

How Journalism Turns Into Propaganda | thefederalist.com

“ “They’ve decided you’re to go into journalism. It’s a great honor. We have to strengthen the press. It’s full of bourgeoise elements and reactionaries. We don’t send just anyone there.” —In the screenplay “Angi Vera,” newspaper editor and Communist Party hack Anna Trajan speaks to her young protégé, groomed to destroy anyone standing in Read More

WikiLeaks Reveals Liberals’ Strategy For Political Dominance | The Daily Caller

A leaked memo from current Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a handful of liberal billionaires in late 2007 lays out the longterm progressive strategy to dominate American politics by creating an “echo chamber” to control public discourse and changing American demographics to make them more “advantageous.”   Billionaire investor George Soros of Soros Fund Management attends the Read More

Falce, sesso libero e martello: così l’Urss distrusse la famiglia – IlGiornale.it

L’anno prossimo cadrà il centenario delle apparizioni di Fatima, nelle quali la Madonna aveva profetizzato l’avvento e le conseguenze – del comunismo in Russia (il golpe leninista avvenne di lì a poche settimane). Per l’occasione si è svolto in settembre a Fatima un congresso mariologico internazionale in cui, tra l’altro, è stato presentato il libro Read More

Così la Fallaci sbugiardò Fo: “Fascista prima nero, poi rosso” – IlGiornale.it

Tra Oriana Fallaci e Dario Fo non correva buon sangue. Negli anni si scambiarono diverse accuse, il primo barricato su posizioni no-global, la seconda sempre controcorrente. Alla scrittrice fiorentina non piaceva «come giullare» e come autore «l’ho sempre bocciato». Inoltre fu lei a denunciarne il facile conformismo: «fascista nero» durante il Ventennio e «fascista rosso» Read More

Obama e Hillary, è cominciata la metamorfosi comunista dei democratici – Libero Quotidiano

#Double Truth - Double Moral          
La metamorfosi comunista del partito Democratico USA e’ completata, e a dirlo non sono i repubblicani che sperano di attrarre dalla loro gli Indipendenti, ma i soli effettivamente autorizzati ad una simile asserzione: ossia i membri del PCUSA, il partito USA genuinamente comunista. Il “merito” della trasformazione e’ di Obama, come ha scritto alcuni mesi Read More

After the Manifestos: Building a New Reform Movement in Higher Education | National Association of Scholars

Edward Lorenz, the father of chaos theory, died this week at age 90. Lorenz was a meteorologist and mathematician who investigated what are called “nonlinear dynamic systems.” Even those of us who can’t follow the mathematics are familiar with Lorenz’s basic idea of physical systems so precariously arranged that infinitesimal changes at one stage can Read More

L’ultimo editoriale di Belpietro “Lascio Libero, saluto i lettori” – Libero Quotidiano

Come vostro estimatore e lettore dalle origini, visto il titolo della rubrica lettere nel merito degli articoli di Feltri e Giordano, mi chiedo: ma la posizione della direzione di Libero verso il referendum costituzionale è per il sì o per il no?Mario Neri da Belluno Caro Neri, non so cosa pensi la direzione di Libero, Read More

Children Now Spend Less Time Outside than the Average Prisoner » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

#Education monopoly          
Prisoners the world over are characteristically defined by their inability to move freely. Inmates at the Wabash maximum security prison in Indiana, however, were recently shocked to learn about one group that enjoys less time outdoors than they do: children. A global survey conducted on children’s time outdoors quickly became an ongoing campaign called “Dirt Read More

Yuri Bezmenov: Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (1983)

Yuri Bezmenov (alias Tomas Schuman), a Soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983. Yuri Bezmenov was a former KGB propagandist who was assigned to New Dehli, India – and defected to the West in 1970. Bezmenov Read More

The Four Steps for American Subversion | Patch

A warning from a former KGB agent. The premise behind Hitchcock’s 1935 movie classic, “The 39 Steps,” was not about a staircase, but rather a series of clandestine tasks to ultimately overthrow the government. It was an intriguing movie but as it turns out, it actually takes considerably fewer steps to subvert a government, four Read More

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)

  This is G. Edward Griffin’s shocking video interview, Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984), where he interviews ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB’s subversive tactics against western society as a whole. Bezmenov explains how Jewish Marxist ideology is destabilizing the economy and purposefully pushing the U.S. Read More