“Prima dello Stato, il medioevo della libertà” | SCUOLA DI LIBERALISMO “LUDWIG VON MISES” 2015 – 6° SEMINARIO

La videoregistrazione del 6° seminario della Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig von Mises” 2015 – VII edizione di Catanzaro, tenuto il 6 marzo 2015 dal prof. Guglielmo Piombini.     Per maggiori informazioni consultare il sito www.fondazionescoppa.it SCUOLA DI LIBERALISMO “LUDWIG VON MISES” 2015 – 6° SEMINARIO – YouTube. Read More

▶ Money As Debt – Full Length Documentary

Essential viewing on money and the banking system. Money As Debt is a fast-paced and highly entertaining animated feature by artist & videographer, Paul Grignon. It explains today’s magically perverse DEBT-MONEY SYSTEM in terms that are easy to understand. “When banks extend loans to their customers, they CREATE money by crediting their customers’ accounts.” – Read More

▶ Seven Stages Of Empire – Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 2 – Mike Maloney (History of Money)

So there you have it folks, the Seven Stages Of Empire. Rather than write about the video itself and undo the simple elegance of Mike’s explanations, I thought I’d come from a different angle — what you can do to help us. The good news is that it is actually pretty simple. If you enjoyed Read More
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