

Negli Usa vogliono imporre una “educazione del pensiero unico” – ZENIT

“Vogliono trasformare mia figlia in un piccolo robot”, diceva nei giorni scorsi una signora alla Tv. Si tratta di una dei 2400 genitori firmatari di una protesta contro il direttore di una scuola di Long Island, l’isola sobborgo di New York. Mamme e papà protestano perchè il direttore ha cancellato lo spettacolo di fine anno dei Read More

HSLDA: Common Core Issues | Analysis

  Featured Article Hoover Institution—2014 “Implementing Standards and Testing” in What Lies Ahead for America’s Children and Their Schools pp. 87–118. Williamson M. Evers, edited by Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Richard Sousa The 1983 Nation at Risk report on K–12 education was a wake-up call that spoke in distressing tones about America’s “once unchallenged Read More

Common Core. La scuola in America come il Grande Fratello | Tempi.it

Telecamere per analizzare l’espressione facciale degli studenti, dispositivi per monitorare il movimento degli occhi, sono solo alcuni degli assurdi strumenti promossi dal governo per migliorare l’istruzione "Below title Link" End «L’attuazione del Common Core sta scatenando ciò che è probabilmente il monitoraggio più completo dei cittadini che l’America abbia mai visto». A denunciarlo è Hslda, Read More

Il terreno di coltura di Bernie Sanders I testi “rossi” studiati negli atenei Usa – Glauco Maggi – Libero Quotidiano

Perche’ stupirsi se i giovani Democratici sono tra i piu’ entusiasti di Bernie Sanders (e anche i meno giovani, visto che il 42% dei Democratici sono favorevoli alla ideologia socialista in un recentissimo sondaggio YouGov)? Basta vedere che cosa si insegna nelle universita’ in economia e in “politica sociale”. Il “Manifesto comunista” appare in oltre Read More

Obama’s ‘Redistributive Change’ and the Death of Freedom | National Review Online

#Conspiracy/Back-room deals          
Beware the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights. There should no longer be any dispute that Barack Obama’s aim is to socialize the American economy — as he vaporously puts it, to bring about “redistributive change.” The real question is how he’ll go about it. Very likely, the answer lies in a potentially Read More

Why the Fuss? Obama Has Long Been On Record In Favor Of Redistribution | Forbes

#Conspiracy/Back-room deals          
Obama’s disaffection with the Constitution and his pleas for larger unconstrained government go against the grain of American thinking. In 2001, then state senator and University of Chicago law lecturer, Barack Obama, sat down for a public radio interview. At the time, he did not anticipate a near-term run for the presidency. He spoke candidly Read More

Obama rips U.S. Constitution | wnd.com

#Conspiracy/Back-room deals          
Seven years before Barack Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment to Joe the Plumber became a GOP campaign theme, the Democratic presidential candidate said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth. In a newly unearthed tape, Obama is heard telling Read More

Blog: Don’t Cry For Argentina’s Marxists | americanthinker.com

Argentina’s 42-year-old Minister of the Economy and former economics professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, is best known for his research papers that “reinterpreted Keynes from a Marxist perspective.” Having elected leaders with this type of intellectual toolkit, it should not be much of a surprise that the ultra-leftist government of Argentina Read More

ACLU Silence Enables Campus Anti-free Speech Movement | Cato Institute

The Radio Television Digital News Association recently presented its new First Amendment Defenders Award to Tim Tai, a student journalist who was hired by ESPN to cover the anti-racism protests at the University of Missouri. “Tai was confronted by University students, faculty and staff, threatening him with violence if he did not abandon his efforts,” Read More

The Truth About Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is portrayed in the mainstream media as a peace-loving anti-apartheid revolutionary and philanthropist. But what is the truth about Nelson Mandela? Correction: For decades, Mandela supported nationalization, but abandoned his plans after being informed of the negative effects they would likely engender. Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support Read More

White “Privilege” Has Nothing on State Privilege | Mises Daily

Cultural Marxism enjoyed a victory last week when University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe resigned after members of the Missouri Tigers football team joined a student movement calling for his resignation. While I fully support the rights of these players to leverage their athletic ability to advocate a cause — as I would support their Read More

La censura islamofila contro Van Gogh | L’intraprendente

Una scuola elementare di Firenze nega ai suoi studenti la visita alla mostra “Bellezza divina”, piena di Crocifissi e Pietà, per «venire incontro alla sensibilità delle famiglie non cattoliche». Un insopportabile divieto che offende l’Arte prima ancora che la Fede Ora anche contemplare l’immagine dolente del Cristo crocifisso di Guttuso e Chagall, ammirare la straordinaria Read More

Libri gender all’asilo: “Vogliono plagiare i nostri figli”

Maurizio Fugatti, esponente del Partito Autonomista Trentino Tirolese, pubblica su Facebook le immagini delle favole distribuite negli asili e che propagandano l’ideologia gender   “Questi sono libri di vera e propria propaganda della cultura omosessuale. Non possono girare nelle nostre scuole”.   Raggiungiamo al telefono Maurizio Fugatti, segretario nazionale della Lega Nord Trentino, mentre è Read More