

C’è un giudice a Bellinzona. ILVA nazionalizzata dai pm ormai a picco | LeoniBlog

Notizia numero uno: a fine ottobre 2015 l’Italia è uscita dalla lista dei primi 10 produttori mondiali di acciaio, segnando anche quest’anno un meno 8,6%. E’ l’effetto diretto del continuo declino dell’ILVA pubblica a Taranto, l’azienda espropriata senza indennizzo ai Riva a seguito della vicenda giudiziaria iniziata nel 2012. Seconda notizia: in Svizzera, il tribunale Read More

The Coming Great Recession, Brought To You By The Healthcare Cartel | Zero Hedge

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, So what happens when an insatiable state-mandated cartel attaches itself to households with declining real incomes? Why the coming Great Recession is brought to you by the Healthcare Cartel is painfully simple: in an era of stagnant household incomes, every additional dollar devoted to rising healthcare insurance, outrageously Read More

Natale chiuso per islam

In una scuola milanese festa spostata a gennaio in nome della laicità. L’Occidente si sta suicidando A poche ore dall’apertura dell’Anno santo straordinario voluto da Papa Bergoglio, piovono le cancellazioni delle feste scolastiche per celebrare il Natale cristiano.   L’ultimo caso, ma certamente ne arriveranno altri, accade a Rozzano, prima periferia di Milano. Il preside Read More

Trema la procura di Palermo: alterati i nastri di Napolitano

Stato-mafia, gli 007 di via Arenula in campo per tutelare la privacy di Re Giorgio: “Verificare l’effettiva documentazione e la corretta custodia delle intercettazioni”. Ma su Berlusconi nessuno si è mai mosso Le ultimissime, imbarazzanti ma tecnicamente di competenza di un’altra procura, sono state quelle di Silvana Saguto, la giudice indagata a Caltanissetta e che Read More

White “Privilege” Has Nothing on State Privilege | Mises Daily

Cultural Marxism enjoyed a victory last week when University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe resigned after members of the Missouri Tigers football team joined a student movement calling for his resignation. While I fully support the rights of these players to leverage their athletic ability to advocate a cause — as I would support their Read More

La censura islamofila contro Van Gogh | L’intraprendente

Una scuola elementare di Firenze nega ai suoi studenti la visita alla mostra “Bellezza divina”, piena di Crocifissi e Pietà, per «venire incontro alla sensibilità delle famiglie non cattoliche». Un insopportabile divieto che offende l’Arte prima ancora che la Fede Ora anche contemplare l’immagine dolente del Cristo crocifisso di Guttuso e Chagall, ammirare la straordinaria Read More

Pope Francis Contradicts Himself on Religious Liberty and Capitalism | Mises Daily

While visiting the White House on his first day in the United States this year, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he pointedly directed at President Obama. This came shortly before he made an unscheduled visit with the Little Sisters of the Poor, who are suing the Obama administration over Read More

Medicare’s Costs and Benefits | Cato Institute

This article appeared on National Review (Online) on November 11, 2015. What’s with all the newfound love for Medicare? Last week, at a rally in New Hampshire, Donald Trump proclaimed, “Medicare works! You get rid of the fraud, waste, and abuse, and it works!” That probably shouldn’t come as a surprise from Trump, who once Read More

For WHO, Red Meat Is a Red Herring | Mises Daily

Our booming green-industrial complex built up by administrations of both parties in the US is effectively using the United Nations, its thirty two “sister” institutions — such as the World Bank, UNESCO, and numerous “tribunals” — and hundreds of training and research centers. This huge international bureaucratic buildup is already employing over a million “international Read More

Opinion: It’s time to consider privatized policing | guns.com

The problem Questions of police accountability and efficacy have been prominent topics in the news of late.  On a disturbingly regular basis, we hear and read stories of heavy-handed responses by officers, who, instead of de-escalating confrontations as a domestic police force ought, seem to prefer committing violence on the citizenry they’re ostensibly charged to Read More

Texas Town Gets Rid of Police Dept., Hires ‘SEAL Security’ — Guess What Reportedly Happened to Crime | TheBlaze.com

In 2012, the community of Sharpstown, Texas, made the controversial decision not to renew its contract with the local police department and instead hire a private security firm to combat crime. Since SEAL Security Solutions took over law enforcement in Sharpstown, crime has reportedly dropped by 61 percent in just 20 months. James Alexander, director Read More

Texas Town Hires Private Police Force … And Then Something Stunning Happened | The Conservative Tribune

American police forces have had more than their share of bad publicity. Corruption, racial profiling, use of excessive force … rightly or wrongly, it has all been reported regularly on the televised evening news. And it appears to be happening nationwide. So one Texas town decided to think outside the box. The civic leaders fired Read More

Difference between police, sheriff, ranger, and marshal? [Public Security in USA] | Quora

^PublicSecurity (Defense)          
Police are usually general-purpose law enforcement officers. They are most often employed by a city government, but may be employed by a county, state, college, hospital, transit district, or other quasi-governmental organization with the power to create a law enforcement branch. The “usually” part has to do mainly with federal police forces. If you pay Read More