§LIBERAL Democracy

▶ Jon Stewart’s 19 Tough Questions for Libertarians!

Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio, responds to 19 tough questions for libertarians. What would be your best response to these questions and statements: 0:06 – Is government the antithesis of liberty? 0:47 – One of the things that enhances freedoms are roads. Infrastructure enhances freedom. A social safety net enhances freedom. 2:02 – What Read More

▶ Exploring Liberty: The Machinery of Freedom

David Friedman is an economist, political philosopher, and the author of many books including The Machinery of Freedom, wherein he lays the groundwork for a society based exclusively on voluntary transactions. In this Exploring Liberty lecture, Friedman discusses the main premises of The Machinery of Freedom and offers a few additional conclusions he has reached Read More

Law without Government: Principles / Conflict Resolution in a Free Society (3 video)

part 1: Law without Government: Principles Part One of a series of films exploring a society where there is law and order, but no government. This part introduces the definitions of law and government, illustrating the concepts using a simple desert-island scenario. part 2: Law without Government: Conflict Resolution in a Free Society This is Read More

▶ TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

This interview was filmed February 10, 1999. What are the elements of the libertarian movement and how does one of its most illustrious proponents, Milton Friedman, apply its tenets to issues facing the United States today? Milton Friedman, Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences discusses how he balances the libertarians’ desire Read More

Railway Socialism and Safety| Mises Institute

The recent Amtrak accident in Philadelphia should lead us to ask two questions: (1) why isn’t there competition within the railway sector, and (2) what is the safety record of state-owned and run railway systems compared to private-run systems. It is often said that privatizing passenger trains would lead to more accidents because greedy capitalists Read More

It’s Income-Tax Day in America. | Mises Institute

#Taxes, +DIRECT Government          
It’s Income-Tax Day in America. In The Ethics of Liberty, Rothbard stated the obvious when he wrote: It would be an instructive exercise for the skeptical reader to try to frame a definition of taxation which does not also include theft. Like the robber, the State demands money at the equivalent of gunpoint; if the taxpayer Read More

The Real War on the Middle Class | Mises Institute

April 28, 2015 Ron Paul One of the great ironies of American politics is that most politicians who talk about helping the middle class support policies that, by expanding the welfare-warfare state, are harmful to middle-class Americans. Eliminating the welfare-warfare state would benefit middle-class Americans by freeing them from exorbitant federal taxes, including the Federal Read More

High-tax California v low-tax Texas: a tale of two states – Telegraph Blogs

By Tom Rogan US politics Last updated: May 28th, 2014 148 Comments Comment on this article   This Bear has problems. Last month, California’s unemployment rate fell to 7.8 per cent. In Texas, the unemployment rate fell to 5.2 per cent.In 2011-12, California’s high school graduation rate for Hispanics was 73 per cent. For African-Americans it was 66 per cent. Read More

Destra e sinistra insieme in Catalogna. Quale lezione per noi?

È una calma apparente quella che regna in Catalogna. Presto si voterà (il 24 maggio, per le elezioni comunali), ma non si tratterà affatto di un appuntamento cruciale. Al contrario, tutta l’attenzione è per ormai per il 27 settembre, un giorno che per Madrid segna soltanto il rinnovo dell’amministrazione regionale, ma che secondo Barcellona coinciderà invece con un vero e proprio referendum. L’accordo tra i due secessionisti catalani Artur... Read More

Far votare tutti sulle spese maggiori? In Ticino se ne discute

+DIRECT Government          
Stavolta non è passata, ma si tornerà a parlare presto della cosa. Oggi la proposta in tema di finanze e spesa avanzata da Sergio Morisoli – esponente di Area Liberale – nel parlamento cantonale del Ticino, in Svizzera, non è stata approvata. I favorevoli sono stati 30 (Lega, Udc, Al e maggioranza del Ppd), mentre i contrari sono stati 34 (Plr, Verdi e Ps). Eppure un voto positivo avrebbe... Read More