*Natural Rights

Il principio di nazionalità e di libertà politica | Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig Von Mises”

*Natural Rights          
SCUOLA DI LIBERALISMO “LUDWIG VON MISES” 2015 – 8° SEMINARIO Videoregistrazione dell’ 8° seminario della Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig von Mises” 2015 – VII edizione di Catanzaro, tenuto dal prof. Alessandro Vitale su “Il principio di nazionalità e la libertà politica”. UMG Catanzaro – facoltà di Giurisprudenza, 20 marzo 2015. Per maggiori informazioni consultare il Read More

Immigrants Aren’t the Only Ones Who Shouldn’t Be Voting | Mises Institute

Much of the current immigration debate in the United States centers around the issue of “amnesty,” which is a vague term that may mean anything from “we won’t deport you” to “let’s fast-track you to citizenship and voting rights.” From a laissez-faire perspective, the deportation aspect of amnesty — an increase in federal inaction — Read More

The Undercurrents of Our Education System: Recognizing and Subverting Cognitive Disinformation I The Hampton Institute

Anna Brix Thomsen I Education I Analysis I July 16th, 2014 AddThis Button END In his book, Underground History of American Education, one of the most progressive yet unappreciated voices of pedagogy today, John Taylor Gatto, exposes the undercurrents that steer the direction of the education system. One of the most prominent examples is Gatto’s Read More

La Magna Carta, 800 anni di libertà contro ogni statalismo | L’intraprendente

*Natural Rights, #Abuse of power          
Siamo così assuefatti al laudano dello statalismo che a qualsiasi istituzione politica della storia diamo invariabilmente sempre il nome di “Stato”. Nemmeno ci sfiora l’idea che una volta lo Stato non c’era. Ricordare dunque che esattamente 800 anni fa, una vera “eternità”, il 15 giugno 1215, a Runnymede, in Inghilterra, veniva siglata la “Magna Carta” Read More

Elementary School Bans ‘Cartwheels’ & ‘Handstands’ to ‘Safeguard’ Students – Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Students at a Plymouth, England, elementary school are no longer allowed to perform “cartwheels” and “handstands” after administrators deemed the moves too advanced for children. According to the Plymouth Herald, the Old Priory Primary Academy banned all “gymnastic movements” this week after administrators reported minor injuries among several students. Emma Hermon-Wright, the school’s interim headteacher, Read More

L’America che condanna Ulbricht non è più l’America di Jefferson – il Blog di Carlo Lottieri

30mag 15 Condannato all’ergastolo: con scarsissime (per non dire nulle) possibilità di vedere modificata una sentenza tanto pesante. È questa la pena che è stata inflitta a Ross Ulbricht, il fondatore di Silk Road, una piattaforma libera usata essenzialmente per sviluppare tutta una serie di commerci “illegali”. Ma qui è il problema. Per quale motivo, Read More

Government Charges Hastert With “Crime” of Withdrawing His Own Money | The Beacon

By Randall Holcombe  •  Wednesday June 10, 2015 12:53 PM PDT  • Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, has been charged with lying to the FBI about the reason he was withdrawing money from bank accounts. Should what Hastert did be illegal, or any of the government’s business? Let’s look at Read More

Involuntary commitment or Civil commitment – Wikipedia

Involuntary commitment or civil commitment is a legal process through which an individual with symptoms of severe mental illness is court-ordered into treatment in a hospital (inpatient) or in the community (outpatient). Criteria for civil commitment are established by laws, which vary between nations. Commitment proceedings often follow a period of emergency hospitalization, during which Read More

▶ Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice (Cato Institute, 2009)

Featuring the author, Tom G. Palmer, General Director, Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity, and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; with comments by Tyler Cowen, Professor of Economics, George Mason University, and General Director, Mercatus Center. For more than 25 years, Tom Palmer has studied the history and theory of liberty and has Read More

▶ Correcting Some Common Libertarian Misconceptions | Stephan Kinsella

Stephan Kinsella speaks at the Students for Liberty Conference in Austin, TX. Video production by The Foundation for a Free Society, a 501c3 … This is my final video justifying libertarian property theory and the principle of self-ownership. Further reading can be found at the links below. How We Come to … Kinsella Liberty Talk. Read More