■ Key Topic: #Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneur’s DNA
There are no new qualities of entrepreneurs. The problem is the lack of traditional entrepreneurs.
The basics of the Disruptive innovation process: the Lateral thinking
In the Disruptive Age market, in order to satisfy the new Demand first of allit is necessary to redefine your mindset. In order to be…
Why current Design (and hi-tech) and disruptive innovation are incompatible (the “Human factor”)
● What IS and what IS NOT disrutpive innovation ● Why developing technologies are incompatible with disrutpive innovation ● What to do?
Decalogue of Rules of Real (Disruptive) innovation
In the first place it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the term innovation [ see ‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable…
There is no “Culture of Disruptive innovation”, but an Aptitude for innovation
There is no culture of innovation, but AN APTITUDE FOR INNOVATION THAT DOES NOT RESIDE IN A RATIONAL LEVEL, OF “KNOWLEDGE” (OF NOTIONS). It is a typical quality of man: the capacity for intuition. WE NEED TO FOSTER THIS QUALITY
The need for a new generation of Automation (& Digitalization)
Towards a Human Oriented Automation
In a phase of radical (disruptive) changes, it no longer makes sense to improve current methods, tools and structures, BUT WE NEED TO CREATE NEW ONES. We need
We need a a “human oriented” automation that allows to develop products with a high value for the human being.
The problems of the Society and the Market (introduction to the INNOVA approach)≈
The incorrect interpretation of the new trends is the underlying problem of the current market. In this way serious misunderstandings and failed strategies are created. It is a question not only of radically changing our strategies, but also of ADOPTING A NEW VISION. The need to recover the law of Supply and Demand.
*Towards a radically new model of Industry 4.0: introduction to a Smart Fabrication plan (FabLab 2.0)
The Fab Labs are part of the Market that is now at sunset (a failed Model). But from some qualities of Fab Labs new Business Models can be born (and new ways of Production/Distribution).
Causes of the crisis in our System (poverty and ineffectiveness of the institutions)°
The basic problem of the current recession is that we do not try to understand what are the causes of it, so we continue to…