
13 Controversial Quotes From Planned Parenthood’s Founder |dailysignal.com

  Planned Parenthood, engulfed in a scandal following the release of two undercover videos, is the largest abortion provider in the United States. On its website, the organization compliments Margaret Sanger as one of the pro-choice movement’s “great heroes.” Sanger started the American Birth Control League in 1921; it became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of Read More

Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing – breitbart.com

Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”. Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology Read More

Ameriphobia: Filmmaker Explains Hillary’s Fear Of America » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

  Ameriphobia: Filmmaker Explains Hillary’s Fear Of America » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!. Source: Ameriphobia: Filmmaker Explains Hillary’s Fear Of America » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! Read More

Hillary Clinton Promotes Ameriphobia » Alex Jones’ Infowars

Once upon a time, phobias were confined to fears of heights, insects, and closed spaces.   But ever since Stalin’s mad scientists condemned those objecting to collectivism to psychiatric wards, progressives have gleefully labeled opposing opinions as mental disorders. Fast forward from Stalin’s gulags to America today – if you believe in traditional marriage, you Read More

Ron Maxwell: Hillary’s Totalitarian Moment – breitbart.com/

The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries as preparation and justification for mass murder came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French Revolution.The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times, but each insult is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a group of Read More

Who is Obama’s Boss? And Why it Matters. » Alex Jones’ Infowars- Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Here is another question that has the same answer: who is in charge of destroying economies?Who keeps pushing new economy-destroying trade treaties, like the upcoming TPP? Who is in the business of killing jobs and hope?Who demands that these treaties must be ratified?Who is breathing down Obama’s neck, as he stages a last-ditch effort to Read More

Hungary Teaches Globalists a Lesson on Immigration, Borders, Democracy – Breitbart

In his book Politics and the English Language, George Orwell wrote, “it is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of régime claim that it is a democracy…. Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way.”Seventy years later, Read More

A Historical View of the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Dispute – YouTube

This video presents the historic background to the Israli-Palestinian conflict. If details in this video do not fit with what you have heard about the conflict it can be explained by the years of Arab propaganda against Israel. There were Arabs in British Mandatory Palestine before the Jewish nationalist movement was founded in the late Read More

Black Lives Matter Vows to Destroy the “Nuclear Family” » Alex Jones’ Infowars

The official ‘Black Lives Matter’ website vows to destroy the nuclear family and replace it with communitarian-style collective parenting. “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, and especially “our” children to the degree that mothers, parents Read More

Obama e Hillary, è cominciata la metamorfosi comunista dei democratici – Libero Quotidiano

#Double Truth - Double Moral          
La metamorfosi comunista del partito Democratico USA e’ completata, e a dirlo non sono i repubblicani che sperano di attrarre dalla loro gli Indipendenti, ma i soli effettivamente autorizzati ad una simile asserzione: ossia i membri del PCUSA, il partito USA genuinamente comunista. Il “merito” della trasformazione e’ di Obama, come ha scritto alcuni mesi Read More

Hillary Clinton’s health in rapid collapse… voters in shock after photos show her unable to walk up small flight of stairs – NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) For at least the last five years, scary signs of Hillary Clinton’s plummeting health have continued to emerge. From her bizarre in-speech “blackouts” to her repeated monstrous coughing fits and her seizure-like bobble head behavior, many people have legitimately wondered whether Hillary Clinton is in the midst of a neurological or cognitive collapse. Now, Read More

Gli sciacalli di Nizza che rubavano alle vittime – IlGiornale.it

*Western Civil War (from Left)          
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ha ucciso 84 innocenti nella terribile notte di Nizza. Ora spuntano gli sciacalli di quella notte Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ha ucciso 84 innocenti nella terribile notte di Nizza. Ma a distanza di circa 3 settimane da quella tragedia emergono nuovi retroscena: quella sera alcuni sciacalli sarebbero entrati in azione proprio mentre le Read More

L’indiscrezione di Peter Scheweizer in Clinton Cash, soldi dalla Russia di Vladimir Putin per la fondazione dei Clinton – Esteri – Libero Quotidiano

Quando i coniugi Clinton hanno lasciato con la coda tra le gambe la Casa Bianca, era stata la stessa Hillary a dichiare quanto fossero in bolletta. I guai del marito Bill erano costati milioni di dollari in spese legali per evitare che, oltre alla Presidenza degli Stati Uniti dopo l’impeachment della Camera, potesse perdere anche Read More