

Antiseri e il massacro delle scuole paritarie | Tempi.it

Interessante commento oggi di Dario Antiseri sul Corriere della Sera. Antiseri si chiede come mai le scuole paritarie siano tante bistrattate e indifese all’interno del panorama politico e sociale italiano. Antiseri ricorda che lo stesso Antonio Gramsci era un difensore della libertà educativa: «Noi socialisti dobbiamo essere propugnatori della scuola libera, della scuola lasciata all’iniziativa Read More

Elementary School Bans ‘Cartwheels’ & ‘Handstands’ to ‘Safeguard’ Students – Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Students at a Plymouth, England, elementary school are no longer allowed to perform “cartwheels” and “handstands” after administrators deemed the moves too advanced for children. According to the Plymouth Herald, the Old Priory Primary Academy banned all “gymnastic movements” this week after administrators reported minor injuries among several students. Emma Hermon-Wright, the school’s interim headteacher, Read More

Martin Armstrong’s “The Forecaster” Movie Now Available And A Must See – Jeff Berwick – Liberty.me

Any movie about the corruption of the US government and the US financial system that is blacklisted in the US is bound to get our attention. “The Forecaster” is exactly that.  It’s a movie about Martin Armstrong’s amazingly accurate forecasting system called the Economic Confidence Model and how he was jailed for nearly a decade, Read More

Maybe the Government Just Shouldn’t Ask People if They’re Uninsured | The Beacon

Sir John Cowperthwaite was the Financial Secretary of the British Colony of Hong Kong when it began to boom in the 1960s: Asked what is the key thing poor countries should do, Cowperthwaite once remarked: “They should abolish the Office of National Statistics.” In Hong Kong, he refused to collect all but the most superficial Read More

Government Charges Hastert With “Crime” of Withdrawing His Own Money | The Beacon

By Randall Holcombe  •  Wednesday June 10, 2015 12:53 PM PDT  • Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the US House of Representatives, has been charged with lying to the FBI about the reason he was withdrawing money from bank accounts. Should what Hastert did be illegal, or any of the government’s business? Let’s look at Read More

▶ Realizing Freedom: Libertarian Theory, History, and Practice (Cato Institute, 2009)

Featuring the author, Tom G. Palmer, General Director, Atlas Global Initiative for Free Trade, Peace, and Prosperity, and Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; with comments by Tyler Cowen, Professor of Economics, George Mason University, and General Director, Mercatus Center. For more than 25 years, Tom Palmer has studied the history and theory of liberty and has Read More

Halt the Massacre of Innocent Children by Ending Prohibition on Self-Defense in Schools | Libertarian Party

For Immediate Release Dec. 16, 2012 Families throughout the nation mourn the horrific deaths of 26 people, including 20 young children, killed Friday during a Newtown, Conn., mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. “It’s impossible to imagine the depths of despair and grief that the victims’ families are experiencing right now,” said Geoffrey J. Read More

The Truth About School: Another Brick in the Wall! – (History of Education)

Almost everybody has “experienced” public school at some point in their life – but what is the truth about school? While the stated goal has always been public education – what is the true origin and development of this institution? In this presentation, Stefan Molyneux described his own experience in public school, early education in Read More

IndoctriNation: Exposing The Nation’s Public School System 1/3

Filmmaker Colin Gunn joins Alex in-studio to give an inside look at his film IndoctriNation, exposing the nation’s public school system and its attempts to corrupt our youth and ready them for state control, all while undermining traditional Christianity. With an eye on homeschooling as an alternative, Gunn breaks down the moral and ethical degradation Read More

Public “Education” has become indoctrination and distraction

Come  nella Social-democrazia le persone sono educate a sentirsi sottomesse. People are not being educated they’re being tested for levels of obedience. School is about memorizing what you are told short term and repeating it. The bulk of how you are graded is by completely daily busy work. This is for the work force the Read More

▶ Education For Obedience

IMPORTANT CLARIFICATIONS: I should point out that this video is not attacking the idea of education itself, nor is it blaming teachers for what the system requires them to do. It is criticising the *format* of education, state or private, in a state-capitalist society. I do not reject the idea that education ought to be Read More