edit CAMBIA LINK post list ■ edit W4 list
ricorda che molto è ancora nelle parti bozza
*Bottom-up Government -
*Direct/Participatory Democracy -
*Reboot -
*PsycoPolitics -
*Filosophy/Psychology -
*Innovation (Disruptive): concepts -
*Culture -
*Socialism (Soc-Dem) -
*Democracy -
Socialist ideology -
*Localism 2.0 -
Socialism Problems -
*Authoritarism/Top-down -
*Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento -
*Dissident/Opposition -
*Innovation -
*Media/Information -
*IRDB: solutions -
*Politica Spontanea -
*Totalitarism -
*Welfare -
*New Politics -
*Change Strategies -
Socialist Revolution -
*Representation -
çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) -
çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) -
*Federalism 2.0 -
*Market: Crowdization -
*Crowdization -
*History -
*OGP -
*Market -
*Market: structures e strategies -
*Innovation (Disruptive): solutions -
Traditions -
Conservatorism -
çç1)█ no more ELECTIONS -
*Economy 2.0 -
*Ecology -
social -
*Justice -
*Filosophy -
Disrupt -
Market: concepts -
Top-Down Government -
*Human Rights -
*Finance/Globalsim -
Politicians interests -
*State violence -
*New Bloodless Revolution -
*Taxation -
Transition fase -
*Social-democracy problems -
*Diritti -
Auth -
Bottom-up Politics -
*Crowd Activities -
spontanea -
►► - = +secondary ● # test ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go - doc- keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● #Repressione Freud ..cont-non funziona ... https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/writings/?p=404#repressionefreud cerca in Beyond Freud, il pensatore che ha modellato la visione moderna del funzionamento della coscienza umana, ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il falso ideologico rispetto ai concetti cardine della Democrazia ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Il falso ideologico rispetto ai concetti cardine della Democrazia"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultura - tag: Sovranità - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *IDEOLOGY, Socialist ideology - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: Diritti, Libertà, rappresentanza, sovranità ▬
►► - = + ● index: disruptive innovatione posts ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go Disrupt - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● La riforma del Sistema sociale come risultato della attivazione della Democrazia partecipata (premesse) ..cont-<see my text "The reform of the social system as a result of activation of participatory democracy (premises)"> Sussidiarietà e recupero del Volontariat - PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE COME SERVIZIO AL CITTADINO - il ripensamento del concetto di trasparenza (trasparenza attiva) ..brief-c'è già il cap "Sussidiarietà e recupero del Volontariato" - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione - tag: Transparency - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Welfare - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● nuovo > Democrazia vs Socialismo (Social Democrazia) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Democracy vs Socialism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - FARE>nuovo post go *Democracy, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● nuovo > In Socialism the State is Sovereign ç_socialismo ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● PRINCIPLE OF INNOVATION (pitch) [From Manifesto of Innovation] ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of the Establishment of Politics ..cont-<see my article "Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of the Establishment of Politics"> ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government - tag: meta-rules of Democracy, Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original), Swamp - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB, *New Politics, *Reboot, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Subsidiarity and recovery of volunteering ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Today it is counterproductive to use the traditional method: rebellion – The need to define a new constructive way to change ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Conflictual mode, Constructive mode - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *IRDB - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor US Democracy was born with the idea of not having a national government ..cont-<see my text "US Democracy was born with the idea of not having a national government"> ..brief- - subcat: Federalism - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *History - doc-Why a new Government mode (of Politics) is required: the incorrect conception of the Vote keyw.: Anti-Federalists ▬
govt: structure
►► - = + ● “private” solutions of interactive citizenship but integrable with the institutions (PA) ..cont-<see my text "private" solutions of interactive citizenship but integrable with the institutions (PA)"> Ǿ - go la necessità di favorire (incubare) una nuova dimensione di Welfare partecipato - ESEMPI DI SOLUZIONI DI INTERACTIVE CITIZENSHIP “PRIVATE” (di servizi creati dai cittadini complementari a quelli pubblici) - esempi di soluzioni-utilities che MIGLIORANO LA QUALITÀ DELLA VITA URBANA - esempi di soluzioni nel SETTORE DELLA SICUREZZA E DELLE GARANZIE SOCIALI ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Local Politics, Localism, PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Welfare 2.0 - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB: solutions, *Localism 2.0, *Welfare - doc- keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● (3) Participation: Solutions of OPEN GOVERNMENT PLATFORM ita ..cont-STRUMENTI DI POLITICA PARTECIPATA (POLITICA 2. WELFARE 2.0 (WELFARE PARTECIPATO)… ..brief-ATTNZIONE qui soluzioni precedentue da breve intro, un po' meno approfondite (metti la intro nell'altro) - subcat: Participation - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IRDB: solutions, *Market: Crowdization, *OGP - doc-(3) Participation: Solutions [consult] keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● ∙Redefine the City concept (Placemaking) ..cont-<see my text "Redefine the concept of the city (Urban Urban governance – Placemaking)"> (riforma della governance cittadina – riformare la Urban governance) - la necessità di offrire un percorso esperienziale - Placemaking: partire dagli spazi pubblici dei cittadini - rimettere il territorio delle città in mano all’uomo - Decentramento dell’amministrazione e interventi “dal basso” in modalità sussidiata - l’importanza di riportare il livello locale alla dimensione del quartiere ..brief- - subcat: City 2.0, Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Needs, PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Participation, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Urban Governance - tag: Percorso esperienziale - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Localism 2.0 - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● a. Solutions for Participated Government and Administration (Welfare 2.0) ita ..cont-STRUMENTI DI POLITICA PARTECIPATA (POLITICA 2. WELFARE 2.0 (WELFARE PARTECIPATO) <see my text "Solutions for Participated Government and Administration (Welfare 2.0)"> ..brief-ATTENZIONE IL TESTO è ANCHE NELL'ATRO POST: (3) Participation: Solutions - MA QUI CI SONO PIù DETTAGLI - subcat: "In parallel" government, PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Rappresentanza - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Innovation, *IRDB: solutions, *Market: Crowdization, *OGP - doc-a. Solutions for Participated Government and Administration (Welfare 2.0) keyw.: ▬
►► - mySolution = +►Primary ● anchor Bottom Up Reform Initiative (Open Government Platform) – A Project for the realization of a bottom-up Reform of Democracy (thanks to new technologies) ..cont-MAIN <see my text "Bottom Up Reform Initiative (Open Government Platform) – A Project for the realization of a bottom-up Reform of Democracy"> ..brief-la sintesi 2020 di Bottom Up Reform Initiative - subcat: - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB, *Reboot, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc-How to set up Democracy reset keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Bottom-up Initiatives (“cultural” and research) to strengthen the position of “dissidents” ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Operative solutions - tag: Crowdsourcing trend - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Media/Information - doc-How to define a new approach to dissident information keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Creation of “private” services of public utility alternative to those of the P.A. ..cont-<see my text "Creation of "private" services of public utility alternative to those of the P.A."> ..brief- - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● FEDERALISM 2.0: the new model of Participatory Democracy ..cont-excerpt ● Introduction to the Open Government Platform project ► FEDERALISM 2.0: the new model of Participatory Democracy ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Federalism, Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Federalism 2.0 - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Introduction to the Open Government Platform project ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *OGP - doc-Introduction to the Open Government Platform project keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Le due fasi della Politica dei Cittadini (dal punto di vista operativo) ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Bottom-up Government, Democracy 2.0, Local Politics, Localism, Participation, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Rappresentanza, Representation 2.0, Sovra-Local Govt, Urban Governance - tag: 2 fasi, due fasi - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Innovation, *Politica Spontanea, *Reboot, *Representation, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Localism as a natural quality of Democracy ..cont-forse il MAIN, articolo completo LUNGO su peculiarità dei problemi locali, e significati di Libertà, Leggi e Ideologia errata .. <see article "Localism as a natural quality of Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs - tag: Localism, Solve citizens' problems - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0 - doc- keyw.: località dei problemi ▬
►► - = + ● anchor New technologies allow the recovery of governance “by The People” at national level ..cont-Legato alla Politica repubblicana USA, Federalismo, .. la parte puramente tecnologica è nell'altro Link "The “Bottom Up Reform Initiative” project: the technologies at the service of the citizen" ..brief-Legato alla situazione americana - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up), Technologies - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *IRDB: solutions - doc-Why a new Government mode (of Politics) is required: the incorrect conception of the Vote keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Policies 2.0 <0>: the misunderstanding underlying the failure of the “Participatory policies” ita ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IRDB - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● anchor Real Democracy has always worked only locally ..cont-Ǿ - go ●How to set up Democracy reset ►real Democracy has always worked only locally secondario <see my text "Real Democracy has always worked only locally"> il main è LOCALISM AS A NATURAL QUALITY OF DEMOCRACY ..brief-MINORE !!! un punto di altro link: he meta-principles to be restored in the first place - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Real Dem., Sovra-Local Govt - tag: Localism, meta-rules of Democracy - bottom-up - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0 - doc-How to set up Democracy reset keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Redefine the concept of the city (Urban Urban governance – Placemaking) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Local Politics, Localism - tag: Decentralization, Localism, Placemoaking, Subsidiarity - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IRDB, *Localism 2.0 - doc-Redefine the concept of the city keyw.: ▬
►► - mySolution = + ● Representation Initiative 2.0 (Direct Representation): a new real democratic Representation model ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Representation 2.0 - tag: Direct Representation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Representation - doc-REPRESENTATION INITIATIVE 2.0: A NEW REAL DEMOCRATIC REPRESENTATION MODEL keyw.: ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● Synopsis of the Open Government Platform Project ..cont-OCCHIO, CREDO CHE SIA RIPETUTA IN ALTRI LINK-ANCHE -- SINOSSI LUNGA CHE VERTE SULLE SOLUZIONI - Brief di sol. come Spending Rew. e Partecip. Schools, Mob. Urbana .... <see my document "Synopsis of the Open Government Platform Project"> ..brief-(VECCHIO MA CREDO BUONO - in Consulting) abbastanza lungo - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Citizens' Initiatives, Local Politics, Participation - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB, *IRDB: solutions - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The “Bottom Up Reform Initiative” project: the technologies at the service of the Citizen ..cont-<see my text "The “Bottom Up Reform Initiative” project: the technologies at the service of the Citizen"> ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Citizens' Initiatives, Technologies - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB: solutions - doc-Why a new Government mode (of Politics) is required: the incorrect conception of the Vote keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The fundamental criteria of Democracy: solve citizens’ problems (locally) ita ..cont-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY ► The fundamental criteria of Democracy: there are issues that affect Citizens ▬ https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/writings/?p=164#toc19 (ita) <see my Document "The fundamental criteria of Democracy: solve citizens' problems (locally"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs - tag: Solve citizens' problems - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0 - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: località dei problemi ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● The impossibility of having a real Democracy at the national level > Una nuova forma di rappresentanza a livello nazionale ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Rappresentanza, Sovra-Local Govt - tag: Localism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Representation - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The levels of Government in Direct Democracy loc (non c’è URL !!!) ..cont-● INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY ► The levels of Government in Direct Democracy ▬ https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/writings/?p=164#toc35 (ita) - <see my Document “The levels of government in Direct Democracy”> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0 - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Towards a Welfare 2.0: the causes of the current welfare crisis ..cont- ..brief-il documento MAIN sul Welfare 2.0 - subcat: "In parallel" government, Bottom-up Government, Democracy 2.0, Difetti della Social-Democrazia, Participation, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Welfare 2.0 - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB, *Welfare - doc-Towards a Welfare 2.0 keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Ulteriore analisi del sistema di opere pubbliche “dal basso” ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Ulteriore analisi del sistema di opere pubbliche “dal basso”"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Volunteering/Volontariato - tag: Human factor, Lavori Pubblici, Localism, Village welfare - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0, *Welfare - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● WELFARE 2.0 (WELFARE PARTECIPATO) ita ..cont-doppio ??? praticamente non si parla di Tecnologie <vedi mio testo "Welfare 2.0 (welfare partecipato)"> ..brief-qui le Soluzioni, la TEORIA nell'altro, Towards a Welfare 2.0 - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Participation, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Welfare 2.0 - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB: solutions, *Welfare - doc-a. Solutions for Participated Government and Administration (Welfare 2.0) keyw.: ▬
ideol: caratteristiche
►► - = + ● anchor Alcune riflessioni sul concetto di morale: l’assenza di realta’ nel pensiero ideologico ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Alcune riflessioni sul concetto di morale: l’assenza di realtà nel pensiero ideologico"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, Socialist ideology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor I meccanismi psicologici delle strategie di gestione delle masse ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "I meccanismi psicologici delle strategie di gestione delle masse"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Mass Manipulation, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, *Totalitarism, Socialist ideology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Ideological politics replaced real politics (the applications of Socialism have never worked) ..cont-<see my articles "Ideological politics replaced real politics (the applications of Socialism have never worked)"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Democracy vs Socialism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IDEOLOGY, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Il difetto nel manico: l’intrinsecità della fallimentarietà della Social-democrazia ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go social - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Il problema culturale (demagogico) dietro la difficoltà di realizzare la Democrazia diretta ..cont-<vedi testo "Il problema culturale (demagogico) dietro la difficoltà di realizzare la Democrazia diretta"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Demagogy, Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Culture - doc-INTRODUZIONE ALLA DEMOCRAZIA DIRETTA: UN POSSIBILE PERCORSO DI RIFORMA DELLA SOCIAL-DEMOCRAZIA CHE PERMETTA ALLA DEMOCRAZIA EUROPEA DI USCIRE DELLA CRISI keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il ruolo del “Marxismo culturale”: la Rivoluzione morbida del Cancel culture ..cont-<vedi testo "Il ruolo del “Marxismo culturale”: la Rivoluzione morbida del Cancel culture"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Marxism, Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *PsycoPolitics, *Totalitarism, Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology, Socialist Revolution - doc-INTRODUZIONE ALLA DEMOCRAZIA DIRETTA: UN POSSIBILE PERCORSO DI RIFORMA DELLA SOCIAL-DEMOCRAZIA CHE PERMETTA ALLA DEMOCRAZIA EUROPEA DI USCIRE DELLA CRISI keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La manipolazione delle persone attraverso la paura ..cont-<vedi mio testo "La manipolazione delle persone attraverso la paura"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Mass Manipulation, Paura/Terrore, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, *Totalitarism - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La perdita del patrimonio culturale della collettività ..cont-<vedi mio testo "La perdita del patrimonio culturale della collettività"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Federalism 2.0 - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● la Rivoluzione culturale che ha generato la Social-democrazia ..cont-<see my text "the Cultural Revolution that generated Social Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Marxism, Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Culture, *PsycoPolitics, *Totalitarism, Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology, Socialist Revolution - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La svolta nelle Ideologie totalitarie: le strategie psicologiche di consenso del Marxismo (gramsciano) ..cont-<vedi mio testo "La svolta nelle Ideologie totalitarie: le strategie psicologiche di consenso del Marxismo (gramsciano)"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Mass Manipulation, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Culture, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, *Totalitarism - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Oltre l’Ideologia: la necessità di un recupero della consapevolezza civica (la necessità di sfatare l’idea che i cittadini siano incapaci di governare in prima persona) (ita) ..cont-<see my text "Oltre l'Ideologia: la necessità di un recupero della consapevolezza civica"> ..brief- - subcat: Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: Nanny State - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The “Cultural issue”: Is there a difference between breeds? The “cultural” difference of the ethnic groups ..cont-<see my text "The "Cultural issue": Is there a difference between breeds? The "cultural" difference of the ethnic groups"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics, Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology, Socialist Revolution - doc-ETHNIC DISPARITY IS A PROBLEM CREATED BY INCORRECT GOVERNANCE keyw.: questione culturale ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The “imaginary” reality (and moral) of the ideologies ..cont-sembra MAIN DI ASTRATTEZZA DELL'IDEOLOGIA (in "masse") <see my text "The “imaginary" reality (and moral) of the ideologies"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *IDEOLOGY, Socialist ideology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: pensiero astratto ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The basis of the transformation process implemented by the Cultural Marxism ..cont-<see my text "The basis of the transformation process implemented by the Cultural Marxism"> ..brief-Storia della Rivoluzione culturale: Wilson, Roosevelt, Gramsci, Marx - subcat: - tag: Cultural Revolution - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *IDEOLOGY, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialist Revolution - doc-The need to initiate an effective phase of contrasting the strategies of Cultural Marxism keyw.: Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt, Gramsci, Marx ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The characteristics of Socialism (most people have no idea what Socialism is) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Democracy vs Socialism, Socialism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● the condition of insecurity as a pre-condition for the manipulation of consciences uprooted man resumes after brief on cultural programming ..cont-- nel vecchio testamento - of the Old Testament (set to a sense of “justice” in that application of “male” authority, revenge); - Old Testament: reintroduction of sense of authority instead of compassion, and the “fear of God” as a form of saving feeling. ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Revolution, Insecurity, Paura/Terrore - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Culture - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The problem of the loss of the original Culture/The ideological Culture ..cont-<see my text "The problem of the loss of the original Culture/The ideological Culture"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Dipendenza, Mass Manipulation, Questione Culturale, School - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, Socialist ideology - doc-ETHNIC DISPARITY IS A PROBLEM CREATED BY INCORRECT GOVERNANCE keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The question of Ideology in Nanny State ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Innovation - tag: Nanny State - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *IDEOLOGY, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts, *Market: structures e strategies - doc-The misunderstanding on ecology (we need disruptive innovation in Ecology) keyw.: ▬
►► - = @PolSpont-Potere Assoluto + ● anchor The question of the armor of Social Democracy: the immune system ..cont-<see my article "The question of the armor of Social Democracy: the immune system"> ..brief-QUESTO è PIà: IMMUNE SISTEM - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Totalitarism, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties), Socialist Revolution - doc-Reboot of Democracy: an alternative government to restore Democracy keyw.: blindato ▬
governance: caratteristiche
►► - = + ● anchor A parallel between market and government ..cont-<see text "A parallel between market and government"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Needs - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Market: Crowdization, *Market: structures e strategies - doc-WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO CHANGE THE POLICY OF THE CONSERVATIVES (THE FAILURE OF THEIR CURRENT POLICY) keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor Fear as a factor of submission ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Fear as Power, Paura/Terrore - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Ideological system of abstract ideas is armored against forms of self-criticism ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics, Socialist ideology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor L’errore di voler basare il cambiamento sull’attuale Costituzione (il problema della falsa rappresentanza) ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "L’errore di voler basare il cambiamento sull’attuale Costituzione (il problema della falsa rappresentanza)"> ..brief- - subcat: Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: Art. 67 Cost. ▬
►► - = + ● Recover the mentality of man capable of looking after himself ..cont-<see my text "Recover the mentality of man capable of looking after himself"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Leaders/Experts - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Reboot, Conservatorism, Traditions - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The “Game of Modern Politics”: Citizens become an instrument (the specific interests of Politicians) ..cont-<see my text "The "Game of Modern Politics": Citizens become an instrument (the specific interests of Politicians)"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Conflitto di interessi, Democracy Problem, Politicians interests, Politics problems - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go Politicians interests - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The Citizen as Sovereign (the Government has no real Power) ..cont-il Main ?? <see my text "The Citizen as Sovereign (the Government has no real Power)"> ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: Sovranità - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: timoniere ▬
►► - = + ● self The need to update the Peters Principle (the issue of the incompentence) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Failure of Incumbents - tag: Incompetence - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *Market, Socialism Problems - doc-The need to update the Peters Principle (the issue of the incompentence) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The operational Principles of Democracy ..cont-<see my text: "The operational Principles of Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of Left politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The Problem of the Dictatorship of the Majority (and of the Minority) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Dictatorship of the Majority - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go Socialism Problems - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The Society of Man is a discovery and not an invention ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Natural order - tag: Scoperta/Invenzione - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why the Principle of Citizen Sovereignty exists: the absolute Power of the Citizens ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il ruolo della cultura “Psicologica” moderna nella concezione della società attuale ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor Il ruolo della Proprietà in Democrazia ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: Property - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Human Rights - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La necessità di riflettere sulle questioni “a monte” prima di cercare di cambiare le cose ..cont-<vedi testo "La necessità di riflettere sulle questioni “a monte” prima di cercare di cambiare le cose"> ..brief- - subcat: Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions, Metodo/Razionalità - tag: Causa/Effetto - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: stessi strumenti e metodi ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The fundamentals of man’s ability to solve problems ..cont-<see my text "The fundamentals of man's ability to solve problems"> corto, ma interno a doc. interessante ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Problem solving - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go - doc-how is it possible to actually change things: either the way of to do opposition is changed or one is destined to succumb [wake up call-2] keyw.: ▬
govt: methods
►► - = +secondary ● self (1) Participation: Introduction to Strategies ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-(1) Participation: Introduction to Strategies keyw.: ▬►► - = +second ● self (2) Participation: Types and Strategies ita ..cont-■ PERCHÈ la partecipazione? ■ COSA si intende per partecipazione? ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-(2) Participation: Types and Strategies keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor ## Come può essere sviluppato un government sovra-locale nel rispetto dei Principi della Democrazia ((metti link)) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Localism, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Representation 2.0, Sovra-Local Govt - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-Come può essere sviluppato un government sovra-locale nel rispetto dei Principi della Democrazia keyw.: govern by delegation ▬
►► - = + ● ∙Issue: the 2020 US elections – it is not a question of “drain the swamp” (written in July 2020) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Swamp - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Reboot - doc-Issue: the 2020 US elections keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor A key point: demonstrably have the support of Citizens (the question of the “certification” of the expression of the Citizen’s will) ..cont-Ǿ <<SEE>> ..brief- - subcat: Technologies, Vote, Will of citizens - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *New Politics - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬
►► - mySolution = +terziario ● anchor A transition model: Advocacy Democracy (how to govern “in parallel”) ..cont-in particolare govern “in parallel” <see my text "A transition model: Advocacy Democracy (how to govern “in parallel”)"> ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Bottom-up Government - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB - doc-Introduction to the Open Government Platform project keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Areas of participation in Participated or Direct Democracy ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = #REBOOT +►Primary ● self Beyond top-down “Democracy”: crowdisation of Governance ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Crowdsourcing trend - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc-Beyond top-down "Democracy": crowdisation of Governance keyw.: ▬
►► - = #REBOOT +terziario ● Bottom Up Reform Initiative: introduction ita ..cont-questo è più filosofico dell'altro (ITA) ..brief-MOLTO BREVE!!! un po' vecchio, in Consult, ita ! vedi "Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform ..." - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Citizens (users) as co-designers of solutions ..cont-!!! OCCHIO : questo è SOLO PER IL MARKET !!!! ,VEDI L'ALTRO "detentori di bisogni" <see The problems of the current Market strategies: toward a crowd participated Marketing Questo è sotto il punto di vista di INNVATION- Why does innovation fail today? The inability to understand in new Customer Needs> ..brief-molto su innovazione: corto e indice ragionato - subcat: Needs, Participation - tag: *MARKET!, co-progettisti, Crowdsourcing trend, Detentori bisogni, Market&Democracy: similitudes, users as designers - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Innovation - doc-The problems of the current Market strategies: towards a crowd participated Marketing keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Come i Politici attuali possono riciclarsi nella Politica dei Cittadini ed ottenere un enorme successo ..cont-<vedi il mio articolo "Come i Politici attuali possono riciclarsi nella Politica dei Cittadini ed ottenere un enorme successo"> pillola ..brief- - subcat: Participation, Politicanti, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Rappresentanza - tag: Rappresentanza diretta - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *New Politics - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Come le nuove tecnologie possono favorire una forma di reale Democrazia (partecipata) ..cont-Ǿ POCHE RIGHE <vedi testo "Come le nuove tecnologie possono favorire una forma di reale Democrazia (partecipata)"> ..brief- - subcat: Federalism, Local Politics, Localism, Participation, Rappresentanza, Representation 2.0, Sovra-Local Govt, Technologies - tag: Federalism 2.0, Localism, New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Federalism 2.0 - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (3): Manifesto della Politica dei Cittadini keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● Criteri per la valutazione della reale democrazia ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Direct democracy: the new opportunities ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government - tag: New opportunities of Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor European Democracy is not even a real representative Democracy ..cont- ..brief-lungo, più teorico - subcat: Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Representation - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● European Democracy is not even a real representative Democracy (sintesi) ..cont-- come e perché nasce la Democrazia rappresentativa - Rappresentare significa agire per conto di qualcuno (spiegazione del Mandato) ..brief- - subcat: Representation 2.0 - tag: Entrepreneur - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Representation - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Federalism 2.0: Direct Democracy at the inter-local level (governance by Delegations) ..cont-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ..brief- - subcat: Sovra-Local Govt - tag: Governance by Delegations - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Federalism 2.0 - doc-INTRODUCTION TO THE CONCEPT OF DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: G8 ▬
►► - = +secondary ● anchor Having even a small amount of power in a system allows you to increase that power ..cont-In "Oltre la Social-dem" IL MAIN Ǿ - go vedi anche "ARMORED" Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Powers - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY Ç anche solo un po’ di potere, ç autocrescita_potere keyw.: un po' di potere Ç anche solo un po’ di potere, ç autocrescita_potere▬
►► - = + ● How can Socialism be defined? ..cont-<see my text "How can Socialism be defined?"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialist ideology - doc-What is keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● How is it possible to bring the essence of Democracy back to a local dimension? (problemi locali e minori) ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Democracy 2.0, Local Politics, Localism, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Representation 2.0, Sovra-Local Govt - tag: Livello locale: questioni minori, Localism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Localism 2.0, *Politica Spontanea - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor I bisogni ”a livello nazionale” come interesse dei gruppi di potere: i bisogni nazionali sono una “invenzione” dei Governi centrali (tali questioni sono minori) ..cont-<vedi testo "I bisogni ”a livello nazionale” come interesse dei gruppi di potere: i bisogni nazionali sono una “invenzione” dei Governi centrali (tali questioni sono minori)"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Localism - tag: Livello locale: questioni minori, Localism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Localism 2.0, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor I Cittadini sono le uniche persone che possono (co)progettare soluzioni efficaci ..cont- Ǿ - go <vedi mio articolo "I Cittadini sono le uniche persone che possono (co)progettare soluzioni efficaci"> In art: ∙COME I CITTADINI POSSONO CAMBIARE DIRETTAMENTE LE COSE: LE DUE FASI DELLA POLITICA DEI CITTADINI (DAL PUNTO DI VISTA OPERATIVO) vedi anche <see my text "Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens"> che comprende la Dem. può essere ricostruita solo dal basso ..brief- - subcat: Needs, Participation - tag: co-progettisti, Democrazia ricostruita dal basso, Detentori bisogni - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Localism 2.0, *Reboot - doc-COME I CITTADINI POSSONO CAMBIARE DIRETTAMENTE LE COSE: LE DUE FASI DELLA POLITICA DEI CITTADINI keyw.: circolo virtuoso del Reboot ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● I PROBLEMI DI FUNZIONAMENTO DELLA SOCIAL-DEMOCRAZIA ATTUALE ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Democracy Problem - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il “perchè” della Democrazia: gli “interessi” in gioco (la soddisfazione dei bisogni dei Cittadini) ..cont-abbastanza lungo, riassume bisogni e co-progettisti <vedi mio testo "Il "perchè" della Democrazia: gli "interessi" in gioco (la soddisfazione dei bisogni dei Cittadini)"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Difetti della Social-Democrazia, Needs, Powers - tag: Conflitto di interessi, Detentori bisogni - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-COSA È LA DEMOCRAZIA: IL PERCHÉ E IL COME DI UN GOVERNMENT DEMOCRATICO keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor il Monopolio dei servizi da parte dello Stato socialdemocratico ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Il Monopolio dei servizi da parte dello Stato socialdemocratico"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Monopolio di stato - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il nuovo indirizzo totalitario dei regimi autoritari (il prevalere dell’ideologia sulla ragione ..cont-<vedi il mio testo “Il nuovo indirizzo totalitario dei regimi autoritari (il prevalere dell’ideologia sulla ragione”)> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, Participation, Volunteering/Volontariato - tag: Detentori bisogni, users as designers - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *History, *IDEOLOGY, *Totalitarism - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: Impero, romano ▬
►► - = + ● anchor IL PERCORSO DI CAMBIAMENTO INIZIA DAL RIPENSARE LE CITTÀ (riforma della governance cittadina – riformare la Urban governance) ..cont-<see my text "The path of change begins by rethinking Cities (reforming urban governance)"> ..brief- - subcat: Urban Governance - tag: Identità locale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government - doc-LA NECESSITÀ DI RIDEFINIRE IL CONCETTO DI CITTÀ (e di government della città) keyw.: Placemaking ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Inevitabilità del fallimento (Le due fasi di sviluppo della Politica Spontanea: locale e nazionale) ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Democracy 2.0, Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions, Local Politics, Localism, Participation, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Rappresentanza, Representation 2.0, Sovra-Local Govt - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, *Politica Spontanea - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: difetto intrinseco, fallimento inevitabile, difetto di fondo, difetto nel manico ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens ..cont-EXCERPT ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Bottom-up Government, Citizens' Initiatives, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: Citizen Engagement - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB - doc-Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Introduzione alla Democrazia diretta: un possibile percorso di riforma della Social-democrazia che permetta alla Democrazia europea di uscire della crisi ..cont-è IL "LIBRO" SULLA DEM. DIRETTA - ci sono molti altri link ad ancore interne <vedi il mio testo (lungo, con PDF) "Introduzione alla Democrazia diretta: un possibile percorso di riforma della Social-democrazia che permetta alla Democrazia europea di uscire della crisi"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Decisions (Deliberation), Democrazia ricostruita dal basso, Localism, meta-rules of Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Localism 2.0, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento, *Welfare - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Introduzione alla Politica Spontanea (Politica dei Cittadini) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Citizens' Initiatives, Participation - tag: Citizen Engagement - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB, *Politica Spontanea, *Reboot, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor L’ERRORE DI BASARSI COMUNQUE SUL SISTEMA DELL’ECONOMIA POLITICA ..cont-nella serie "Politica Cittadini" piuttosto corto <vedi il mio testo "L’errore di basarsi comunque sul sistema dell’Economia politica (la perdita del Fattore umano"> vedi https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/govtwatchdog/movimenti-opposizione-destinati-a-fallire#errore-economia-politica ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Economizzazione della Società - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *ECONOMY - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: Fattore umano ▬
►► - = + ● anchor L’importanza del recupero di valori fondanti della comunità locale ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "L’importanza del recupero di valori fondanti della comunità locale"> ..brief- - subcat: Urban Governance, Volunteering/Volontariato, Welfare 2.0 - tag: Human factor, Identità locale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Localism 2.0, *Welfare - doc-LA NECESSITÀ DI RIDEFINIRE IL CONCETTO DI CITTÀ (e di government della città) keyw.: ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● la Democrazia come luogo di esercizio della legge di Domanda ed Offerta ..cont-<vedi mio testo "La Democrazia come luogo di esercizio della legge di Domanda ed Offerta"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Needs - tag: Market&Democracy: similitudes - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy - doc-TOWARDS DEMOCRACY 2.0 keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La natura delle decisioni da prendere in una reale Democrazia (Locale e Nazionale) ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "La natura delle decisioni da prendere in una reale Democrazia (Locale e Nazionale)"> ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Democracy: principles/rules, Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Localism - tag: Localism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-INTRODUZIONE ALLA DEMOCRAZIA DIRETTA: UN POSSIBILE PERCORSO DI RIFORMA DELLA SOCIAL-DEMOCRAZIA CHE PERMETTA ALLA DEMOCRAZIA EUROPEA DI USCIRE DELLA CRISI keyw.: ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● la necessità di sfatare l’idea che i cittadini siano incapaci di governare in prima persona ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy 2.0 - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● La Politica dei Cittadini (1): un possibile percorso per recuperare la democraticità del Government (synopsis) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Politica Spontanea - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (1): un possibile percorso per recuperare la democraticità del Government (synopsis) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Politica Spontanea - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: ▬
►► - = @PolSpont-NewPolitics + ● La Politica dei Cittadini (3): Manifesto della Politica dei Cittadini (Sintesi delle caratteristiche di un Movimento di opposizione di successo) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Dissident/Opposition, *Politica Spontanea - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor LA QUESTIONE DEL VOLONTARISMO ..cont-volontarismo come volonta del Cittadino e come Volontariato <vedi il mio testo "La questione del volontarismo"> ..brief- - subcat: Participation, Volontarismo - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *ECONOMY - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● La questione della de-responsabilizzazione dei Cittadini ..cont- ..brief-FIIRE !! - subcat: Cittadini resposabili - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La questione della Sovranità: sovranità e ruolo dello Stato ..cont-<vedi mio testo “La questione della Sovranità: sovranità e ruolo dello Stato”> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Sovranità - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Law enforcement functions, and the conception of Law and Order (order as authoritarism) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor le decisioni da prendere a livello nazionale sono molto minori ..cont-<vedi testo "Le decisioni da prendere a livello nazionale sono molto minori"> ..brief- - subcat: Needs - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-LA NECESSITÀ PER LE OPPOSIZIONI DI SVILUPPARE UNA NUOVA VIA INDIPENDENTE DALLE ISTITUZIONI (SINOSSI) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Le linee d’azione in generale (di una Politica bi-partisan) ..cont-<vedi mio testo "Le linee d’azione in generale (di una Politica bi-partisan)"> ..brief- - subcat: Local Politics, Localism, Participation, Politics: transition strategies, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione - tag: Localism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Change Strategies, *Politica Spontanea, *Reboot - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (3): Manifesto della Politica dei Cittadini keyw.: bi-partisan ▬
►► - = + ● MANIPULATING PEOPLE THROUGH FEAR (triplo) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Fear, Mass Manipulation, Paura/Terrore - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● self Participation: What it is and what is not ita ..cont- ..brief-breve descrizione di cosa è e NON è - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go - doc-Participation: What it is and what is not keyw.: ▬
►► - mySolution = +►Primary ● anchor Politics 2.0 – the new form of bottom-up politics ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: Citizen Engagement - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB - doc-Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens keyw.: ▬
►► - myConcept = + ● anchor Politics by “Lobbies”: a Citizen Associations Politics ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Politics by Associationism, Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB - doc-Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● QUALI SONO I PRINCIPI DI FUNZIONAMENTO DELLA DEMOCRAZIA? ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● re-thinking – The elections are now irrelevant: it is necessary to act on the foundations of the institutions ..cont-<see my text "The elections are now irrelevant: it is necessary to act on the foundations of the institutions"> ..brief- - subcat: 1) no more elections, Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: Swamp - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Reboot, çç1)█ no more ELECTIONS, Socialism Problems, Socialist Revolution - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of Left politics ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Reboot - doc-Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of Left politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Shadow Government: Mirroring and Monitoring initiatives ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Shadow Government - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB, *Politica Spontanea, *Reboot - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Some considerations on participatory and representative Democracy ..cont-<see my text "Some considerations on participatory and representative Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Some possible bottom-up initiatives ..cont- ..brief-sono Iniziative legate all'innovazione dell'INFORMAZIONE - subcat: Local Politics, Participation, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB, *IRDB: solutions - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Sprechi, corruzione e bassa qualità dei lavori (lavori inutili) ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Sprechi, corruzione e bassa qualità dei lavori (lavori inutili)"> ..brief- - subcat: Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Social-democracy problems - doc-IL PROBLEMA DEL SISTEMA DELLE TASSE UTILIZZATO ATTUALMENTE IN OCCIDENTE keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Strengths and criticality of democracy – the consequences of lack of awareness ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government - tag: Citizen awareness - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Subsidiarity and recovery of Volunteering ..cont-<see my text "Subsidiarity and recovery of Volunteering"> <vedi il mio testo "Sussidiarietà e recupero del Volontariato"> ..brief- - subcat: Subsidiarity, Volunteering/Volontariato - tag: Volun - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government - doc-Interventions to innovate the management methods of the Public Administration keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis, myConcept = @PolSpont-Potere Assoluto +►Primary ● anchor test 2024 anchor list post SPIAGGIA ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Democracy: principles/rules, Localism, Participation - tag: Citizen Engagement, Localism - BY the People - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Diritti, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento, Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology - doc-Crisi e rinascita della Società occidentale [vol.1] LA SOCIETÀ DI ORDINE NATURALE keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The “participated solutions” of OPEN GOVERNMENT PLATFORM* ..cont-Poco "tencologico" - QUESTO TESTO HA UNA INTRODUZIONE IN PIù (forse incollala nell'altro) COMPLETO - Spend. Rew, Rappr. 2.0, ... WELFARE 2.0, <see my text "Open Government Platform: some "participated solutions"> ..brief-ATTENZIONE le soluzioni sono anche - in modo più completo - nell'altro "a. Solutions for Participated Government and Administration (Welfare 2.0)" - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Participation - tag: New Tech for Democracy, Rappresentanza diretta, Spending review - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB: solutions - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The acquisition of a new “de facto power” ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: de facto power, Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original) - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IRDB, *New Politics, *Reboot, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The basic rules of Democracy: Democracy works only when citizens are directly concerned with government actions ..cont-un MAIN (non lunghissimo) <see my text "The basic rules of Democracy: Democracy works only when citizens are directly concerned with government actions"> Questo è quello POLITICO, il Main generale è "The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy)" ..brief-in chiave Reboot republican Party - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs - tag: *CONSERVATIVE!, Detentori bisogni, users as designers - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-Why is Democracy vanishing? keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The criteria on which Direct Democracy is based ..cont-capitolo del Doc già in indice "The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy)" ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy) ita ..cont-
►► - = + ● anchor The fundamental criterion of Democracy: there are only matters concerning Citizens ..cont- Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Needs - tag: Interests - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The fundamental criterion of Democracy: there are only matters concerning Citizens >> The nature of the decisions to be made in a real Democracy (the locality of needs) ..cont-The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy) <see my text "The nature of the decisions to be made in a real Democracy (the locality of needs)"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Local Politics, Needs - tag: Decisions (Deliberation), Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original), will of the people - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-INTRODUCTION TO DIRECT DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The general scope and the specific scope of problem solving in Democracy (problems can only be solved locally) ..cont-there is no GENERAL LEVEL <see my text "The general scope and the specific scope of problem solving in Democracy (problems can only be solved locally)"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Localism - tag: Localism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● The issue of Subsidiarity as recovery of the natural Order of society ..cont-<see my text "The issue of Subsidiarity as recovery of the natural Order of society"> ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: Subsidiarity - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The meta-principles of Democracy (eng) ..cont-sembra che ci sia già un'ancora, forse interna " Real Democracy has always worked only locally" <see my article "The meta-principles of Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Democracy: principles/rules, Localism, Participation - tag: Freedom/Libertà, Localism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Reboot, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The meta-rules for the recovery of the Democracy (ITA) ..cont-[ITA] <see my article "The meta-rules for the recovery of the Democracy"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: Democrazia ricostruita dal basso, meta-rules of Democracy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Reboot, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The meta-rules that govern the life of the human being ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules - tag: meta-rules of Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of Left politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The mistake of trying to contrast the specific political actions of the left ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up), Stop Contrasting - tag: Politics: MODERN (Ideologic) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Reboot - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● THE MODERN CONCEPTION OF MAN: THE SOCIETY OF CONTROL ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The need for a (radical) turning point in Conservative Politics: towards a “new Party” (the mistakes of the Conservatives ) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *New Politics, *Reboot, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The need for Democracy to rely on active “management” by the Citizens ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government - doc-Beyond top-down "Democracy": crowdisation of Governance keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The need for participation in the Public Administration ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Bottom-up Government, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione - tag: Digiditalization, Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original), Public Administration - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The need to activate a “positive action” of social activitivities: initiatives for real change ..cont-<see text "The need to activate a “positive action” of social activitivities: initiatives for real change"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Local Politics, Participation, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Representation 2.0 - tag: transition: operative actions - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Innovation, *Reboot - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● self The need to start a contrast phase of the Left strategies / What does it mean, operatively speaking, to restore the real Democracy? ..cont-seguito in bozza ..brief- - subcat: Contrast the Left - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Reboot, çç1)█ no more ELECTIONS - doc-operatively speaking, The need to start a contrast phase of the Left strategies / What does it mean, to restore the real Democracy? Edit keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The new totalitarian direction of the authoritarian regimes ..cont-la Social-demcorazia introduce una novità radicale (rivoluzionaria) nella Società: il Totalitarismo. ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Totalitarism - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The opportunities for improving Democracy “by the People” offered by new technologies ..cont-<see my text "The opportunities for improving Democracy “by the People” offered by new Technologies"> ..brief-POCO SU TENCOLOGIE - subcat: Technologies - tag: New Tech for Democracy - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Crowdization, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Localism 2.0 - doc-The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● the problem of the wrong conception of the Law: the Law as punishment ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Laws, Politics: MODERN (Ideologic) - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Justice - doc-Localism as a natural quality of Democracy keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The qualities of a real Representation (esteso) ita ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Representation - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The question of (false) representation in modern Democracy ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "The question of representation in modern Democracy"> ..brief-più politico, su FALSA RAPPRESENTANZA - subcat: Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: Politics: MODERN (Ideologic) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Representation - doc-The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) keyw.: French revolution ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The question of the monopoly of force and taxes (the problem of the “tax system”) ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Monopoly of Force, Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: Monopolio di stato - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), *Taxation - doc-Systemic racism or Monopoly of force? keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The recovery of the only form of legitimate politics in Democracy (Polis-tics): Politics by the People ..cont-Real democracy cannot be achieved through a top-down process ..brief-lung. media, meno anti-left - subcat: Local Politics - tag: Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *New Politics, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc-The restoration of real democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The recovery of Volunteering ..cont-<see my text "The recovery of Volunteering"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Participation, Volunteering/Volontariato - tag: Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original) - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Localism 2.0 - doc-The need to redefine the concept of City (and City government) keyw.: ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● The Social Democratic State has acquired a position that allows it to develop ever greater power [fallimento Social-democrazia] ..cont- Ǿ - go vedi anche "ARMORED" Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Powers - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY Ç anche solo un po’ di potere, ç autocrescita_potere keyw.: Ç anche solo un po’ di potere, ç autocrescita_potere▬
►► - = + ● THE STRATEGIES OF MANIPULATION OF CONSCIENCES ..cont-Molto lungo: 1. physical coercion, 2. induction of behavior using physical threat 3. cultural hegemony 4. creating and maintaining emotional condition of exaltation: ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● The two pre-conditions to achieve a condition of Cultural hegemony (part II) ..cont-<see my text "The two pre-conditions to achieve a condition of Cultural hegemony"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Culture, *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The users of the Services are essential co-designers of the solutions to satisfy their needs ..cont-<see my text "The users of the Services are essential co-designers of the solutions to satisfy their needs"> In realtà è linkato al titolo superiore (poche righe sopra) THE NEED TO RESTORE THE DIRECT PARTICIPATION OF CITIZENS IN THE GOVERNMENT PROCESS (GOVERNMENT “BY THE PEOPLE” OR CITIZEN’S SOVEREIGNTY) ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Crowdsourcing trend, Market&Democracy: similitudes, users as designers - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-Beyond top-down "Democracy": crowdisation of Governance keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Towards a crowd-ization of government (Government follows the trends of Practices 2.0) ..cont-<see my text "Towards a crowd-ization of government (Government follows the trends of Practices 2.0)"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: New Practices - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Crowdization, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Towards the definition of a new form of government that recover the founding principles of Democracy ..cont-Questo è un MAIN assieme a "The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy)" ..brief- - subcat: Democracy 2.0, Democracy: principles/rules, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Democracy, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Reboot, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc-The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Wake up call (2): either the way of to do opposition is changed, or one is destined to succumb ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor What can you do to change things? (and what cannot be done) ..cont-CHECKMATE TO THE SYSTEM-DEMOCRACY ..brief-anti sinistra! - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *New Politics, *Reboot, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: checkmates ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● What is Democracy: it is born as a system of satisfaction of Citizens’ needs ..cont-<see my text "Democracy born as a system of satisfaction of Citizens 'needs"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Needs - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● What is Social-democracy: State sovereignty (vs Sovereignty of the Citizen) + Il Pensiero socialista: la Social democrazia ..cont-<see my article"What is Social-democracy: State sovereignty (vs Sovereignty of the Citizen) - differences between Socialism and Democracy"> cè anche il capitolo di "Oltre la social-democrazia" "Il Pensiero socialista: la Social democrazia" più lungo e "accademico" ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: Democracy vs Socialism, Marxism, Mass Manipulation, Politics: DEMOCRATIC (Original), Politics: MODERN (Ideologic) - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *IDEOLOGY, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialist ideology - doc-What is Social-democracy: State sovereignty keyw.: differenze tra Democrazia e Socialismo ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Where is it wrong? Why is it useless to try to interact with a government that is now “armored” ..cont-<see my text "Where is it wrong? Why is it useless to try to interact with a government that is now "armored"> ..brief- - subcat: Beyond the protest - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, *Politica Spontanea - doc-https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/govtwatchdog/reboot-synopsis-how-contrast-strategies-of-establishment keyw.: protesta ascoltare interagire governi istituzioni governative ▬
►► - = + ● Why a new Government mode (of Politics) is required: the incorrect conception of the Vote ..cont-<see my document "Why a new Government mode (of Politics) is required: the incorrect conception of the Vote"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Decisions (Deliberation) - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why doesn’t it make sense today to expect a solution from Leaders? [in cap “Errors of Conservatives and Libertarians”] ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go Socialism Problems, Top-Down Government - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor With mainly local governance, the issues to be addressed are fewer ..cont-<see my text "With mainly local governance, the issues to be addressed are fewer"> ..brief- - subcat: Democrazia come soddisfazione bisogni/needs, Local Politics, Localism - tag: Livello locale: questioni minori - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc-Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of Left politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● [excursus] how and why this transformation of the Government of Western democracy took place (beyond panem and circenses: emergency government) ..cont-<see my text "How and why this transformation of the Government of Western democracy took place (beyond panem and circenses: emergency government)"> ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Mass Manipulation, Servitù volontaria - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● Brief history of the origin of the concept of Cultural Hegemony ..cont-<see my text "Brief history of the origin of the concept of Cultural Hegemony"> in handling the masses ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Revolution - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Culture, *PsycoPolitics, Socialist ideology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = #PSYCHO-POLITICS +►Primary ● Cultural Hegemony / brief history of the origin of the concept of cultural Hegemony ..cont-<see my text "Brief history of the origin of the concept of cultural Hegemony"> ..brief-INTRODUTTIVO a Manipolazione (PSYCOPOLITICS) - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Errors of Conservatives and Libertarians (what not to do) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: Leaders/Experts - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go Conservatorism - doc-Why is Democracy vanishing? keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● evil arises as a solution (non mi concince) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Promise of solving the bad - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Fascism is a form of Socialism ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Fascism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-What is Social-democracy: State sovereignty keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Hypno-governance: Mass hypnosis ..cont-<see my Article "Hypno-governance: Mass hypnosis"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics - doc-Hypno-governance: Mass hypnosis keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor L’Egemonia culturale del Marxismo gramsciano (Cultural Marxism/Cancel culture) ..cont-<vedi il testo "L'Egemonia culturale del Marxismo gramsciano (Cultural Marxism/Cancel culture)"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, Difetti della Social-Democrazia, PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Demagogy, Marxism - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY, *PsycoPolitics, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), *Totalitarism, Socialism Problems, Socialist Revolution - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: Gramsci ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La questione di fondo: il problema culturale ..cont-Questione culturale ed Oppostitori <vedi testo "La questione di fondo: il problema culturale"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Dissident/Opposition - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Manipulating people through fear ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Fear (Government by Fear), Paura/Terrore - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = #PSYCHO-POLITICS +secondary ● anchor Psycho-Politics- the armor (mental barrier) of the minds: bigotry ..cont-<see my text "Psycho-Politics- the armor (mental barrier) of the minds: bigotry"> ..brief-per ora importante, poi trovane un altro - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: Bigotry, Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Cultural Revolution, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics - doc-An elementary (reassuring) approach of “dissident information” (Holistica) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Socialist ideology (Social-democracy) ..cont-l'essenza della concezione socialista di Uomo e Società <see my text "Socialist ideology (Social-democracy)"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, Socialist ideology - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● THE BASIC PROBLEM OF “MODERN THOUGHT”: NEGATIVE THINKING ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Critic/Negative thinking - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The condition of hypnosis typical of sects ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Mass Manipulation, Sects - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics, Socialist ideology - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The development of Social-democracy, in summary (its factory defect) ..cont-influenza Riv. Francese in USA <see my text "The development of Social-democracy, in summary (its factory defect)"> ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Difetti della Social-Democrazia - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *IDEOLOGY, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialist Revolution - doc-Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = +►Primary ● THE LIBERAL SETTING AND THE SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC SETTING OF DEMOCRACY: definitions ita ..cont-L’IMPOSTAZIONE LIBERALE (reale democrazia) E L’IMPOSTAZIONE SOCIAL-DEMOCRATICA DELLA DEMOCRAZIA: le definizioni ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Democracy vs Socialism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● anchor THE MODERN CONCEPTION OF MAN: THE SOCIETY OF CONTROL ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - fare sunto go *PsycoPolitics, *Socialism (Soc-Dem) - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● THE MORAL NATURE OF MAN ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy, *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The novelty of modern empires: the psychological dictatorship (Ideology) ..cont-<see my text "The novelty of modern empires: the psychological dictatorship (Ideology)"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, PsychoPolitics - tag: Cultural Revolution, Partito Unico, Pensiero Unico, Servitù volontaria - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialist ideology - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The promise of solving the bad ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Promise of solving the bad - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The role of “psychological” modern culture in the conception of modern society ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Demagogy - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - Cultural Hegemony = + ● The turning point in totalitarian ideologies: psychological strategies for consent ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Demagogy, Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *PsycoPolitics - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The two factors of Social Democracy to be exploited (self-destructiveness, incompetence) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: incompetence, self-distructivity - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Reboot, Socialism Problems - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The underlying problems: the cultural problem and the conflict of interest ..cont-il concetto di Conflitto è minimo! <see text "The underlying problems: the cultural problem and the conflict of interest"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Conflitto di interessi - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *IDEOLOGY, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialism Problems - doc-how is it possible to actually change things: either the way of to do opposition is changed or one is destined to succumb [wake up call-2] keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama ..cont-ci sono tanti link-ancore <see my article "Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology - doc- keyw.: buona notizia autodistruzione auto-distruzione ▬
Social Analysis/Culture
►► - = + ● anchor An analysis of human factors related to violence events ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Diritto di Difesa - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-https://www.lucabottazzi.com/1/govtwatchdog/is-there-a-systemic-racism-a-scientific-reading-of-the-data?p=324 keyw.: violence, force ▬►► - = + ● anchor L’assenza di realtà nel pensiero ideologico/Le caratteristiche biologiche del pensare ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "L’assenza di realtà nel pensiero ideologico/Le caratteristiche biologiche del pensare"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *IDEOLOGY - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: Platone ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La “questione culturale”: come gli attuali problemi della Società dipendano dal tipo di Cultura adottata ..cont-IL MAIN "questione culturale" aspetti della Cultura <vedi mio articolo "La “questione culturale”: come gli attuali problemi della Società dipendano dal tipo di Cultura adottata"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony - tag: Cultural Marxism/Cancel Culture, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture - doc-La necessità di recuperare la cultura che un tempo permetteva all’uomo di gestire in modo efficace la società keyw.: individuo dipendente ▬
►► - myAnalysis = + ● nuovo > Povertà ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go Socialism Problems - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Perché l’Economia politica non funziona: le conseguenze di una Scienza economica che opera su un livello astratto della realtà (la questione del “fattore umano”) ..cont-questo è il MAIN FATTORE UMANO <vedi il mio testo "Perché l’Economia politica non funziona: le conseguenze di una Scienza economica che opera su un livello astratto della realtà (la questione del “fattore umano”)"> ..brief- - subcat: Difetti della Social-Democrazia, Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: Economizzazione della Società - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *ECONOMY, *IDEOLOGY - doc-IL PROBLEMA DELL’ECONOMIA MODERNA keyw.: Fattore umano ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The Cycles of History and the recurring phases of decline of “regimes” ..cont-è parte dell'articolo già linkato WHY THE DEVELOPMENT OF AUTHORITARIANISM REPRESENTS AN OPPORTUNITY IT IS NOT JUST A DRAMA <see my text "The Cycles of History and the recurring phases of decline of "regimes"> ..brief- - subcat: Progresso - tag: Cicli della Storia - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *ECONOMY, *History, *Innovation - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: successo e caduta delle Civiltà ▬
►► - = + ● THE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY IS EXPERIENTIAL ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● .C. Christensen and Purpose business (Job to be done) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up) - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc- keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor “Examples of conflict between operating principles” ..cont-IN REALTà è PARTE (subito dopo) dell'alto link The failure of Hybrid innovation (Disruptive + Sustaining Innovation) <see my text "Examples of conflict between operating principles"> ..brief- - subcat: Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Innovation - doc-THE FAILURE OF HYBRID INNOVATION (DISRUPTIVE + SUSTAINING INNOVATION) keyw.: calcio condominio principi che si contraddicono ▬
►► - = + ● #### [excursus] la necessità di comprendere l’essenza dello scenario per comprendere la fattibilità del cambiamento ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Misunderstanding on innovazion - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc- keyw.: capire nuovo scenario ▬
►► - = +Specific ● C. Christensen and Purpose business (Job to be done) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Decalogue of Rules of Disruptive innovation ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Disruptive Innovation: return to traditional values (Missionary business) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts, Traditions - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Guidelines [2]: WHAT IS and WHAT IS NOT Disruptive innovation ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Guidelines [3]: Table for Assessing Disruptive Innovation ..cont-La tabella principale! ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Hidden Demand, Evolving Needs (the virtuous circle of innovation) ..cont-<see my article "Hidden Demand, Evolving Needs (the virtuous circle of innovation)"> ..brief- - subcat: Marketing, Needs - tag: Nuovi Bisogni - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-TOWARDS A NEW MARKETING (1): BEYOND THE ANALYTIC MARKETING TOWARD A PRO-SUMER MARKET keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Innovation is intrinsically (historically) bottom-up ..cont-corto <see my article "Innovation is intrinsically (historically) bottom-up"> ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up) - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor L’evoluzione come necessità ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "L'evoluzione come necessità"> ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up), Innovation, Progresso - tag: Misunderstanding on innovazion - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go - doc-Handling the Masses keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● My articles on misunderstandings about innovation [Index of Articles] ..cont-<see "My articles on misunderstandings about innovation"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Misunderstanding on innovazion - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Rules Of Disruptive Innovation (Table) ..cont-con jpeg ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The concept of Innovation (introduction to the Disruptive Innovation) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The disruptive ecosystem cannot be developed by the Incumbents ..cont-corto <see my article "The disruptive ecosystem cannot be developed by the Incumbents"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Misunderstanding on innovazion - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The Disruptive Innovation: key points ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The failure of Hybrid innovation (Disruptive + Sustaining Innovation) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The misunderstanding on ecology (we need disruptive innovation in Ecology) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Political Economy/ Modern Economy - tag: Misunderstanding on innovazion - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Ecology, *Innovation (Disruptive): solutions - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The need to understand the future scenario to understand the value of disruptive projects (radical changes) ..cont-<see article "The need to understand the future scenario to understand the value of disruptive projects (radical changes)"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● self What disruption essentially is ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up) - tag: Sustainable Innovation - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-What disruption essentially is keyw.: ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● self What disruptive (real) innovation essentially is ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Crowdsourcing trend - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-What disruption essentially is Edit keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why the big companies cannot innovate within them (brief) ..cont-QUESTO è SOLO IL BRIEF, VEDI L'ALTRO PER FULL ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why the big companies cannot innovate within them (Disruptive mindset) [1] ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Disruptive Mindset - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go - doc- keyw.: Lateral thinking Pernsiero laterale ▬
►► - = + ● self Why the big companies cannot innovate within them [1] ..cont-sembra essere il più importante della serie "Why the big companies cannot innovate within them" COMUNQUE MOLTO CORTO ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up) - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-Why the big companies cannot innovate within them [1] keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why the current concept of Disruptive Innovation is mostly false (the importance of Clayton Christensen’s work) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-(doc) keyw.: ▬
►► - = +brief ● self Why today it is necessary to develop disruptive innovation ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-Why today it is necessary to develop disruptive innovation keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● (differences between Political Economy and Real Economy – brief ) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Political Economy/ Modern Economy - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *ECONOMY - doc-The misunderstanding on ecology (we need disruptive innovation in Ecology) keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● (ELENCO POST My Articles on Consumerism 2.0 – TrendInsights) ..cont-<see My Articles on Consumerism 2.0> ..brief- - subcat: Consumerism/Consumismo - tag: Consumerism 2.0 - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Welfare - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● ∙The sharing of the Socialist ideology between Social Democracy and the protagonists of global Financial capitalism ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Finance/Globalsim, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), Socialism Problems, Socialist ideology, Socialist Revolution - doc-The sharing of the Socialist ideology between Social Democracy and the protagonists of global Financial capitalism keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● self Business problems: the difference between original and current marketing ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Marketing - tag: - - descr: - linktype: self Ǿ - go Market: concepts - doc-Business problems: the difference between original and current marketing keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Il recupero del principio della Domanda ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Supply and Demand - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Market - doc-the problems of the Society and the Market keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● La mancanza della figura dell’Imprenditore ita ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Market: problems - tag: Entrepreneur - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Market - doc-the problems of the Society and the Market keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● New modality of Consumerism: the New Demand (Key of Changes #2) ..cont-<see my article "New modality of Consumerism: the New Demand (Key of Changes #2)"> ..brief- - subcat: Consumerism/Consumismo - tag: Consumerism 2.0, New Practices - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Market: Crowdization - doc-New modality of Consumerism: the New Demand (Key of Changes #2) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The Company Immune System: why the big Companies cannot develop real innovation ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Immune System - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Market: structures e strategies - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The Financial Market and the Modern economy: a disconnection between the “management” of the Society and the real needs of people ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Political Economy/ Modern Economy - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *ECONOMY - doc-The misunderstanding on ecology (we need disruptive innovation in Ecology) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The problems of the current Market strategies: towards a crowd participated Marketing ..cont-cortissimo - non si parla di tecnologie - <see my article "The problems of the current Market strategies: towards a crowd participated Marketing"> ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *IRDB: solutions, *Market: Crowdization - doc-The problems of the current Market strategies: towards a crowd participated Marketing keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● The essence of the new Market “Revolution”: the Crowd-ization of the Market (of social organization) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Human centered Innovation (Bottom Up) - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Crowdization, *Innovation (Disruptive): concepts - doc-Towards a radically new model of Industry 4.0: introduction to a Smart Fabrication plan (FabLab 2.0) keyw.: ▬Reboot
►► - = + ● ## Particolo .. nuovo Movimento di opposizione (da finire) ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Bottom-up Government, Citizens' Initiatives, Participation, Representation 2.0, Urban Governance, Volunteering/Volontariato, Welfare 2.0 - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB, *New Politics, *Reboot, çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties), çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc- keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor A new “war” of independence (bloodless) to obtain, without waiting for permission, the original power of the States ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: New Independence - tag: New Conservative Party, No Permission - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *New Bloodless Revolution, *New Politics - doc-Beyond MAGA, towards a better Politics keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor A step back, and two steps forward: an evolution of the instruments of Democracy ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Change Strategies - doc-The need to initiate an effective phase of contrasting the strategies of Cultural Marxism keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor A way to restore Democracy, government “in parallel” by Citizen ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government - tag: Democrazia ricostruita dal basso - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Reboot - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Analisi dell’azione degli attuali oppositori e dissidenti: l’incapacità di sviluppare un reale processo di cambiamento (+Perché l’azione degli attuali oppositori e dissidenti è intrinsecamente destinata a fallire) ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Analisi dell’azione degli attuali oppositori e dissidenti: l’incapacità di sviluppare un reale processo di cambiamento"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions - tag: Democrazia ricostruita dal basso - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Dissident/Opposition, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-La necessità di recuperare la cultura che un tempo permetteva all’uomo di gestire in modo efficace la società keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Annotated index of series “Reboot of Democracy” [Index of Articles] ..cont-<see "Annotated index of series “Reboot of Democracy”> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Reboot - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents ..cont-<see articles "Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *Dissident/Opposition, *Media/Information, *Reboot - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor How is it possible to get out of this new form of dictatorship? (titolo errato ???) ..cont-∙Today it is counterproductive to use the traditional method: rebellion - The need to define a new constructive way to change - The preconditions for change ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Constructive Way - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *PsycoPolitics, *Reboot - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● How to set up Democracy reboot ..cont- ..brief-molte parti già in altre ancore - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *IRDB, *Reboot - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor I fattori della crisi delle “opposizioni” al sistema di government (e dei media “dissidenti”) ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "I fattori della crisi delle “opposizioni” al sistema di government (e dei media “dissidenti”)"> ● Le cose continuano a peggiorare ● fermarsi a riflettere ● ripartire in modo diverso ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, *Media/Information - doc-Perchè nonostante sempre più persone si diano da fare per correggere i problemi di government le cose continuano a peggiorare? keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Il difetto nel manico del pensiero di gran parte degli attuali Oppositori ..cont-fa parte del capitolone "Analisi dell’azione degli attuali oppositori...." <vedi il mio articolo "Il difetto nel manico del pensiero di gran parte degli attuali Oppositori"> ..brief- - subcat: Cultural/Politic Hegemony, Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions, Failure of Oppositions, PsychoPolitics - tag: Demagogy, Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, *Filosophy/Psychology - doc- keyw.: dissonanza cognitiva ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Il problema di fondo (culturale) di Oppositori e Dissidenti ..cont-occhio che è il capitolo interno iniziale "perchè sono destinati a fallire" <vedi il mio articolo "Il problema di fondo (culturale) di Oppositori e Dissidenti"> ..brief- - subcat: Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: non immaginare alternative ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La necessità di LA NECESSITÀ DI CAMBIARE IN MODO RADICALE IL PROPRIO APPROCCIO (ripartire da una Politica dei Cittadini) ..cont-è il capitolo superiore di "OFFRIRE STRUMENTI E FUNGERE DA FACILITATORE DEI PROCESSI DI GOVERNMENT DIRETTO" <vedi mio testo "La necessità di cambiare in modo radicale il proprio approccio (ripartire da una Politica dei Cittadini)"> ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *Dissident/Opposition, *Politica Spontanea - doc-Come imparare dagli errori del M5S e sviluppare una reale Democrazia partecipata keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La necessità di ripartire da una riflessione a monte sulle modalità di azione ..cont-<vedi testo "La necessità di ripartire da una riflessione a monte sulle modalità di azione"> ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Innovation, Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Dissident/Opposition, *Media/Information, *Reboot - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (2): perchè i Movimenti di opposizione sono inevitabilmente destinati a fallire keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor La nuova forma di Politica dal basso: la Democrazia può solo essere costruita bottom-up ..cont-<vedi articolo "La nuova forma di Politica dal basso: la Democrazia può solo essere costruita bottom-up"> meglio il titolo precedente, <see my text "Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens"> ..brief- - subcat: Democracy: principles/rules, Participation - tag: Democrazia ricostruita dal basso - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *New Politics - doc-Introduction to the Project BOTTOM-UP REFORM INITIATIVE: the path of involvement of the Citizens keyw.: la Democrazia può essere solo ricostruita dal basso (melgio tit preced.?) ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Offrire strumenti e fungere da facilitatore dei processi di Government diretto ..cont-è IL CAPITOLO INTERNO DEL TIT. PRINCIPALE ""La necessità di cambiare in modo radicale il proprio approccio (ripartire da una Politica dei Cittadini)" dal punto di vista operativo <vedi testo "Offrire strumenti e fungere da facilitatore dei processi di Government diretto"> ..brief- - subcat: Politics: transition strategies - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *Reboot, Transition fase - doc-Come imparare dagli errori del M5S e sviluppare una reale Democrazia partecipata keyw.: Facilitatore, incubatore, coordinatore ▬
►► - = +►Primary ● Politics (of the 20th century) is dead: it is necessary to restore real Democratic Politics ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Socialism (Soc-Dem), çç2)█ no more POLITICIANS (Parties) - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Programmatic Plan of the New Politics of Conservatives ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Progammatic Plan - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Reboot - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Some possible bottom-up initiatives ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *IRDB, *IRDB: solutions - doc-How to define a new approach to dissident information keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Starting from people, from small, from local (in dimension of participation) ..cont-<vedi il mio articolo "Starting from people, from small, from local (in dimension of participation)"> ..brief- - subcat: "In parallel" government, Democracy 2.0, Local Politics, Localism, Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) - tag: Localism - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *IRDB, *Localism 2.0 - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● an, anchor The evolution of the methods of government of “empires” (of the State) ..cont-The Cycles of History and the recurring phases of decline of “regimes” ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Batra - - descr: - linktype: an, anchor Ǿ - go *History, Socialism Problems - doc-Why the development of authoritarianism represents an opportunity it is not just a drama keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The fundamental factor for the good functioning of the Society: responsibility ..cont-<see my text "The fundamental factor for the good functioning of the Society: responsibility"> ..brief- - subcat: Cittadini resposabili, Participation - tag: Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Filosophy/Psychology, *Rules of Democracy/Principi Funzionamento - doc-how is it possible to actually change things: either the way of to do opposition is changed or one is destined to succumb [wake up call-2] keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The meta-principles of Democracy; Freedom of initiative ..cont-<see my text "The meta-principles of Democracy; Freedom of initiative"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Volunteering/Volontariato - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Democracy, *Direct/Participatory Democracy, *Welfare - doc-How to set up Democracy reboot keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor The mistake of dissident media and opposition movements ..cont-<see my text "The mistake of dissident media and opposition movements"> ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Change Strategies, *Dissident/Opposition, *Media/Information, *Reboot - doc-how is it possible to actually change things: either the way of to do opposition is changed or one is destined to succumb [wake up call-2] keyw.: ▬
►► - = #REBOOT +►Primary ● Towards a Democracy Reboot (synopsis con abstract main articles) ..cont- ..brief-INTRODUZIONE PRINCIPALE A REBOOT (synopsis con abstract main articles) - subcat: - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT) - doc-Towards a Democracy Reboot (synopsis) keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor [Information] improvement of the quality of the communication in itself and organize information (human-sized interfaces) ..cont-<see my text "[Information] improvement of the quality of the communication in itself and organize information (human-sized interfaces)"> ..brief- - subcat: Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Media/Information - doc-Considerations on the need to innovate the strategies of the Dissidents keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor [Information] reform information tools and methods ..cont-<see my text "Reform information tools and methods"> ..brief- - subcat: Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Media/Information - doc-how is it possible to actually change things: either the way of to do opposition is changed or one is destined to succumb [wake up call-2] keyw.: ▬
►► - = #REBOOT +►Primary ● *An elementary (reassuring) approach of “dissident information” – the need to make a qualitative leap in making information ..cont-Ǿ - go ..brief-PRIMO ART. INNOVAZIONE MEDIA - subcat: Media Innovation - tag: Crowdsourcing trend - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Innovation, *Media/Information - doc-An elementary (reassuring) approach of “dissident information” keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Dissident information (and politics), what to do now: the need to redefine strategies ..cont-: Ǿ - go ..brief- - subcat: Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Media/Information - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● How to define a new approach to dissident information ..cont-<see my article "How to define a new approach to dissident information"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Media Innovation, PsychoPolitics - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Media/Information, *PsycoPolitics, *Reboot - doc-How to define a new approach to dissident information keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● I.B.2 – Why there is a need for a Disruptive innovation of “dissident” Media ..cont-<see my article "Why there is a need for a Disruptive innovation of “dissident” Media"> PRATICAMENTE SOLO OUTLINE ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes, Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Media/Information - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Le conseguenze della “riduzione culturale”: le azioni degli oppositori diventano un teatrino fine a se stesso ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Le conseguenze della “riduzione culturale”: le azioni degli oppositori diventano un teatrino fine a se stesso"> ..brief- - subcat: Failure of Dissidents/Oppositions - tag: Questione Culturale - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Culture, *Dissident/Opposition, *IDEOLOGY, *Media/Information - doc-La necessità di recuperare la cultura che un tempo permetteva all’uomo di gestire in modo efficace la società keyw.: teatrino ▬
►► - = + ● Why “dissidents” must change the way they communicate: people no longer understand rational truths ..cont- ..brief-corto - subcat: Media Innovation - tag: - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Filosophy/Psychology, *Media/Information, *PsycoPolitics - doc-Why "dissidents" must change the way they communicate keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Why it is possible to understand the whole truth only by starting with an elementary (reassuring) approach ..cont-<see my text "Why it is possible to understand the whole truth only by starting with an elementary (reassuring) approach"> ..brief- - subcat: PsychoPolitics - tag: Mass Manipulation - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Media/Information, *PsycoPolitics - doc-An elementary (reassuring) approach of “dissident information” (Holistica) keyw.: ▬
govt: Administration
►► - = + ● [issue] School reform: the need to recover the traditional role of the School ..cont- ..brief-molto corto - subcat: Participation - tag: School 2.0 - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Crowdization - doc- keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● anchor Associazionismo come espressione della partecipazione dei Cittadini alla gestione del territorio ..cont-<vedi mio articolo "Associazionismo come espressione della partecipazione dei Cittadini alla gestione del territorio"> ..brief- - subcat: Citizens' Initiatives, Libertarianism, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Servizi & Infrastrutture, Welfare 2.0 - tag: Associazionismo, Contrattualismo, Crowdsourcing trend, Localism, Politics by Associationism, Subsidiarity - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *Localism 2.0, *Welfare - doc-INTRODUZIONE ALLA DEMOCRAZIA DIRETTA: UN POSSIBILE PERCORSO DI RIFORMA DELLA SOCIAL-DEMOCRAZIA CHE PERMETTA ALLA DEMOCRAZIA EUROPEA DI USCIRE DELLA CRISI keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Il problema dei tagli economici (dell’austerity) ..cont-<vedi mio articolo "Il problema dei tagli economici (dell’austerity)"> ..brief- - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione - tag: Austerity - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government, *ECONOMY, *Economy 2.0 - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Oltre l’austerity: un processo di miglioramento delle qualità della vita ..cont-<vedi articolo "Oltre l’austerity: un processo di miglioramento delle qualità della vita"> ..brief- - subcat: - tag: Austerity - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *ECONOMY, *Economy 2.0 - doc- keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Participated School ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Participation - tag: School 2.0 - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Bottom-up Government - doc-(3) Participation: Solutions [consult] keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Per un ridimensionamento dei costi della P.A. ..cont-<vedi il mio testo "Per un ridimensionamento dei costi della P.A."> ..brief- - subcat: Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go - doc-Introduction to the Open Government Platform keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● anchor SPESE E TASSE IN DEMOCRAZIA ..cont- Ǿ - go capitolo importante in "Oltre la democrazia" ..brief- - subcat: Spese/Tasse-Tax System - tag: - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *ECONOMY - doc-BEYOND SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY keyw.: ▬
►► - = + ● Strumenti di partecipazione: il crowdfunding per il settore pubblico ..cont-<vedi il mio articolo "Strumenti di partecipazione: il crowdfunding per il settore pubblico"> ..brief- - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Spese/Tasse-Tax System, Tasse mirate (di scopo) - tag: Crowdsourcing trend, Lavori Pubblici - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Crowdization, *Direct/Participatory Democracy - doc- keyw.: crowdfunding, tasse di scopo, tasse mirate, ▬
►► - = + ● anchor Verso una soluzione: una nuova modalità di tassazione: problemi attuali e nuovo scenario alternativo ..cont-vantaggi, option-out, volontariato, responsabilizzazione <vedi il mio testo: "Verso una soluzione: una nuova modalità di tassazione: problemi attuali e nuovo scenario alternativo"> ..brief- - subcat: PA 2.0 - Citizen Administration, Public Administration/Pubblica amministrazione, Spese/Tasse-Tax System, Tasse mirate (di scopo) - tag: di scop - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go - doc-cosa è keyw.: Option-out ▬
►► - = + ● anchor il Sistema di government attuale non prenderà mai in considerazione le istanze delle opposizioni, né permetterà ad esso di agire ..cont-<vedi testo "il Sistema di government attuale non prenderà mai in considerazione le istanze delle opposizioni, né permetterà ad esso di agire"> ..brief- - subcat: Conservative: mistakes - tag: Inutilità dialogo - - descr: - linktype: anchor Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *Totalitarism - doc-La Politica dei Cittadini (3): Manifesto della Politica dei Cittadini keyw.: ▬►► - = + ● Is there a systemic racism? a “scientific” reading of the data ..cont- ..brief- - subcat: Police Violence - tag: Racism, School - - descr: - linktype: Ǿ - go *Authoritarism/Top-down, *State violence - doc- keyw.: ▬