§LIBERAL Democracy

How is consumer protection handled in a libertarian society? – Quora

I’ve been curious as to if there are any regulations allowed in a libertarian society to protect consumers?  I’m thinking specifically of items in the market place that even educated consumers would have trouble investigating for themselves.  Take, for example, medication.  Would there be any regulations to keep a pharmaceutical company from selling, say, cholesterol Read More

Kosher Certification: A Model for Improving Private Food Safety Audits | Food Safety News

By Timothy D. Lytton | March 20, 2013 Kosher food is big business. There are more than ten thousand kosher-producing companies in the United States alone, making more than 135,000 kosher products for over twelve million American consumers who purchase kosher food because it is kosher. Only 8 percent of kosher consumers, however, are religious Read More

ITALIA E SVIZZERA, UN CONFRONTO IMPIETOSO – fronteliberazionefiscale.org

+private PENSIONS          
  Se è vero, come sostiene la vulgata prevalente, che la crisi attuale è stata provocata dalla finanza senza regole e dagli eccessi del capitalismo, allora i paesi europei economicamente più liberi dovrebbero trovarsi nelle condizioni peggiori.   Possiamo verificare questa tesi confrontando la situazione economica di due paesi confinanti abitati da popolazioni parzialmente simili, Read More

Sandy Springs, Georgia: The City that Outsourced Everything

While cities across the country are cutting services, raising taxes and contemplating bankruptcy, something extraordinary is happening in a suburban community just north of Atlanta, Georgia. Since incorporating in 2005, Sandy Springs has improved its services, invested tens of millions of dollars in infrastructure and kept taxes flat. And get this: Sandy Springs has no Read More

The Man Who Outsourced the Government | Foundation for Economic Education

Oliver Porter created and implemented the public-private partnership (PPP) model for Sandy Springs, Ga.—a city of 100,000 people near Atlanta. He has served as the principal advisor for many other new cities and for cities considering the conversion to the PPP model, both in the United States and Japan. He has authored three books on Read More

Proprietary community – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A ‘”village”‘ is distinguished from a loose group of individuals by an integrative system of organization that establishes both individual, private resources and common, public resources, and that organizes the activities required for the community’s continuity. A proprietary village'” is a special type of community in which a single owner leases units to multiple tenants. Read More

Private Cities 101 | Foundation for Economic Education

The 21st century will be the century of cities. Over the next 30 years, 1.8 billion people are expected to move to cities in developing countries. While some will add to existing cities, others will migrate to small towns, transforming them into the megapolises of tomorrow. Shenzhen, for example, was a small fishing village of Read More

Restructuring Local Government

+Spontaneous Welfare          
Osborne, David, and Ted Gaebler. 1992. Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Transforming the Public Sector. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Book Summary Osborne, David, and Ted Gaebler. 1992. Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Transforming the Public Sector. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. The authors, David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, argue that American governmental bureaucracy, which Read More

Gli imprenditori mecenati salvano il Paese dalle rovine – IlGiornale.it

+Spontaneous Welfare           dossier:
Ponti, teatri, scuole: da Cucinelli ad Armani, ecco tutte le donazioni che sopperiscono all’assenza dello Stato. Ma il Fisco non agevola i benefattori. C’è chi costruisce scuole, chi mette all’asta il suo tempo per raccogliere il denaro necessario a salvare un ponte e chi riqualifica antichi borghi per far crescere la propria azienda e sviluppare Read More

LV | Walter Block Citizen vs. Government Planning | 4-13-12 – YouTube

    Sue Jeffers, radio talk show host from KTCN 1130 AM, discusses economics with Austrian Economist Walter Block, Associate Scholar, with the Ludwig von Mises Institute. The big question is, who is better at planning; millions of citizens or a handful of government elites. “Libertarian Viewpoint” is all about non-government solutions to problems. This Read More

Home Education – Politics Introduction | Free Sweden.net

^Education, +private SCHOOLING          
  Welcome to the Politics Page of FreeSweden.net in which we look at the political system in Sweden as it relates to homeschooling and the family. We at FreeSweden.net stand for libertarianism. This we understand as follows: “Libertarianism is the advocacy of individual rights, especially freedom of thought and action. Philosopher Roderick T. Long defines Read More

German court lets off ‘Sharia police’ patrol in Wuppertal – BBC News

A German court rules that Islamists who patrolled a city’s streets as “Sharia police” did not break the law and will not be prosecuted. Nine were arrested in September 2014 after patrolling streets in Wuppertal, western Germany. They wore bright orange jackets with the words “Sharia police”. They told passers-by not to frequent discos, casinos Read More

Planned Parenthood’s Right to Bear Arms | Cato Institute

Last week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., was attacked in Colorado Springs. Although many details about the perpetrator, who killed three people and wounded nine, are still unclear, Colorado Springs mayor John Suthers said that the attacker’s motive could be inferred from the location he chose. Violence against clinics raises an important legal Read More