▶ Education For Obedience
10 years ago
IMPORTANT CLARIFICATIONS: I should point out that this video is not attacking the idea of education itself, nor is it blaming teachers for what the system requires them to do. It is criticising the *format* of education, state or private, in a state-capitalist society. I do not reject the idea that education ought to be provided for people according to need. Education can cultivate reason, independent thought, and creativity within a decent environment – just not a capitalist one!
So what are the alternatives? John Dewey’s ideas about education would be a good base to build from. Learning should be a process in which the learner actively participates, rather than passively receives information. Learning based on group discussion, practice by doing, and teaching others would be a good start. Alfie Kohn also has some interesting ideas about what you should look for in a decent education system.
Alfie Kohn – What to Look for in a Classroom:
Alfie Kohn – Progressive Education: Why It’s Hard to Beat, But Also Hard to Find
John Dewey – Democracy and Education