[§] SNATURAMENTO culturale – Orwellian World


Distruggete i populisti e salvate la globalizzazione! Usando i media e le masse… – il Blog di Marcello Foa

Alcuni articoli sono rivelatori. Uno di questi lo ha pubblicato La Stampa, lo scorso 15 febbraio, a firma di Charles A. Kupchan. E voi direte: chi è? Semplice: è uno dei principali pensatori dell’establishment americano. Docente di affari internazionali alla Georgetown University e membro del Council on Foreign Relations, dal 2014 al 2017 è stato Read More

18 Major Scandals in Obama’s ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency – Breitbart

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER President Obama and his mouthpieces have embarked on a bizarre scheme to hypnotize America into forgetting the many scandals of his presidency. They seem to think that intoning “this administration hasn’t had a scandal”over and over againwill make history disappear. It’s the lamest Jedi Mind Trick ever, and is being Read More

The Soviet Union 25 Years On: ‘Oceans of Blood, Crushing Tyranny’

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER December 24, 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the formal end of the Soviet Union as a political entity on the map of the world. A quarter of a century ago, the curtain was lowered on the 75-year experiment in “building socialism” in the country where it all began following Read More

4 sintomi russofobi di un complotto per rubare la Casa Bianca a Trump | megachip.globalist.it

Donald Trump potrebbe ritrovarsi legalmente derubato della sua elezione il 19 dicembre, quando il Collegio Elettorale esprimerà il proprio voto, oppure il 6 gennaio, quando il Congresso si riunirà in seduta plenaria per contare questi voti. In questo momento, gli apparati di potere sono nel panico completo e sembrano essersi accordati sul fatto che “l’interferenza Read More

In Trump’s America, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, New Commandments | National Review

The socialist essayist and novelist George Orwell by 1944 grew depressed that as a cost for the defeat of the Axis Powers the Allies had empowered an equally nightmarish monster in the Soviet Union. Since his days fighting for the loyalists during the Spanish Civil War, the left-wing Orwell had become an increasingly outspoken enemy of Communism. Read More

10 Ways the CIA ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) pledged to support a congressional investigation into whether Russian hacking affected the 2016 election. Republicans have nothing to fear from such an investigation, because they won the election fair and square. No, Russia is not the friend that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Read More

A Dictator’s Double Standard | washingtonpost.com

AUGUSTO PINOCHET, who died Sunday at the age of 91, has been vilified for three decades in and outside of Chile, the South American country he ruled for 17 years. For some he was the epitome of an evil dictator. That was partly because he helped to overthrow, with U.S. support, an elected president considered Read More

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals – John Hawkins

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals Against Liberals | Posted: Apr 13, 2012 12:01 AM Saul Alinsky was a brilliant man. Evil, but brilliant. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, everyone on the Left from the President on down is playing by his rules in the political arena. Not all liberals Read More

How Journalism Turns Into Propaganda | thefederalist.com

“ “They’ve decided you’re to go into journalism. It’s a great honor. We have to strengthen the press. It’s full of bourgeoise elements and reactionaries. We don’t send just anyone there.” —In the screenplay “Angi Vera,” newspaper editor and Communist Party hack Anna Trajan speaks to her young protégé, groomed to destroy anyone standing in Read More

Glenn Greenwald: In The Democratic Echo Chamber, Inconvenient Truths Become Putin Plots | Zero Hedge

Authored by Glenn Greenwald, originally posted at The Intercept, Donald Trump, for reasons I’ve repeatedly pointed out, is an extremist, despicable, and dangerous candidate, and his almost-certain humiliating defeat is less than a month away. So I realize there is little appetite in certain circles for critiques of any of the tawdry and sometimes fraudulent journalistic Read More

WikiLeaks Reveals Liberals’ Strategy For Political Dominance | The Daily Caller

A leaked memo from current Clinton campaign chair John Podesta to a handful of liberal billionaires in late 2007 lays out the longterm progressive strategy to dominate American politics by creating an “echo chamber” to control public discourse and changing American demographics to make them more “advantageous.”   Billionaire investor George Soros of Soros Fund Management attends the Read More

“Che fare?” si chiese Lenin. E fece una strage per costruire la dittatura – IlGiornale.it

Al centro della riflessione del “Che fare?” c’erano l’idea del primato della politica e quella del ruolo del partito come depositario della «coscienza rivoluzionaria» e come catalizzatore delle energie rivoluzionarie del proletariato. Da sola, argomentava Lenin, la classe operaia non sarebbe stata in grado di raggiungere una vera «coscienza rivoluzionaria» e si sarebbe esaurita in Read More