

Has Obama Already Bankrupted America? at US Action News

Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.” – Senator Barack Obama     By Michael Whipple, Editor usACTIONnews.com National debt per citizen has grown from about $34,083 per person to ,529 Read More

Socialism Breeds Tyranny and Disparity at US Action News

Occupiers decry capitalist “greed” yet ignore the greed of those who would use the force and power of big government to January 14, 2012   After the fall of the Czarist government in 1917, Vladimir Lenin, founder and leader of the Bolshevik Party, returned to Russia to seize power. The Marxists who would eventually rule Read More

Obama To Americans: You Don’t Deserve To Be Free

President Obama’s Kansas speech is a remarkable document. In calling for more government controls, more taxation, more collectivism, he has two paragraphs that give the show away. Take a look at them. there is a certain crowd in Washington who, for the last few decades, have said, let’s respond to this economic challenge with the Read More

La Magna Carta, 800 anni di libertà contro ogni statalismo | L’intraprendente

*Natural Rights, #Abuse of power          
Siamo così assuefatti al laudano dello statalismo che a qualsiasi istituzione politica della storia diamo invariabilmente sempre il nome di “Stato”. Nemmeno ci sfiora l’idea che una volta lo Stato non c’era. Ricordare dunque che esattamente 800 anni fa, una vera “eternità”, il 15 giugno 1215, a Runnymede, in Inghilterra, veniva siglata la “Magna Carta” Read More

Banniamo Umberto Eco | L’intraprendente

Quello che ci è venduto come il nostro miglior intellettuale, se la prende coi social network che "danno diritto di parola a legioni di imbecilli". Un caso di luddismo dispotico e illiberale, ovviamente in nome della superiorità morale dell’intellò…Un mio amico, noto sociologo, dice che Umberto Eco si è sempre trovato dalla parte sbagliata nelle Read More

121 murders attributed to illegals released by Obama administration Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

More than 100 immigrants whom the Obama administration released back into the community went on to be charged with subsequent killings, according to government data released Monday that raises more questions about whether immigration authorities are doing enough to detail illegal immigrants awaiting deportation. In one case, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement acknowledged that its Read More

Elementary School Bans ‘Cartwheels’ & ‘Handstands’ to ‘Safeguard’ Students – Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Students at a Plymouth, England, elementary school are no longer allowed to perform “cartwheels” and “handstands” after administrators deemed the moves too advanced for children. According to the Plymouth Herald, the Old Priory Primary Academy banned all “gymnastic movements” this week after administrators reported minor injuries among several students. Emma Hermon-Wright, the school’s interim headteacher, Read More

“Government Is Waging A Perpetual War Against Human Nature… They Can Never Win” | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via Armstrong Economics blog, The one war that never ends is how people constantly try to fight the trend. The ECB will buy bad government debt they created instead of doing what was necessary from the start – consolidate all state debt. That would have enabled the Euro to be a Read More

Abolishing Cash – The New Age Of Economic Totalitarianism | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via Armstrong Economics, Europe is moving full speed ahead to eliminate all cash.   Instead of reforming and tackling the economic problems, government always seeks to maintain the same course of thinking that now leads us to the totalitarian approach coming from Brussels. To maintain the euro, they must maintain the Read More

“Bureaucracy Is Out Of Control,” Martin Armstrong Blasts “Obama Should Just Resign” | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via Armstrong Economics, Obama should just resign. He is outrageous. He supported the NSA and has claimed the CIA does not spy on Congress. Well, the Inspector General has released his report and oops – yes the CIA spies on Congress. Let’s get real here. I have reported that for 2 Read More

Mises Weekends | Mises Institute

Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive, but you wouldn’t know it after the whitewashing job he’s suffered at the hands of the federal government and the mainstream financial press. The man who in the 1980s and 90s had central bankers and politicians calling him for advice is now scrubbed from Read More

Martin Armstrong’s “The Forecaster” Movie Now Available And A Must See – Jeff Berwick – Liberty.me

Any movie about the corruption of the US government and the US financial system that is blacklisted in the US is bound to get our attention. “The Forecaster” is exactly that.  It’s a movie about Martin Armstrong’s amazingly accurate forecasting system called the Economic Confidence Model and how he was jailed for nearly a decade, Read More

Ex-US Intelligence Officials Confirm: Secret Pentagon Report Proves US Complicity In Creation Of ISIS | Zero Hedge

Two weeks ago, courtesy of the investigative work of Nafeez Ahmed whose deep dig through a recently declassified and formertly Pentagon documents released earlier by Judicial Watch FOIA, we learned that Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad. In his words: “According to the newly Read More

L’America che condanna Ulbricht non è più l’America di Jefferson – il Blog di Carlo Lottieri

30mag 15 Condannato all’ergastolo: con scarsissime (per non dire nulle) possibilità di vedere modificata una sentenza tanto pesante. È questa la pena che è stata inflitta a Ross Ulbricht, il fondatore di Silk Road, una piattaforma libera usata essenzialmente per sviluppare tutta una serie di commerci “illegali”. Ma qui è il problema. Per quale motivo, Read More

The Secret Betrayal (Review)

The Secret Betrayal, Nikolai Tolstoy, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978. 503 pages. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-684-15635-0. Reviewed by Charles Lutton From 1943 until early 1947 Western countries, led by Britain and the United States, returned nearly two and a half million prisoners of war and refugees to the Soviet Union, regardless of their individual wishes. Additional thousands Read More