■ Key Topic: #New Biz Models (New Paradigm)
˟The failure of Hybrid innovation (Disruptive + Sustaining Innovation)
In developing a strategy of Disruptive innovation WHEN EVEN JUST A PART OF THE “OLD RULES” IS INTRODUCED, CONDITIONS ARE CREATED FOR THIS STRATEGY TO BE A FAILURE. Even when there is a potentially winning idea at the base of the product, if in the strategies a key element of the declining Market is introduced (Sustaining Innovation), the product cannot develop its potential in the nascent Market.
This because the two forms of innovation that we seek to integrate ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT (“opposite”)
(the mindset of the two types of people operating within the Company is substantially different). CASE: Hybrid – John Deer
˟The Over-serving/Under-serving problem of the Incumbents
One of the problems of the current Market (del Incumbents) is that in it, at the same time, the Customers are Over-served and Under-served. In…
The new approach to Disrutpive Innovation Business: driven by examples
At the base of the market crisis there is a “cultural issue”. Today the Market requires a new form of innovation (Disruptive innovation), but THERE…
The need to understand the future scenario to understand the value of disruptive projects
. To understand the validity of truly innovative ideas (for example disruptive innovation) IT IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL BE THE SCENARIO IN WHICH…
Decalogue of Rules of Real (Disruptive) innovation
In the first place it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the term innovation [ see ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable…
*Towards a radically new model of Industry 4.0: introduction to a Smart Fabrication plan (FabLab 2.0)
The Fab Labs are part of the Market that is now at sunset (a failed Model). But from some qualities of Fab Labs new Business Models can be born (and new ways of Production/Distribution).