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La marea umana è un grande inganno –

Ma come li dobbiamo chiamare? Possibile che gli stessi soggetti li indichiamo indistintamente immigrati, migranti generici, migranti economici o in fuga dalla guerra, migranti ambientali o transitanti, richiedenti asilo, profughi, rifugiati e solo raramente clandestini? Se non siamo neppure in grado di rappresentare correttamente il soggetto di cui ci occupiamo, come possiamo immaginare di poter Read More

USA President Barack Obama connections to ISLAM – Last days news

Barack Obama direct connections to ISLAM BREAKING NEWS ALERT OBAMA ADMITS ISLAM EDUCATION ISLAM is terrorism Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama’s grade school teacher as childhood friends, says Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. Michael Coren and Walid Shoebat Discuss Barack Read More

La profezia di Oriana: ecco perché Berlino non è estranea al terrore –

*Western Civil War (from Left)          
Quanto alla Germania che con le sue duemila moschee e i suoi tre milioni di mussulmani turchi sembra una succursale del defunto Impero Ottomano, beh.. L’aereo Pan American che nel 1988 esplose in volo e cadde sulla cittadina scozzese di Lockerbie uccidendo 270 persone era partito da Francoforte: sì o no? La bomba nel bagagliaio Read More

ITALICUM: UNA “LEGGE ACERBO 2.0″… il rapporto tra la legge fascista e quella renziana (di Giuseppe PALMA) |

Meritevole di approfondimento è certamente la questione relativa alle impressionanti similitudini tra il sistema elettorale introdotto dal primo Governo Mussolini e quello varato dal Governo Renzi (Legge n. 52/2015, cosiddetta Italicum). Se la “Legge Acerbo” (L. 18 novembre 1923, n. 2444) poneva al 25% dei voti la soglia minima oltre la quale far scattare il Read More

A Dictator’s Double Standard |

AUGUSTO PINOCHET, who died Sunday at the age of 91, has been vilified for three decades in and outside of Chile, the South American country he ruled for 17 years. For some he was the epitome of an evil dictator. That was partly because he helped to overthrow, with U.S. support, an elected president considered Read More

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals – John Hawkins

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals | Posted: Apr 13, 2012 12:01 AM Saul Alinsky was a brilliant man. Evil, but brilliant. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everyone on the Left from the President on down is playing by his rules in the political arena. Not all liberals Read More

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation – YouTube Intimidation, harassment, and blackmail have become the norm in American politics. Why? Because it works. Kimberley Strassel, author of The Intimidation Game, explains. Donate today to PragerU: YouTube has placed this video in Restricted Mode. SIGN OUR PETITION to fight back!: Buy “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Read More

Glenn Greenwald: In The Democratic Echo Chamber, Inconvenient Truths Become Putin Plots | Zero Hedge

Authored by Glenn Greenwald, originally posted at The Intercept, Donald Trump, for reasons I’ve repeatedly pointed out, is an extremist, despicable, and dangerous candidate, and his almost-certain humiliating defeat is less than a month away. So I realize there is little appetite in certain circles for critiques of any of the tawdry and sometimes fraudulent journalistic Read More

Surprise, Surprise! Want To Know Who Is Promoting Multiculturalism Across The World? –

The Shepp Report Special Edition Surprise, Surprise! Want To Know Who Is Promoting Dangerous Multiculturalism Across The World? January 13, 2016     No, It’s Not Islam. A New World Order Of Fascists   Watch and listen to the following video. Then scroll down to see who was speaking, as the European governments, especially Swedish Read More

The Most Explosive WikiLeaks Clinton Revelations (So Far) –

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Here is a rundown of some of the biggest bombshells dropped by WikiLeaks’ disclosure of Hillary Clinton’s speeches and emails, and why each is so important. 1. Clinton dreams of a world with “open trade and open borders”: Every American should understand that Democrats, and plenty of Republicans, are fighting an all-out Read More

Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing –

Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”. Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology Read More