
Milton Friedman: There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

Milton Friedman, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Prize for Economic Science, was one of the most recognizable and influential proponents of liberty and markets in the 20th century, and the leader of the Chicago School of economics. In this video from the grand opening of the Cato Institutes’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. in 1993, Milton Read More

▶ TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

This interview was filmed February 10, 1999. What are the elements of the libertarian movement and how does one of its most illustrious proponents, Milton Friedman, apply its tenets to issues facing the United States today? Milton Friedman, Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences discusses how he balances the libertarians’ desire Read More
LibTV -

▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo

FACEBOOK – BLOG –… La storia del novecento vista sotto l’aspetto economico, principalmente nella lotta dottrinale tra due punti di vista, quello keynesista e quello neoliberista, personificati dalle figure degli economisti Keynes e Von Hayek. ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 1/2 – YouTube.     ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 2/2 Read More
LibTV -

▶ Tom Palmer: the inevitable collapse of the welfare state

Dr Tom G Palmer says the welfare state is unsustainable and must be reformed. Dr Palmer, from the Atlas Network and the Cato Institute, is speaking in Melbourne to the Institute of Public Affairs and the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance on Wednesday 10 April 2013. ▶ Tom Palmer: the inevitable collapse of the welfare state – Read More

▶ Robert Higgs: “The Logic of Crisis and Leviathan and Why It Still Holds” – YouTube

!Centralism, !Monopoly, !Planned economy          
On February 17, 2014 Robert Higgs presented the above speech as part of the ongoing Economic Liberty Lecture Series, a joint project of The Future of Freedom Foundation and the George Mason University Economics Society. Robert Higgs is Senior Fellow in Political Economy for The Independent Institute and Editor at Large of the Institute’s quarterly Read More