+Indipendentism activism


Understanding states rights and the tyranny of the modern state

+Indipendentism activism          
SECESSION AND THE MODERN STATE Donald W. Livingston, PhD.Department of PhilosophyEmory UniversityDecember 1996Secession filled me with hope, not as the destruction but as the redemption of Democracy….(Lord Acton to Robert E. Lee, November 4, 1866) The idea of a modern unitary state goes back to the philosophers of the seventeenth century, but its first appearance Read More

Catalonia independence: Parliament votes to start secession from Spain – BBC News

+Indipendentism activism          
The Spanish region of Catalonia adopts a resolution supporting independence from Spain, but Spain’s PM says his government will challenge it.   Image copyright APThis declaration of independence was opposed by Catalan non-independence parties in the Catalan parliament The parliament of the Spanish region of Catalonia has adopted a resolution which supports independence from Spain. Read More

Così la Catalogna imbocca la via per l’indipendenza

+Indipendentism activism          
Dure critiche da Madrid, dove si riuniranno domani i ministri. Entro mercoledì una decisione sulla costituzionalità Se il processo che è iniziato quest’oggi dovesse essere portato a compimento, la Catalogna arriverebbe a proclamare uno Stato indipendente dalla Spagna.   La risoluzione presentata dai partiti separatisti è stata approvata dal parlamento regionale ed entro un mese Read More

Barcelona Threatens To Print Parallel Currency, Madrid Seethes | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Don Quijones via WolfStreet.com, Socialist mayor to fulfill campaign promises by “printing” money. Over the next six months, Barcelona’s left-wing city council plans to roll out a cash-less local currency that has the potential to become the largest of its kind in the world. The main goal of the project, according to a council spokesperson, Read More

Spain: Pro-secession parties in Catalonia win landmark vote

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Pro-secession parties pushing for Spain’s northeastern Catalonia region to break away and form a new Mediterranean nation won a landmark vote Sunday by capturing a regional parliamentary majority, setting up a possible showdown over independence with the central government in Madrid. With 99 percent of the vote counted, the “Together for Read More

Il liberalismo, quello vero e quello falso | Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig Von Mises”

SCUOLA DI LIBERALISMO “LUDWIG VON MISES” 2014 – 3º SEMINARIO La videoregistrazione del 3º seminario su: “Il liberalismo, quello vero e quello falso” tenuto dal prof. Carlo Lottieri dell’Università degli Studi di Siena alla Scuola di Liberalismo “Ludwig von Mises” 2014 – VI edizione di Catanzaro. Università degli Studi “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro, facoltà di Read More