§LIBERTARISM Instances/Activisms


Barcelona Threatens To Print Parallel Currency, Madrid Seethes | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Don Quijones via WolfStreet.com, Socialist mayor to fulfill campaign promises by “printing” money. Over the next six months, Barcelona’s left-wing city council plans to roll out a cash-less local currency that has the potential to become the largest of its kind in the world. The main goal of the project, according to a council spokesperson, Read More

TaxPayers’ Alliance – Wikipedia

#Legal Plunder, +Tax Free Mevements          
The TaxPayers’ Alliance is a British pressure group and think tank formed in 2004 to campaign for a low tax society. The group had about 18,000 registered supporters as of 2008, and claimed to have 55,000 by September 2010. The mission of the TPA is “to reverse the perception that big government is necessary and Read More

Spain: Pro-secession parties in Catalonia win landmark vote

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Pro-secession parties pushing for Spain’s northeastern Catalonia region to break away and form a new Mediterranean nation won a landmark vote Sunday by capturing a regional parliamentary majority, setting up a possible showdown over independence with the central government in Madrid. With 99 percent of the vote counted, the “Together for Read More

Anche nel Medioevo ci si ribellava contro il fisco – IlGiornale.it

#TAXATION, +Libertarian Activism          
Dalle Fiandre, alla Francia, alla Toscana si organizzavano rivolte non tanto contro il pane,ma per motivi più evoluti: trasparenza, rappresentanza, equità Anche sette, otto secoli fa, in pieno Medioevo, ci si ribellava contro il fisco. Dalle Fiandre, alla Francia, alla Toscana – le regioni più evolute sotto il profilo economico, nelle quali l’industria aveva un Read More

Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World’s Problems – Michael Strong, John Mackey

9780470450031: Amazon.com: Books An inspiring look at the positive effects of conscious capitalism In this turbulent economic environment, capitalism has had its fair share of critics. But despite the position we currently find ourselves in, there is much good that can come from this system. Be the Solution is a manifesto to conscious capitalism–how it Read More

Seasteading and Its Critics | Cato Unbound

Cato Unbound Managing Editor Jason Kuznicki writes in Cato @ Liberty: What’s needed, Friedman claims, is not more study or advocacy, but a change in the deeper institutional structures that give rise to government policies… Is this just a young person’s impatience? Or has Friedman found a serious weakness in libertarian activism? One reply I Read More

Leveraging Institutional Change | Cato Unbound

Patri Friedman’s critique of “libertarian folk activism” is basically right. Free-market ideas have enjoyed near-dominance in academic economics for roughly thirty years at least. Libertarian think tanks are well funded and influential. Despite these encouraging developments, the overall size of government continues to grow. Both national parties in the United States are, in deed if Read More

Beyond Folk Activism | Cato Unbound

In this month's lead essay, Patri Friedman charges libertarian activists with falling victim to bias: Specifically, they seem to suffer from the belief that advocacy and education are enough to change public policy. Friedman suggests otherwise, and he recommends that much more effort be put into demonstration projects that will show how a libertarian world Read More

Diritti gay, per la sinistra il Family day non ha diritto a scendere in piazza – IlGiornale.it

“È inaccettabile una manifestazione come quella contro le unioni civili che si tiene oggi a Roma”. Usa parole durissime Ivan Scalfarotto, esponente Pd e sottosegretario alle riforme del governo Renzi. Ce l’ha con il Family day: “Una manifestazione contro i diritti dei propri concittadini dà l’idea di quanto la battaglia per i diritti lgbt nel Read More

A Roma un milione in piazza per il Family Day – IlGiornale.it

A Piazza San Giovanni a Roma si è riunita l’Italia contraria alle unioni civili. “Siamo un milione”, gridano dal palco gli organizzatori della manifestazione. Nemmeno il diluvio ha fermato i partecipanti di ogni età (neonati compresi) e di ogni Regione. E ci sono anche circa cento parlamentari che hanno aderito al Family Day e che Read More

Il coraggio di dire no al gender – il Blog di Marcello Foa

22giu 15 Il coraggio di dire no al gender Certo che l’Italia è un Paese strano. Centinaia di migliaia di persone – forse addirittura un milione – si riuniscono in piazza per dire no all’ideologia gender e la notizia viene trattata con sufficienza, alla stregua di un fatto marginale, sebbene non fosse semplicemente una manifestazione Read More

Why Less Government Advances Individual Happiness: Libertarian Philosophy (1997)

Why Less Government Advances Individual Happiness: Libertarian Philosophy (1997) – YouTube. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_… Murray was raised in Newton, Iowa in a Republican, non-collegiate “Norman Rockwell kind of family” that stressed moral responsibility. He is the son of Frances B. (née Patrick) and Alan B. Murray, a Maytag Company executive. He had an intellectual youth marked by Read More

Il liberalismo, quello vero e quello falso | Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig Von Mises”

SCUOLA DI LIBERALISMO “LUDWIG VON MISES” 2014 – 3º SEMINARIO La videoregistrazione del 3º seminario su: “Il liberalismo, quello vero e quello falso” tenuto dal prof. Carlo Lottieri dell’Università degli Studi di Siena alla Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig von Mises” 2014 – VI edizione di Catanzaro. Università degli Studi “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro, facoltà di Read More

Poverty and Welfare | Libertarian Party

Highlights of the Libertarian Party’s “Ending the Welfare State” Proposal From across the political and ideological spectrum, there is now almost universal acknowledgement that the American social welfare system has been a failure. Since the start of the “war on poverty” in 1965, the United States has spent more than $5 trillion trying to ease Read More
LibTV -

**The Ron Paul clip that Fox refused to air** – YouTube

Apparently this was a segment that Fox refused to re-air of the South Carolina Debate. The questioner claims Paul to be “unelectable” due to being against many current Republican standpoints, such as being against the war and to end fiscally liberal spending. Ron Paul argues that these are not things that make him “Un-Republican”, but Read More