

Gavin McInnes: Paris ‘Needs a Slap in the Face’ | Truth Revolt

  t The Rebel Media, commentator Gavin McInnes reports from the scene of last Friday’s concert massacre in Paris at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It’s not a hopeful scene, reports McInnes: “My visit to Paris has been profoundly depressing. There is no fight left in this city.” The people he spoke with “are too encumbered with capitulation. They blame Read More
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Il magrebino che difende l’Isis: “A Roma l’8 dicembre succederà qualcosa” | Libero Quotidiano

Dal centro per gli immigrati di Mineo, vicino a Catania, agli stranieri che vivono in Italia già da anni, sono in molti a difendere chi ha compiuto gli attacchi di Parigi. Le inquietanti testimonianze sono state raccolte in un servizio andato in onda questa mattina, giovedì 19 novembre, a L’aria che tira, su La7. Ad Read More

‘F**k you racist f**k!’: Pro-Hillary PAC Uses Foul-mouthed Hispanic Children to Attack Trump| Alex Jones’ Infowars

In one of the lowest stunts of this election season, a political action committee run by a Hillary Clinton supporter is forcing Hispanic child actors to read vulgarity-laden scripts labeling GOP frontrunner Donald Trump a “racist.” An ad released by the Deport Racism PAC yesterday attempts to shame Trump for his tough views on illegal Read More
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Cosa sei diventata, America? Attraversano a piedi col rosso, la polizia li picchia e li arresta. Video choc – il Blog di Marcello Foa

Non riconosco più l’America. Quando ero un ragazzo era il Paese della libertà, quando avevo 19 anni lo attraversi in bus, sui Greyhound, coast to coast, andata e ritorno. Dormivamo nei motel passeggiavamo liberamente nelle grandi città come in quelle piccole; non avevamo paura e non sentivamo alcuna diffidenza attorno a noi. Era un vero Read More

How the Refugee Crisis Will Decimate Europe | Alex Jones’ Infowar

How the Refugee Crisis Will Decimate Europe Global elite want to destroy nation-states The globalists are exploiting the migrant crisis to destroy the nation-states of Europe. infowars/IW-SubPage/IW-SP-ARTICLE-620×100 Adblade Content   .entry-content .entry-meta #post » How the Refugee Crisis Will Decimate Europe Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!. Read More

CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America

Preview:   Full video (free) A love affair with collectivist ideologies has lead to ever bigger government and the welfare-warfare state. Lead by a Marxist splinter group called the “Frankfurt School” — “the long march through the institutions” has infiltrated every corner of Western culture to corrupt traditional Christian values with “political correctness,” another name Read More

Benghazi An Illegal CIA Arms Transfer… Period Alex Jones’ | Infowars

Of course its political, but the Democrats don’t like tasting their own poison. Notice we don’t hear the Democrats apologizing for the Justice Dept.’s targeting of journalists or the IRS’ targeting of conservative groups and Christian organizations. infowars/IW-SubPage/IW-SP-ARTICLE-620×100 Videos:   » Benghazi An Illegal CIA Arms Transfer… Period Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war Read More
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Hillary’s Benghazi Death Stare | Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Hillary’s Benghazi Death Stare Hillary’s body language says a lot After months of calling the Benghazi investigation a witch hunt attempt to sabotage her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton today arrived on Capitol Hill to defend herself before the investigative committee. infowars/IW-SubPage/IW-SP-ARTICLE-620×100   Adblade Content Videos: .entry-content .entry-meta #post » Hillary’s Benghazi Death Stare Alex Read More

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

Are the Scandinavian countries really examples of successful socialism? Stefan Molyneux, Host of Freedomain Radio, dissects the myth of productive state power. Please donate at Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web – Sources: The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism – YouTube. Read More

What’s Wrong With Socialism?

YouTube Comment: I get why you can’t stand communism – because of dictatorships – but what’s wrong with socialism? You said that you were a socialist during your youth – what turned you away from it? Friedrich Nietzsche: Was He Really A Philosopher?… HELP US SURVIVE —► SUBSCRIBE TO STEFAN —►… SUBSCRIBE Read More

» Collapse: Sweden Raped And Robbed By Immigrants Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Collapse: Sweden Raped And Robbed By Immigrants Entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women byJon Bowne | | October 21, 2015 Once dubbed the “Great Humanitarian Power” by its ex-prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden is on the edge of a brutal collapse due to a wave of entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women at a rate of Read More