Today we are experiencing the beginning of a new era of innovation, and it is necessary to frame the characteristics of the innovation that characterizes it:
● this drive for innovation is first and foremost provided by necessity: in times of radical change (disruption) the situation changes radically the Demand; that is, if a type of product is not innovated radically (disruptive innovation), it cannot be sold.
● in such disruption times there are still no clearly defined models, but above all intuition counts.
Basically there is no “culture of innovation”, but only a culture of non-innovation: that is, the drive for innovation is an innate quality in man, but modern education, which aims to create adults integrated into the “mass”, inhibits this quality.
What can be done is to develop a “Culture of entrepreneurship”, which helps people to put their ideas into practice (the instinct to innovate innate in man must be adapted to the mechanisms of the Market).
● the innovation of big companies is bound to fail, due to problems inherent in their structure.