anchor buono Sez With Putin in power, nothing positive can be done (the Putin’s fall) by admin|Published June 3, 2022 sezione lunga <see GCW article “With Putin in power, nothing positive can be done (the Putin’s fall)“>
Published May 3, 2022 Post-Cold War: The shift in the concept of war and arms cap (2) <see text “Post-Cold War: The shift in the concept of war and arms“> ● Post-Cold War: The shift in the concept of war and arms * war - Armaments/Weapons
Published June 21, 2022 An analysis of the problems of the current alliances / lack “philosophies” / lack commonality interests <see GCW text “An analysis of the problems of the current alliances“> <see GCW text “An analysis of the problems of […] ● An analysis of the problems of the current alliances / lack “philosophies” / lack commonality interests *
Published June 22, 2022 The characteristics of a new type of alliance more effective than the current ones (assessment) <see GCW text “The characteristics of a new type of alliance more effective than the current ones“> ● The characteristics of a new type of alliance more effective than the current ones (assessment) * my excpt
Published June 21, 2022 The obtuseness of the position of the west (in the post-war view) <see GCW text “The obtuseness of the position of the west (in the post-war view)“> ● The obtuseness of the position of the west (in the post-war view) *