

Il sistema dei trasporti in Italia tra arbitrii e segreti—di Gemma Mantovani – LeoniBlog

Non solo trasporti: sarebbe stato il sottotitolo più scontato degli ultimi 20 anni che, infatti, il bel libro L’arbitrio del principe: sperperi e abusi nel settore dei trasporti, che fare? di Marco Ponti, Stefano Moroni e Francesco Ramella” (IBL Libri 2015), non ha. Ma è per far capire che si tratta di un libro che ha Read More

Keeping a Bad Scorecard | Cato Institute

Higher education, with all its rankings and competition, is kind of like a sport. Well now the federal government is going to help us keep score with the College Scorecard, which promises, according to President Obama in his weekly radio address, to give all Americans “access to reliable data on every institution of higher education.” Of course, Read More

Obama collecting personal data for a secret race database | New York Post

A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.” Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data Read More

Addio certezza della legge: anche da prefetti e magistrati – LeoniBlog

Nella storia, dello Stato si sono date tante definizioni. Nel secondo dopoguerra, l’avvento anche in Europa della democrazia ci ha fatto lasciare alle spalle enunciati estremi come Der Staat ist Macht, lo Stato è potenza, che piaceva all’hegelismo tedesco e produsse i totalitarismi. Ai tempi nostri, lo Stato dovrebbe essere di conseguenza innanzitutto certezza del Read More

Still Gridlocked after All These Years | Cato Institute

Despite controlling both houses of Congress, Republicans haven’t been able to agree on a highway-and-transit bill. Instead, when the previous law expired on May31, they passed a short-term extension that expires at the end of this month, when they’ll probably pass another short-term extension. Traditionally, transportation laws sunset and must be renewed every six years. Read More

Oklahoma GOP Rep.: Common Core Is Indoctrinating Kids With Socialism

AP Photo / Sue Ogrocki ByDaniel StraussPublishedFebruary 20, 2014, 11:05 AM EST 2370 views Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) offered a new example of modern day socialism: Common Core. In an interview with the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins on Monday, Bridenstine, a tea party favorite, argued that Common Core educational standards are really socialism. The Read More

Common Core: What’s Hidden Behind the Language – Rachel Alexander – Page full

Conservatives are in an uproar over Common Core, an educational curriculum being forced upon the states by the Obama administration, which is scheduled to be mostly implemented this year in the 46 states that have adopted it. Common Core eliminates local control over K-12 curriculum in math and English, instead imposing a one-size-fits-all, top-down curriculum Read More

Obama trying to take over public education with ‘common core’ curriculum that teaches socialism – NaturalNews.com

(NaturalNews) Whenever he can, President Obama likes to poke fun at anyone who suggests that he’s a closet socialist because that’s what socialists do – they ridicule anyone who tries to “out” them. And yet, every policy he pursues takes a page right out of the socialist/Marxist playbook, and one of them is to ensure Read More

Personal Teaching Breaks through Nationally | Cato Institute

I’ve reported before on the growing rebellion against collective standardized testing among parents, students and even teachers’ unions. But I’d never expected to see this May 3 headline from The Washington Post’s Answer Sheet blog: “Why the movement to opt out of Common Core tests is a big deal.” In the piece, education reporter Valerie Read More

The Rise of the Medical Bureaucrat and Centralized Health Care| Mises Institute

In contrast to the expected shortage of tens of thousands of physicians, there appears to be an abundance of health care administrators. Economists and physician-activists at Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) have invoked the below graph and the administrative bloat it shows as reason to promote a single-payer system. Read More

Quel torto al leader azzurro va sanato – IlGiornale.it

La questione della costituzionalità della legge Severino e la sua applicazione retroattiva che ha indotto il Tar della Campania a rimettere in carica il sindaco di Napoli Luigi De Magistris (condannato per abuso di ufficio) a maggior ragione investe l’estromissione di Silvio Berlusconi dal Senato per una condanna in materia tributaria riguardante un fatto molto Read More

California Democrats Now Target Adults For Forced Vaccinations

^HealthCare, #Coercion          
The result is that the battle over state-mandated vaccines is erupting into an all-out political war. A recall effort has begun against state Sen. Richard Pan, a Democrat and pediatrician who sponsored S.B. 277, along with a referendum campaign to repeal the bill. http://www.infowars.com/california-va… National ID card Help us spread the word about the liberty Read More

Il coraggio di dire no al gender – il Blog di Marcello Foa

22giu 15 Il coraggio di dire no al gender Certo che l’Italia è un Paese strano. Centinaia di migliaia di persone – forse addirittura un milione – si riuniscono in piazza per dire no all’ideologia gender e la notizia viene trattata con sufficienza, alla stregua di un fatto marginale, sebbene non fosse semplicemente una manifestazione Read More

The Undercurrents of Our Education System: Recognizing and Subverting Cognitive Disinformation I The Hampton Institute

Anna Brix Thomsen I Education I Analysis I July 16th, 2014 AddThis Button END In his book, Underground History of American Education, one of the most progressive yet unappreciated voices of pedagogy today, John Taylor Gatto, exposes the undercurrents that steer the direction of the education system. One of the most prominent examples is Gatto’s Read More

Against School – John Taylor Gatto

How public education cripples our kids, and why I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in boredom. Boredom was everywhere in my world, and if you asked the kids, as I often did, why they Read More

Fisco vs risparmio | Davide Giacalone

^RetirementSecurity, #Poverty trap          
Il futuro economico degli odierni lavoratori si regge su due gambe: da una parte la previdenza obbligatoria, dall’altra quella integrativa e facoltativa. La prima è piena di protesi e bulloni, frutto di continue riforme. Che neanche sono finite. L’altra doveva essere più atletica e promettente, ma manifesta qualche cedimento al ginocchio. Sono in crescita i Read More