#Monopoly of force (defence)


Planned Parenthood’s Right to Bear Arms | Cato Institute

Last week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., was attacked in Colorado Springs. Although many details about the perpetrator, who killed three people and wounded nine, are still unclear, Colorado Springs mayor John Suthers said that the attacker’s motive could be inferred from the location he chose. Violence against clinics raises an important legal Read More

Mass Shootings and Gun Control | National Review Online

#Monopoly of force (defence)          
Passing more laws doesn’t keep terrorists from getting guns.On Sunday, Hillary Clinton slammed Republicans for not being serious about protecting Americans from terrorism. “How many more Americans need to die before we take action?” Clinton asked in response to Friday’s shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. She believes that stopping such attacks Read More

Private police – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Private police are law enforcement bodies that are owned and/or controlled by non-governmental entities. Additionally, the term can refer to an off-duty police officer while working for a private entity, providing security, or otherwise law enforcement-related services. These can be firms to which the government contracts out police work (e.g. the 1975–1977 Oro Valley, Arizona–Rural/Metro Read More

Gun Control: Fashionable Prohibition for Modern Lawmakers | Mises Daily

With the latest school shooting, all humane people are expected to jump up and do something to stop the next shooting. The most popular response among media pundits and national policymakers right now is an expansion of the various prohibitions now in place against guns. For anyone familiar with the history of prohibitions on inanimate Read More

The Future Is Decentralized | Mises Institute

LibBLog note: The decentralisation of the organisation of the present Democracy is the goal of the Iniziativa Riforma dal Basso (Bottom Up Reform Initiative): a set of tools (web-based) that serve the citizens begin to handle, “in parallel” with the institutions, government and administration of the territory. – – – – The issue is that Read More

Halt the Massacre of Innocent Children by Ending Prohibition on Self-Defense in Schools | Libertarian Party

For Immediate Release Dec. 16, 2012 Families throughout the nation mourn the horrific deaths of 26 people, including 20 young children, killed Friday during a Newtown, Conn., mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. “It’s impossible to imagine the depths of despair and grief that the victims’ families are experiencing right now,” said Geoffrey J. Read More

Government Police “Services” in a Nutshell | Mises Institute

#Monopoly of force (defence)          
Police justify killings like that of Freddy Gray’s on the grounds that such aggressive tactics are necessary to protect lives and property. But when widespread destruction of property, and threats to life and limb appear, the police are breathtakingly inefficient. Of course, we still know little about the death of Gray because the police refuse to take any responsibility. Read More