test 2024 anchor list post SPIAGGIA … Citizen Engagement Localism anchor Crisi e rinascita della Società occidentale [vol.1] LA SOCIETÀ DI ORDINE NATURALE myAnalysis myConcept govt: methods Bottom-up Government Democracy: principles/rules Localism Participation BY the People *Direct/Participatory Democracy *Diritti *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento Socialism Problems Socialist ideology long ►Primary @PolSpont-Potere Assoluto
Introduzione alla Politica Spontanea (Politica dei Cittadini) … Citizen Engagement govt: methods "In parallel" government Citizens' Initiatives Participation *Bottom-up Government *Direct/Participatory Democracy *IRDB *Politica Spontanea *Reboot çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT)
Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens <see my text “Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens“> vedi anche <see my text “Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement … Citizen Engagement Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens govt: methods "In parallel" government Bottom-up Government Citizens' Initiatives Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) *Bottom-up Government *IRDB ►Primary
Politics 2.0 – the new form of bottom-up politics … Citizen Engagement anchor Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens mySolution govt: methods Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) *Bottom-up Government *IRDB ►Primary