The Law, by Frederic Bastiat

#Legal Plunder          
When a reviewer wishes to give special recognition to a book, he predicts that it will still be read “a hundred years from now.” The Law, first published as a pamphlet in June, 1850, is already more than a hundred years old. And because its truths are eternal, it will still be read when another Read More

Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites

#Physical violence (agit-prop)          
<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/fcOXqFQw2hc” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> Nelson Mandela sings with his communist comrades about killing white people. For decades the ANC propagated this extreme hatred towards the white minority of South Africa. Has this contributed to the extreme violence being perpetrated against the white minority of South Africa today? FAQ: Q:What does “bhulu” really mean? Read More

“Saint” Mandela? Not So Fast! | thenewamerican.com

 President Barack Obama has compared him to George Washington. MSNBC’s Chris Matthews heralded him as “perhaps the world’s greatest hero.” The Las Vegas Guardian Express dispensed with the “perhaps,” declaring in headline: “Nelson Mandela World’s Greatest Hero.” Others have christened him “the greatest man of the 20th century.” Many revere him as “the savior” of South Africa. Read More

Islam, la studentessa musulmana a Milano: «Voi non capite niente, è tutto scritto nel Corano» | Corriere.it

/md_bx_04 Modulo Box Navigazione Orizzontale (Ap) MILANO- Scenario: aula magna dell’Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Schiapparelli nel centro di Milano. Contesto: circa trecento studenti delle ultime due classi, dunque quasi tutti in età compresa tra i 17 e 19 anni, sono riuniti per assistere a una lezione sulla nascita di Isis in Medio Oriente e le sue Read More

A Warning To The West: A Voice From The Heart Of The Islamic World | nocompulsion.com

Warning: please read carefully. The following article is not written with “hatred” or “Islamophobia” or “ignorance” as many will prejudge. The same accusions Muslims, and their western leftist “useful idiots” usually accuse falsely those who dare to criticize Islam or those who make them listen to what they don’t want to hear about their religion. Read More

Leggere il Corano per capire che l’Islam non si fermerà

Quanto mi fanno ribollire il sangue i buonisti, relativisti e islamofili nostrani che di fronte alle atrocità perpetrate dai terroristi islamici che sgozzano, decapitano, ardono vivi, massacrano i «nemici dell’islam», puntualmente si affrettano a scagionare l’islam, Allah, il Corano e Maometto e contemporaneamente ci auto-colpevolizzano sostenendo che i cristiani sarebbero responsabili di crimini non meno Read More

Jihad Central: Brussels Became A Terror Hot Spot Because Of A Socialist Mayor’s Immigration Ideology | breitbart.com

So Brussels is on lockdown due to the heightened terror threat. Trains have been cancelled, people have been told to stay away from crowded areas, meaning that the centre is deserted and sporting events have been postponed. It’s no surprise really because about half a mile north-west of Brussels city centre lies the shabby suburb Read More

1 in 5 British Muslims have sympathy for jihadis, poll reveals | The Sun

NEARLY one in five British Muslims has some sympathy with those who have fled the UK to fight for IS in Syria. The number among young Muslims aged 18-34 is even higher at one in four. The figures emerged in our exclusive poll conducted after the Paris atrocities led by French and Belgian jihadis returning Read More

Gavin McInnes: Paris ‘Needs a Slap in the Face’ | Truth Revolt

  t The Rebel Media, commentator Gavin McInnes reports from the scene of last Friday’s concert massacre in Paris at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It’s not a hopeful scene, reports McInnes: “My visit to Paris has been profoundly depressing. There is no fight left in this city.” The people he spoke with “are too encumbered with capitulation. They blame Read More

Suppression of Free Speech in Academia Is Out of Control | Cato Institute

This article appeared on Cato.org on November 18, 2015. Hostility to the exercise of free speech on American college campuses is nothing new. But what happened at Yale University, the University of Missouri and other colleges over the past two weeks is something new and frightening. The suppression of speech in academia has begun to Read More