contatto – Innovazione

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Proposal of Partnership

About Luca Bottazzi

Luca Bottazzi was ● Business Innovation Consultant ● owner of Web Agency.

And it is currently ● Smart Innovation Consultant for Governance and Public Administration Innovation) <see>

He is also the author of analysis and reflections on modern Democracy, developing in this regard Vision and Mission original that represent a novelty in the sector (see “Beyond Social Democracy”, “Introduction to Direct Democracy”, “Towards a Welfare 2.0”). <see>

Key factors o LB pensiero

What distinguishes the operation of Luca Bottazzi is to carry out a critical analysis of the problem on which I work before developing the concept of the solution (today this is missing: we talk about changing the business paradigm without first trying to fully understand what today requires the Market).

The fact is that only in this way is it possible to develop an approach of real Disruptive innovation: a new generation of Solutions able to meet the new needs of the Users (ie the trends: Social Impact, Crowd driven market, Proximity commerce, Industry 4.0, Care economy, Open Government, etc. …).

In the final analysis, this approach represents something substantially new, capable of developing an effective disruptive innovation that allows us to act as a Game Changer (see Solutions, in which we are First mover <see>).

My proposal

Anchor: myproposal

What can I do for You? / Whate you can do fr me?

This proposal of partnership is sent to people or companies that seem to share the aspiration to create a real innovation.

The objective of this document is to allow the potential partner to understand “what I can do for him” (what is the actual value of my proposal). And in how the Partner can contribute to the Partnership to make it profitable.

What is my contribution

In summary my contribution is:


● on my Solutions already developed at project level <see Solutions>

on Solutions developed for your customers (from my activity as an Innovation Consultant derives the ability to develop radically innovative solutions with respect to complex Problems). <see>

THEORETICAL contribution – in my design approach we start from a “theoretical” analysis of the Problem. With this method, I pushed myself to analyze Market trends more generally: what are the mistakes made by the business that are producing the current market crisis and what are the possible solutions?

I am therefore interested in developing these topics even in a context that goes beyond the production of Solutions, ie a more purely theoretical context (as well as being an “academic” approach, for a company it is an important support for the development of projects, and for Communication).

What can be the contribution of the Partner.

What (probably) may be the contribution of the Partner (but I’m open to any effective other proposals) is

the addition of complementary elements
to what I offered.
A contribution that allow us to bring
the Solutions on the Market

(i mean the solutions already developed by me, or the solutions that the Partner intends to develop for its customers).

[ see “Why/How to collaborate” ]

– – – – – –
Luca Bottazzi
+39 348 9139724