Posted in Disruptive Innovation Innovation

∙The concept of Innovation (introduction to the Disruptive Innovation) [1]

Innovation based on a continuous improvement of the products does not work when in History there are radical changes (as it was, for example, in the Industrial Revolution, or as it happens now).

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Posted in Disruptive Innovation Innovation

°The difficulty of understanding (to explain) the concept of radical change (disruptive innovation)

There is a lack of of the meaning of the terms referred to innovation like “radical”, “different” (“disruptive”). This does not allow the majority of the Market Player to develop a truly salable value. These terms indicate a substantial difference, or something absolutely new which is found on a plan completely different from the previous one. but today efforts are being made to develop “different” strategies which, however, remain on the same level, on the same qualitative level as the previous strategies.

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Posted in Bottom-Up Market Fake-Trends Marketing 2.0

The wrong interpretation of the Customer Experience

With Customer Experience today we use obsolete principles. It is necessary to change the paradigm of Marketing, which from a “subtle” persuasion system to the purchase of a product, MUST GO BACK TO BEING A PROCESS THAT STARTS FROM THE ANALYSIS OF THE REAL NEEDS OF PEOPLE.

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Posted in crowd-ization Fake-Trends New Trends Trend Forecasting/Market Analysis

The misunderstanding on the real meaning of the Trends (Meta-trends and Fake-trends) [1]

Today there seems to be a lot of confusion about the trends that are developing on the Market. That is, for each Trend, there are…

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Posted in Ecology Fake-Trends

°The misunderstanding on ecology: electrification of devices that are not ecological in themselves

Most of the considerations on the near future of Business are wrong because they are based on a “linear” conception of the evolution of the…

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Posted in Governance 2.0 Public Administration

Is an innovation of the current forms of Government possible?

1) THE CURRENT SYSTEM CAN NOT BE IMPROVED, BUT IT MUST BE INNOVATED IN DISRUPTIVE MODE. it is not a question of corruption, that is, of “bad guys

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Posted in Commerce 2.0 Consumerism 2.0 Marketing 2.0

^Towards a new (real) Disruptive innovation: the mistake of focusing on the low price

The inability to understand the essence of change leads us to think that the response to the reduced spending of the Customers must be a reduced price of the product. But the plus point of the product is not the low-price (which is also necessary), but in its sustainability.

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Posted in Innovation New Trends Public Administration

The lack of a real Innovation

Today there is no real innovation (attractive and sustainable for Customer), both by the part of the Big Player of the Market and by the part of the Public Administration. ► the Public Administration continues to be oriented towards costly (insustanable) solutions ► the Big Players of the Market continue to develop a pseudo-innovation █ THE LACK OF A VALUE-ORIENTED INNOVATION (effectively useful and sustainable): it is necessary

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Posted in Innovation non-disruptive mindset Sustainability

°The misunderstanding on Innovation by Manager, Consultants and Pundits

Today Managers and Consultants & the “intellectuals” are focused on the past: it is not bad faith, but it is a lack of ability to recognize the new.

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Posted in Disruptive Innovation Technologies

Disruptive innovation is not based on technologies

in times of crisis like the current one, Consumers have to fall back on PRODUCTS THAT CAN SATISFY REAL NEEDS. Innovation today
consists in “inventing” NEW FORMS OF USE VALUE OF THE PRODUCT.

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Posted in Innovation Mobility 2.0 New Trends Technologies

The role of technologies in innovation (the key is not technology)

The key to the development of technological solutions IS NOT THE TECHNOLOGY!
The quantum leap of the Market of the disruptive innovation is re-defining a role of technologies.

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