[§] SNATURAMENTO culturale – Orwellian World


1 in 5 British Muslims have sympathy for jihadis, poll reveals | The Sun

NEARLY one in five British Muslims has some sympathy with those who have fled the UK to fight for IS in Syria. The number among young Muslims aged 18-34 is even higher at one in four. The figures emerged in our exclusive poll conducted after the Paris atrocities led by French and Belgian jihadis returning Read More

Gavin McInnes: Paris ‘Needs a Slap in the Face’ | Truth Revolt

  t The Rebel Media, commentator Gavin McInnes reports from the scene of last Friday’s concert massacre in Paris at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It’s not a hopeful scene, reports McInnes: “My visit to Paris has been profoundly depressing. There is no fight left in this city.” The people he spoke with “are too encumbered with capitulation. They blame Read More

Niente Adeste Fideles a scuola: “È troppo cristiana”

Il brano della tradizione natalizia “Adeste fideles”? "Troppo cristiano, non si può suonare". La pensa così, almeno, il dirigente scolastico dell’Istituto comprensivo di Casazza, la professoressa Maria Antonia Savio, che, nell’imminenza del consueto appuntamento   Il brano della tradizione natalizia “Adeste fideles”? “Troppo cristiano, non si può suonare”.   La pensa così, almeno, il dirigente Read More

La censura islamofila contro Van Gogh | L’intraprendente

Una scuola elementare di Firenze nega ai suoi studenti la visita alla mostra “Bellezza divina”, piena di Crocifissi e Pietà, per «venire incontro alla sensibilità delle famiglie non cattoliche». Un insopportabile divieto che offende l’Arte prima ancora che la Fede Ora anche contemplare l’immagine dolente del Cristo crocifisso di Guttuso e Chagall, ammirare la straordinaria Read More

Missouri PC Intolerance: Mao and Salem Witch Trial Redux | Alex Jones’ Infowars

The incident at Missouri University yesterday where a photographer was harassed and assaulted for trying to exercise his First Amendment right in a state controlled PC zone is reminiscent of other incidents of intolerance in American history. For instance, at the Salem village in Massachusetts in the late 1600s where inflexible religious precept disallowed religious Read More

‘F**k you racist f**k!’: Pro-Hillary PAC Uses Foul-mouthed Hispanic Children to Attack Trump| Alex Jones’ Infowars

In one of the lowest stunts of this election season, a political action committee run by a Hillary Clinton supporter is forcing Hispanic child actors to read vulgarity-laden scripts labeling GOP frontrunner Donald Trump a “racist.” An ad released by the Deport Racism PAC yesterday attempts to shame Trump for his tough views on illegal Read More

Libri gender all’asilo: “Vogliono plagiare i nostri figli”

Maurizio Fugatti, esponente del Partito Autonomista Trentino Tirolese, pubblica su Facebook le immagini delle favole distribuite negli asili e che propagandano l’ideologia gender   “Questi sono libri di vera e propria propaganda della cultura omosessuale. Non possono girare nelle nostre scuole”.   Raggiungiamo al telefono Maurizio Fugatti, segretario nazionale della Lega Nord Trentino, mentre è Read More

For WHO, Red Meat Is a Red Herring | Mises Daily

Our booming green-industrial complex built up by administrations of both parties in the US is effectively using the United Nations, its thirty two “sister” institutions — such as the World Bank, UNESCO, and numerous “tribunals” — and hundreds of training and research centers. This huge international bureaucratic buildup is already employing over a million “international Read More

German Schools Abolish Christian Festival to Avoid Offending Muslim Migrants | Alex Jones’ Infowar

Primary schools and kindergartens in Germany are abolishing a Christian celebration and changing it into a generic “festival of lights” so as not to offend the hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants pouring into the country. According to a translated report out of the Epoch Times, schools are re-naming the Christian-themed St. Martin’s Day, an Read More

Muslim Migrants Invited to Take Over German Church; Altar, Cross, Pulpit Removed Alex Jones’ Infowars

A Protestant church in Oberhausen, Germany is set to remove Christian crosses, altars and pulpits in order to accomodate 50 Muslim migrants who were invited to stay in the building. “The parish had offered that to the city,” Oberhausen city spokesperson Rainer Suhr told media outlets. “Before the refugees can move in, the seats have Read More

Ma la sinistra non volle capire e scelse l’eterna guerra civile

La grande biografia di Mussolini smontava i luoghi comuni sul Duce. L’Italia, politicamente fragile, non era pronta a ripensare il suo passato   Quando nel 1975 uscì l’Intervista sul fascismo (Laterza) rilasciata da Renzo De Felice al giovane storico americano Michael A. Ledeen erano già stati pubblicati da Einaudi i primi quattro volumi della monumentale Read More

“Io non riabilito il fascismo, voglio solo comprenderlo”

Così nel 1975 lo storico rispondeva a quanti accusavano la sua opera di “revisionismo”. La sua era letteratura “scientifica”, non politica. Una lezione utile ancora oggi Renzo De Felice, titolare della cattedra di Storia dei partiti e dei movimenti politici all’Università di Roma, abita, tra molti libri, a Monteverde Vecchio, un quartiere di memorie garibaldine Read More

L’egemonia di sinistra ha creato un deserto e l’ha chiamato cultura

#Orwellian world (Mass control)          
L’intellettuale organico ha dissolto concetti, valori e modelli positivi lasciando la società in balia del conformismo e della volgarità   Ma è vera o falsa la leggenda dell’egemonia culturale di sinistra? Cos’era e cosa resta oggi di quel disegno di conquista e dominio culturale? In principio l’egemonia culturale fu un progetto e una teoria che Read More

CULTURAL MARXISM: The Corruption of America

Preview:   Full video (free) A love affair with collectivist ideologies has lead to ever bigger government and the welfare-warfare state. Lead by a Marxist splinter group called the “Frankfurt School” — “the long march through the institutions” has infiltrated every corner of Western culture to corrupt traditional Christian values with “political correctness,” another name Read More

BBC Protects U.K.’s Close Ally Saudi Arabia With Incredibly Dishonest and Biased Editin g | the intercept

The BBC loves to boast about how “objective” and “neutral” it is. But a recent article, which it was forced to change, illustrates the lengths to which the British state-funded media outlet will go to protect one of the U.K. government’s closest allies, Saudi Arabia, which also happens to be one of the country’s largest arms purchasers Read More