+private SECURITY


German court lets off ‘Sharia police’ patrol in Wuppertal – BBC News

A German court rules that Islamists who patrolled a city’s streets as “Sharia police” did not break the law and will not be prosecuted. Nine were arrested in September 2014 after patrolling streets in Wuppertal, western Germany. They wore bright orange jackets with the words “Sharia police”. They told passers-by not to frequent discos, casinos Read More

Planned Parenthood’s Right to Bear Arms | Cato Institute

Last week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., was attacked in Colorado Springs. Although many details about the perpetrator, who killed three people and wounded nine, are still unclear, Colorado Springs mayor John Suthers said that the attacker’s motive could be inferred from the location he chose. Violence against clinics raises an important legal Read More

Private police – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Private police are law enforcement bodies that are owned and/or controlled by non-governmental entities. Additionally, the term can refer to an off-duty police officer while working for a private entity, providing security, or otherwise law enforcement-related services. These can be firms to which the government contracts out police work (e.g. the 1975–1977 Oro Valley, Arizona–Rural/Metro Read More

Opinion: It’s time to consider privatized policing | guns.com

The problem Questions of police accountability and efficacy have been prominent topics in the news of late.  On a disturbingly regular basis, we hear and read stories of heavy-handed responses by officers, who, instead of de-escalating confrontations as a domestic police force ought, seem to prefer committing violence on the citizenry they’re ostensibly charged to Read More

Texas Town Gets Rid of Police Dept., Hires ‘SEAL Security’ — Guess What Reportedly Happened to Crime | TheBlaze.com

In 2012, the community of Sharpstown, Texas, made the controversial decision not to renew its contract with the local police department and instead hire a private security firm to combat crime. Since SEAL Security Solutions took over law enforcement in Sharpstown, crime has reportedly dropped by 61 percent in just 20 months. James Alexander, director Read More

Texas Town Hires Private Police Force … And Then Something Stunning Happened | The Conservative Tribune

American police forces have had more than their share of bad publicity. Corruption, racial profiling, use of excessive force … rightly or wrongly, it has all been reported regularly on the televised evening news. And it appears to be happening nationwide. So one Texas town decided to think outside the box. The civic leaders fired Read More