#Requisition of Private Properties


Socialism Has Created a Humanitarian Disaster in Venezuela | Cato Institute

This article appeared on City A.M on February 29, 2016. Venezuela’s accelerating economic meltdown is rapidly turning into a full-fledged humanitarian crisis. For too many in that country, the pervasive shortages of food, medicine, electricity, and other basic goods are making everyday life a nightmare. It is Venezuela’s version of the “winter of discontent,” except Read More

Inclusionary Zoning Is Rent Control 2.0 – Forbes

Rent control is considered by most cities a measure that distorts and inflates housing markets. But many are embracing a similar price control called "inclusionary zoning." Despite prevailing in a few cities, rent control policies have declined across America, for reasons I mentioned in a previous post. They have been found—perhaps counterintuitively—to increase housing costs, Read More

Want to Make Housing Affordable? Ditch Urban-Growth Boundaries | Cato Institute

This article appeared in The Oregonian on March 1, 2016. A lot of terrible ideas are coming out of Oregon this year. Although Portland, Bend and other Oregon cities face housing affordability crises, most proposals to fix the problem will actually make it worse. These proposals suffer from a complete lack of common sense. For Read More

Leftist Mob Threatens Mafia-Style Attacks on Germans Who Protested Against “Refugees” » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

A militant pro-refugee left-wing mob has threatened violent Mafia-style attacks on residents of a German village in retaliation for them protesting against the arrival of a group of migrants. Last week, Germans in the village of Clausnitz in Saxony surrounded a bus carrying asylum seekers and tried to prevent the migrants getting off. The residents Read More

Blog: Don’t Cry For Argentina’s Marxists | americanthinker.com

Argentina’s 42-year-old Minister of the Economy and former economics professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, is best known for his research papers that “reinterpreted Keynes from a Marxist perspective.” Having elected leaders with this type of intellectual toolkit, it should not be much of a surprise that the ultra-leftist government of Argentina Read More

C’è un giudice a Bellinzona. ILVA nazionalizzata dai pm ormai a picco | LeoniBlog

Notizia numero uno: a fine ottobre 2015 l’Italia è uscita dalla lista dei primi 10 produttori mondiali di acciaio, segnando anche quest’anno un meno 8,6%. E’ l’effetto diretto del continuo declino dell’ILVA pubblica a Taranto, l’azienda espropriata senza indennizzo ai Riva a seguito della vicenda giudiziaria iniziata nel 2012. Seconda notizia: in Svizzera, il tribunale Read More

German Law Would Give Police Power to Enter Homes to Check For “Refugee Suitability” | Infowars

A proposed law in Germany would give police the power to enter people’s homes without their permission in order to conduct a “suitability” check to see if the accommodation could be used to house asylum seekers. Journalist Gunnar Schupelius writes that he was so shocked by the idea he first thought it was “satire,” but Read More