

It’s Income-Tax Day in America. | Mises Institute

#Taxes, +DIRECT Government          
It’s Income-Tax Day in America. In The Ethics of Liberty, Rothbard stated the obvious when he wrote: It would be an instructive exercise for the skeptical reader to try to frame a definition of taxation which does not also include theft. Like the robber, the State demands money at the equivalent of gunpoint; if the taxpayer Read More

High-tax California v low-tax Texas: a tale of two states – Telegraph Blogs

By Tom Rogan US politics Last updated: May 28th, 2014 148 Comments Comment on this article   This Bear has problems. Last month, California’s unemployment rate fell to 7.8 per cent. In Texas, the unemployment rate fell to 5.2 per cent.In 2011-12, California’s high school graduation rate for Hispanics was 73 per cent. For African-Americans it was 66 per cent. Read More