

Bibinomics: la lezione di Netanyahu — di Lukas Dvorak – LeoniBlog

Mentre Maria Elena Boschi ha passato i mesi di Maggio e Giugno a dichiarare che “Spagna e Israele stanno studiando la nuova Legge Elettorale italiana per copiarla” (senza indicare da quale fonte questa certezza proviene visto che il Jerusalem Post, in un articolo del 19 Marzo, considerava l’Italia un’anomalia democratica), nel corso di una cena Read More

Il reddito della cuccagna

Riformare il welfare è necessario. Meglio però le idee di Friedman che quelle di Grillo e Landini Negli ultimi mesi è diventato centrale nel dibattito politico il “reddito di cittadinanza” proposto dal Movimento 5 stelle. La proposta piace a Sel, alla sinistra del Pd e a Pippo Civati. I consensi si sono estesi a pezzi Read More

Welfare Rights for Libertarians | Bleeding Heart Libertarians

!Welfare, #Demagogy/Spin Doctors          
Libertarians have often opposed what philosophers sometimes call welfare rights, or rights to various goods and serves that promote or safeguard human well-being. These include rights to healthcare and education. Libertarians don’t like welfare rights because they appear to give some the moral permission to force others to provide them with goods and services. So Read More

Poverty and Welfare | Libertarian Party

Highlights of the Libertarian Party’s “Ending the Welfare State” Proposal From across the political and ideological spectrum, there is now almost universal acknowledgement that the American social welfare system has been a failure. Since the start of the “war on poverty” in 1965, the United States has spent more than $5 trillion trying to ease Read More

Global Inequality is Unjust | Bleeding Heart Libertarians

Jonathan Anomaly asks, “Is global wealth inequality unjust?” Anomaly and Dan Moller suggest that global wealth inequality may be less unjust than a lot of people think because rich countries have good political institutions and cultures that encourage social and scientific experimentation, not because they are actively harming poor countries. Moller’s argument is that if Read More

The Philosophy of Liberty: Plunder

!Welfare, #Legal Plunder          
In this follow up video to The Philosophy of Liberty: Property, we explore Frederic Bastiat’s concept of Legal Plunder. Is it ever OK for government to steal your stuff and give it to someone else? Or is government just a glorified organized crime syndicate ala Tony Soprano? Does it really make sense for citizens to Read More

Who are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? | Graziadio Business Review | Graziadio School of Business and Management | Pepperdine University

Who are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Why did the government take them over and how did it impact the housing crisis? By Peggy J. Crawford, PhD and Terry Young, PhD 2008 Volume 11 Issue 4 This article examines the factors that led to the creation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The authors trace Read More
LibTV -

▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo

FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/azione.prometeo BLOG – http://azioneprometeo.wordpress.com/2… La storia del novecento vista sotto l’aspetto economico, principalmente nella lotta dottrinale tra due punti di vista, quello keynesista e quello neoliberista, personificati dalle figure degli economisti Keynes e Von Hayek. ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 1/2 – YouTube.     ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 2/2 Read More
LibTV -

▶ Tom Palmer: the inevitable collapse of the welfare state

Dr Tom G Palmer says the welfare state is unsustainable and must be reformed. Dr Palmer, from the Atlas Network and the Cato Institute, is speaking in Melbourne to the Institute of Public Affairs and the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance on Wednesday 10 April 2013. ▶ Tom Palmer: the inevitable collapse of the welfare state – Read More

ObamaCare – Conservapedia

From Conservapedia start content ObamaCare, formally known as “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” (ACA) will impose massive penalties on young workers, small businesses and others who choose not to buy expensive health insurance, beginning in 2014. ObamaCare is the biggest handout by liberals to a single interest group — the health insurance industry Read More

Statalismi a confronto: i 3 New Deal di Roosevelt, Hitler e Mussolini.

Proponiamo in ANTEPRIMA per L’Indipendenza la traduzione integrale in italiano dell’articolo Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt, una recensione apparsa su Reason magazine nell’Ottobre 2007, da parte di David Boaz, vice presidente esecutivo del Cato Institute, al libro 3 New Deal. Parallelismi tra gli Stati Uniti di Roosevelt, l’Italia di Mussolini e la Germania di Hitler. 1933-1939, scritto Read More