[§] SNATURAMENTO culturale – Orwellian World



E’ UFFICIALE: COL SINODO NULLA E’ CAMBIATO Siccome la bergogliana “macchina della propaganda” continua a ripetere una cosa totalmente infondata, ovvero che la Relatio del Sinodo aprirebbe alla comunione per i divorziati risposati (quantomeno caso per caso), andiamo alla fonte diretta. Chiediamoci: il n. 85 della Relatio CONSENTE oppure NON CONSENTE di accedere all’eucarestia per Read More

Il Cardinale Robert Sarah: “Gender è più pericoloso dell’Isis” – IlGiornale.it

#Azzeramento Culturale          
Il cardinale Robert Sarah, capo del dicastero per il Culto Divino non ha dubbi: “Isis e ideologia gender sono due bestie apocalittiche” “Il gender molto più pericoloso dell’Isis“. È l’opinione del cardinale Robert Sarah che guida il dicastero per il Culto Divino e la disciplina dei sacramenti. In realtà il cardinale spiega che gender e Read More

Vatican Insider: Pope Francis Will Resign in 2016 Following Argentina Visit Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Last week I went to visit two of my most trusted sources in the Vatican, one a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St. Sylvester Pope, the other, a clergy member of the Vatican Secretariat of States, the oldest dicastery in the Roman Curia, which is the Read More

The Menace of Egalitarianism | Mises Daily

This talk was delivered at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mises Circle, “Against PC,” on October 3, 2015. A sharp Martian visiting Earth would make two observations about the United States — one true, the other only superficially so. On the basis of its ceaseless exercises in self-congratulation, the US appears to him to be a place Read More

Ranking the Peasants – China Introduces Orwellian “Citizen Scores” | Liberty Blitzkrieg

The following is extraordinarily creepy and disturbing. It’s also extremely clever, from a jackbooted, fascist thug perspective. When massive censorship itself isn’t enough… TechDirt reports: China’s plan to control the hearts, minds and internet connections of its citizens continues unimpeded. That’s the great thing about authoritarian regimes: rollout of mandatory programs is usually only a problem Read More

“Comunismo democratico? Una bugia da intellettuali”

Lo storico Stéphane Coutois: “La propaganda di Stalin conquistò l’Europa. E la vostra Costituzione ne risente”. E sull’Italia: “Non vietate tutti i totalitarismi, solo il fascismo” Lo storico Stéphane Coutois: “La propaganda di Stalin conquistò l’Europa”. E la vostra Costituzione ne risente. E sull’Italia:” Non vietate tutti i totalitarismi, solo il fascismo” Mar, 15/12/2009    Read More

Cosa c’è dietro “la foto che sconvolge il mondo” – il Blog di Marcello Foa

Molti lettori mi hanno scritto chiedendomi cosa ci fosse dietro le sconvolgenti foto del piccolo Aylan. Sospettano un’operazione di spin e chiedono il mio parere in quanto docente di comunicazione ed esperto di spin e manipolazione mediatica, oltre che ovviamente di giornalista. Complice qualche ora insonne questa notte, ho cercato di ricostruire cos’è successo. Sono Read More

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database | New York Post

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data Read More

Obiezioni liberal-libertarie al caos di Stato sulle unioni civili – LeoniBlog

In teoria, un liberal-libertario non può che essere soddisfatto della sentenza della Corte europea dei diritti umani. In pratica, non è proprio così. Cercherò di spiegare perché, sapendo che la materia divide e alimenta polemiche. I giudici di Strasburgo hanno condannato l’Italia per la violazione dei diritti di tre coppie omosessuali, e in particolare per Read More

The Intellectual Intolerance Behind “ Check Your Privilege | Mises Institute

A decade ago, no one had ever been told to “check your privilege.” Now it commands an appreciable “market share” in academia and social justice rhetoric. But it does so despite sharply opposed interpretations of its meaning. In fact, its expanded footprint is partly because of its ambiguity. It Could Be an Invitation to Debate Read More

The mainstream media’s shameful abandonment of freedom fighter Cliven Bundy – NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) If you know more about freedom fighters in Ukraine than you do about freedom fighters and government-caused animal atrocities at a remote ranch in Nevada, you can, once again, blame your lack of knowledge on a mainstream, corporate-owned, lockstep media that is so ideologically corrupt as to be less than worthless.There has been a Read More

Oklahoma GOP Rep.: Common Core Is Indoctrinating Kids With Socialism

AP Photo / Sue Ogrocki ByDaniel StraussPublishedFebruary 20, 2014, 11:05 AM EST 2370 views Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) offered a new example of modern day socialism: Common Core. In an interview with the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins on Monday, Bridenstine, a tea party favorite, argued that Common Core educational standards are really socialism. The Read More

Common Core: What’s Hidden Behind the Language – Rachel Alexander – Page full

Conservatives are in an uproar over Common Core, an educational curriculum being forced upon the states by the Obama administration, which is scheduled to be mostly implemented this year in the 46 states that have adopted it. Common Core eliminates local control over K-12 curriculum in math and English, instead imposing a one-size-fits-all, top-down curriculum Read More

Obama trying to take over public education with ‘common core’ curriculum that teaches socialism – NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he’s a closet socialist because that’s what socialists do – they ridicule anyone who tries to “out” them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure Read More

Is Common Core a Socialist Program? | COMMON CORE

Is Common Core State Standards a socialist program? Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership of resources, free access to services/goods, and little or no personal property ownership.  Common Core is a national movement toward a single, collective set of common academic standards, common access to the academic standards and tests, and little or no Read More

▶ Come gli Spin Doctor manipolano i giornalisti usando il “Frame” – Marcello Foa

Analisi della manipolazione istituzionale del consenso, nell’opinione pubblica. Come si producono verità più “vere” di altre. Marcello Foa, giornalista e docente, parla di Spin Doctor, di “Frame” e delle strategie per inattivare i grandi cambiamenti sociali. Produzione e diritti: www.byoblu.com     http://www.byoblu.com/post/2013/03/22… ▶ Come gli Spin Doctor manipolano i giornalisti usando il “Frame” – Read More