, this is the phase of evolution of our Society defined Crony Capitalism, which proposes a soft variant of the totalitarian "social state" of real Socialism (Soviet Union or China). . It is not an academic question of business ethics. It is a question of taking note of the results obtained from this type of Market. The "statism" today is in serious…

Luca Bottazzi was ● Business Innovation Consultant ● owner of Web Agency.
And it is currently ● Smart Innovation Consultant for Governance and Public Administration >
He is also the author of analysis and reflections on modern Democracy, developing in this regard Vision and Mission original that represent a novelty in the sector (see “Beyond Social Democracy”, “Introduction to Direct Democracy”, “Towards a Welfare 2.0”). >