
Così il Pci scatenò il terrore per impadronirsi del Paese

In “Bella ciao” Giampaolo Pansa racconta la strategia delle Brigate Garibaldi per sterminare i fascisti. E non solo Pubblichiamo, per gentile concessione dell’editore, un estratto da Bella Ciao. Controstoria della Resistenza (Rizzoli, pagg. 430, euro 19,90; in libreria dal 12 febbraio) di Giampaolo Pansa. Nel saggio Pansa ricostruisce con dovizia di particolari il ruolo del Read More

Robert Shiller Is Shilling for Socialism | Mises Daily

The Nobel Prize just gets cheaper and cheaper. Recent laureate Bob Shiller graces the New York Times with his latest rant that free-markets stink, bolstering his argument by making stuff up. For starters, Shiller writes that America’s wealth “can be attributed” to regulation. Well, sure, it “can be attributed” to Zeus. Or sunspots. In the Read More

Edward Stringham | Private Governance Book Panel

+private REGULATIONS          
(Q&A: 55′) Are all of the rules and regulations governing economic activity a product of central planning or legislation? To what extent does privately produced and enforced governance play a role? In his latest book, Edward Stringham argues that much of what is orderly in the economy can actually be attributed to governing mechanisms devised Read More

Europeans Begin to Revolt Over Migrant Invasion

Europeans told to abandon their culture for Middle Eastern migrants. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER – https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEme… Infowars on G+ Read More

Gun Control: Fashionable Prohibition for Modern Lawmakers | Mises Daily

With the latest school shooting, all humane people are expected to jump up and do something to stop the next shooting. The most popular response among media pundits and national policymakers right now is an expansion of the various prohibitions now in place against guns. For anyone familiar with the history of prohibitions on inanimate Read More

“Comunismo democratico? Una bugia da intellettuali”

Lo storico Stéphane Coutois: “La propaganda di Stalin conquistò l’Europa. E la vostra Costituzione ne risente”. E sull’Italia: “Non vietate tutti i totalitarismi, solo il fascismo” Lo storico Stéphane Coutois: “La propaganda di Stalin conquistò l’Europa”. E la vostra Costituzione ne risente. E sull’Italia:” Non vietate tutti i totalitarismi, solo il fascismo” Mar, 15/12/2009    Read More

Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich: An Anti-Robin Hood Story | LearnLiberty

“Stealing from the Poor to Give to the Rich: An Anti-Robin Hood Story” by @LearnLiberty ► Get Learn Liberty updates in your inbox! http://LearnLiberty.org/subscribe Have you ever thought much about property rights? Many believe ownership protections primarily favor the wealthy, but it turns out that the wealthy and politically connected actually benefit more when ownership Read More

Time for the IRS to Come Clean | Cato Institute

A congressional oversight committee recently renewed its request for documents from an ethically suspect Internal Revenue Service, which ignores such requests with impunity. But this time, the Supreme Court has taken away the agency’s excuse for not cooperating. In 2014, the IRS began imposing the individual and employer mandates on 70 million Americans even though the Affordable Read More

Today’s Anti-Capitalists Ignore the Fundamental Problems of Socialism | Mises Institute

July 27, 2015  Jonathan Newman Anti-market and pro-socialist rhetoric is surging in headlines (see also here, here, and here) and popping up more and more on social media feeds. Much of the time, these opponents of markets can’t tell the difference between state-sponsored organizations like the International Monetary Fund and actual markets. But, that doesn’t Read More

Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious | Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

!Conflitto tra Civilità°          
White House sent out ‘happy Ramadan’ statement before commenting on Chattanooga attack   July 17, 2015 President Obama issued a statement yesterday urging Americans to respect the religion of Islam before he even commented on a terror attack by an Islamic extremist in Chattanooga which killed four Marines, prompting widespread anger. The White House tweeted Read More