Posted in Trend Forecasting/Market Analysis

The need to understand the future scenario to understand the value of disruptive projects

. To understand the validity of truly innovative ideas (for example disruptive innovation) IT IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL BE THE SCENARIO IN WHICH…

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Posted in Governance 2.0

Why the “joint” between Business and Public Institutions can no longer work

Joints between Businesses and Public Sector institutions are part of the world today in rapid “disruption”. In other words, this is the phase of evolution…

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Posted in Consumerism 2.0 Culture Ecology Governance 2.0 Politics 2.0 Social Impact Sustainability

∙The misunderstanding on ecology (we need disruptive innovation in Ecology)

[Summary] Ecology is today one of the sectors in which disruption is most evident. ► IN THE CURRENT HIGHLY DISRUPTIVE CONTEXT IT IS NECESSARY TO…

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Posted in Marketing 2.0

Business problems: the difference between original and current marketing

The contraction in sales derives from the basic set-up of company strategies, and not from contingent critical factors.. It is necessary to understand the difference between the original conception of Marketing and the current conception of it. ● Marketing originally operates before the product definition ● current marketing has an opposite action: it presents itself to the potential Customer having already with a product, and tries to find for it a reason to purchase the product

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Posted in Company 2.0

∙Why the big companies cannot innovate within them (Disruptive mindset) [1]

  It is useless to try to bring innovation into companies that are not themselves innovated (which are structured on an obsolete mindset). The innovation…

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Posted in Mobility 2.0

Mobility 2.0 – White Paper: why the failure of Mobility


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LiteMotive: the new future of Mobility

fmob The new Demand for Mobility requires non-hi-tech products, BUT SIMPLE PRODUCTS, FOR PERSONAL USE, producible at low cost. A new direction in the development…

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Posted in Innovation

‘Manifesto of Innovation (2): Innovation in the new post-industrial Market’≈

A third phase of the development of the modern (post-industrial) Company / Market is in progress. THE SOCIETY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS IS NOW MANAGED “BOTTOM UP”. A new Economy based on Subsidiarity is developed, and A POST-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION MODE THAT EXCEEDS THE “MASS PRODUCTION”.

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Posted in Disruptive Innovation Innovation Sustainability

‘Manifesto of Innovation (1): the basic principles of sustainable innovation’≈

Today there is no critical reflection on the failures of the Market, and therefore it continues unabated to proceed WITH THE SAME MINDSET (PARADIGM) WHICH HAS PRODUCED THE PROBLEMS THAT WE WANT TO SOLVE. A reflection on the basic principles of sustainable innovation.

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Posted in Disruptive Innovation Innovation

∙The concept of Innovation (introduction to the Disruptive Innovation) [1]

Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).

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Posted in *INNOVA Crisis Trend Forecasting/Market Analysis

The problems of the Society and the Market (introduction to the INNOVA approach)≈

The incorrect interpretation of the new trends is the underlying problem of the current market. In this way serious misunderstandings and failed strategies are created. It is a question not only of radically changing our strategies, but also of ADOPTING A NEW VISION. The need to recover the law of Supply and Demand.

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Posted in Biz-Plan Company 2.0 Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing Marketing 2.0

*Towards a radically new model of Industry 4.0: introduction to a Smart Fabrication plan (FabLab 2.0)

The Fab Labs are part of the Market that is now at sunset (a failed Model). But from some qualities of Fab Labs new Business Models can be born (and new ways of Production/Distribution).

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Posted in crowd-ization Fake-Trends New Trends Trend Forecasting/Market Analysis

The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1]

Today there seems to be a lot of confusion about the trends that are developing on the Market. That is, for each Trend, there are…

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Posted in Fake-Trends Technologies

Does it really exist to the possibility of having an Artificial Intelligence? (the unsustainability of the AI) [1]

Can a “machine” actually make correct decisions? Science, with fundamentals principles (many Nobels) says NO. Let’s see why.

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Posted in Disruptive Innovation Innovation

The basic misunderstanding on Real (Disruptive) Innovation

Disruptive innovation is a “revolution” of the context in which it operates: this means “radical change” (from the roots) of culture, of the mindset used up to that point (change of operating principles, of conception of values, of a design approach, of types of communication, etc.).

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