
La profezia di Oriana: ecco perché Berlino non è estranea al terrore – IlGiornale.it

*Western Civil War (from Left)          
Quanto alla Germania che con le sue duemila moschee e i suoi tre milioni di mussulmani turchi sembra una succursale del defunto Impero Ottomano, beh.. L’aereo Pan American che nel 1988 esplose in volo e cadde sulla cittadina scozzese di Lockerbie uccidendo 270 persone era partito da Francoforte: sì o no? La bomba nel bagagliaio Read More

4 sintomi russofobi di un complotto per rubare la Casa Bianca a Trump | megachip.globalist.it

Donald Trump potrebbe ritrovarsi legalmente derubato della sua elezione il 19 dicembre, quando il Collegio Elettorale esprimerà il proprio voto, oppure il 6 gennaio, quando il Congresso si riunirà in seduta plenaria per contare questi voti. In questo momento, gli apparati di potere sono nel panico completo e sembrano essersi accordati sul fatto che “l’interferenza Read More

Income Inequality is Good – PragerU

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e35Vf-9n8E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e35Vf-9n8E What if everything you’ve heard about income inequality is wrong? What if it’s actually a good thing for there to be people who are rich and people who aren’t? John Tamny, editor of RealClearMarkets, clarifies one of the big misunderstandings of our time. Donate today to PragerU: http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h Join PragerU’s text list to Read More

Krauthammer: Liberals Always Blame ‘Isms’ Of Other Side For Losses, Clinton Lost Because ‘She Had Nothing To Say’ – Breitbart

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthamer argued that Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s loss was because “she had nothing to say. She was running because it was her turn.”Krauthammer said, “Well, look, every time liberals lose, they accuse the Read More

A Dictator’s Double Standard | washingtonpost.com

AUGUSTO PINOCHET, who died Sunday at the age of 91, has been vilified for three decades in and outside of Chile, the South American country he ruled for 17 years. For some he was the epitome of an evil dictator. That was partly because he helped to overthrow, with U.S. support, an elected president considered Read More

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals – John Hawkins

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals | Posted: Apr 13, 2012 12:01 AM Saul Alinsky was a brilliant man. Evil, but brilliant. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everyone on the Left from the President on down is playing by his rules in the political arena. Not all liberals Read More

The Dark Art of Political Intimidation – YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXocwzYjcBc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXocwzYjcBc Intimidation, harassment, and blackmail have become the norm in American politics. Why? Because it works. Kimberley Strassel, author of The Intimidation Game, explains. Donate today to PragerU: http://l.prageru.com/2eB2p0h YouTube has placed this video in Restricted Mode. SIGN OUR PETITION to fight back!: http://l.prageru.com/2d5k57G Buy “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Read More

How Journalism Turns Into Propaganda | thefederalist.com

“ “They’ve decided you’re to go into journalism. It’s a great honor. We have to strengthen the press. It’s full of bourgeoise elements and reactionaries. We don’t send just anyone there.” —In the screenplay “Angi Vera,” newspaper editor and Communist Party hack Anna Trajan speaks to her young protégé, groomed to destroy anyone standing in Read More

“Che fare?” si chiese Lenin. E fece una strage per costruire la dittatura – IlGiornale.it

Al centro della riflessione del “Che fare?” c’erano l’idea del primato della politica e quella del ruolo del partito come depositario della «coscienza rivoluzionaria» e come catalizzatore delle energie rivoluzionarie del proletariato. Da sola, argomentava Lenin, la classe operaia non sarebbe stata in grado di raggiungere una vera «coscienza rivoluzionaria» e si sarebbe esaurita in Read More

Surprise, Surprise! Want To Know Who Is Promoting Multiculturalism Across The World? – freedomisknowledge.com

The Shepp Report Special Edition Surprise, Surprise! Want To Know Who Is Promoting Dangerous Multiculturalism Across The World? January 13, 2016     No, It’s Not Islam. A New World Order Of Fascists   Watch and listen to the following video. Then scroll down to see who was speaking, as the European governments, especially Swedish Read More

Falce, sesso libero e martello: così l’Urss distrusse la famiglia – IlGiornale.it

L’anno prossimo cadrà il centenario delle apparizioni di Fatima, nelle quali la Madonna aveva profetizzato l’avvento e le conseguenze – del comunismo in Russia (il golpe leninista avvenne di lì a poche settimane). Per l’occasione si è svolto in settembre a Fatima un congresso mariologico internazionale in cui, tra l’altro, è stato presentato il libro Read More

WikiLeaks: Powerpoint Shows Clinton Allies Polling Obama’s Muslim Heritage, Cocaine Use – Breitbart

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER In 2008, Clinton family allies polled opposition talking points featuring Barack Obama’s possible use of cocaine and Muslim heritage. In an email on January 18, 2008, Kristi Fuksa of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner research company shared a power point presentation with John Podesta and several advisers.   “Obama is not patriotic enough Read More

Expert: Hillary Armed Islamic Terrorists to Destabilize Libya » Alex Jones’ Infowars

Hillary Clinton was arming Islamic terrorists in Libya to destabilize the region in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi revealed. “The whole purpose of this Benghazi compound was for Hillary to provide arms to the Al-Qaeda terrorists and militants – largely foreigners coming into Libya who were going to disrupt the country,” Read More