
Drug Shortages, Price Gouging, and Our Broken Health Care System | Mises Institute

The shaming campaign that followed last week’s news of two generic drug prices somersaulting into the stratosphere after being acquired by private companies is not too surprising. The idea that a drug which cost $13.50 one day can cost $750 the next, seemingly on the whim of greedy Wall Street investors and pharma start-ups, is Read More

Ryanair batte Alitalia, ovvero la rivincita del mercato | L’intraprendente

Chissà a che velocità folle avvengono i sorpassi in volo, di sicuro devono essere una scarica mica male di adrenalina. Se ne saranno accorti i dirigenti di Ryanair che, ad ali spiegate e senza mettere la freccia, hanno sorpassato la compagnia aerea diretta concorrente, Alitalia, per numeri di passeggeri. Dal rapporto Enac presentato ieri in Read More

Starvation Is The Price Greeks Will Pay For Remaining In The EU Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

Syriza, the new Greek government that intended to rescue Greece from austerity, has come a cropper. The government relied on the good will of its EU “partners,” only to find that its “partners” had no good will. The Greek government did not understand that the only concern was the bottom line, or profits, of those Read More

Armstrong Economics | Forecasting the World

Welcome to Armstrong Economics where our mission is to provide a public service for the average person to comprehend the global economy and for professionals to access the most sophisticated international analysis available. We provide an integrated understandable global model approach that is free of personal bias, bravado, or other nonsense, enabling you to see the inherent Read More

Martin Armstrong’s “The Forecaster” Movie Now Available And A Must See – Jeff Berwick – Liberty.me

Any movie about the corruption of the US government and the US financial system that is blacklisted in the US is bound to get our attention. “The Forecaster” is exactly that.  It’s a movie about Martin Armstrong’s amazingly accurate forecasting system called the Economic Confidence Model and how he was jailed for nearly a decade, Read More

L’America che condanna Ulbricht non è più l’America di Jefferson – il Blog di Carlo Lottieri

30mag 15 Condannato all’ergastolo: con scarsissime (per non dire nulle) possibilità di vedere modificata una sentenza tanto pesante. È questa la pena che è stata inflitta a Ross Ulbricht, il fondatore di Silk Road, una piattaforma libera usata essenzialmente per sviluppare tutta una serie di commerci “illegali”. Ma qui è il problema. Per quale motivo, Read More

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind (Documentary) – Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney

Published on Oct 15, 2013 Bonus Presentation here: http://www.hiddensecretsofmoney.com You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in the history of the world… it’s a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet. Most people can feel deep down that something isn’t quite right with the world economy, but Read More

EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor » Cause and Effect – Government Policies and the Financial Crisis

Although the media are full of talk that we face a “crisis of capitalism,” the underlying cause of the financial meltdown is something much more mundane and practical–the housing, tax, and bank regulatory policies of the U.S. government. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, penalty-free refinancing of home loans, tax preferences Read More


by Pascal Salin The current financial crisis is an occasion for many commentators to join in another chorus of capitalism’s chronic instability and the need to strengthen market regulation, which is referred to erroneously as regulating the financial markets. This was the creed espoused, for instance, by the French President in his recent remarks in Read More

Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis – The Atlantic

Of the 19.2 million subprime/low quality loans on the books of government agencies in 2008, 12 million were held or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie A member of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission responds to our interview with Barney Frank, arguing that without the government’s intervention, there would be no housing crisis Reuters On December Read More

List of economic crises – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  List of economic crisis and depressions. 3rd century Crisis of the Third Century 14th century 14th century banking crisis (the crash of the Peruzzi and the Bardi family Compagnia dei Bardi in 1345). 17th century Tulip mania (1637) 18th century South Sea Bubble (1720) (UK) Mississippi Company (1720) (France) Crisis of 1763 – started Read More
LibTV -

▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo

FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/azione.prometeo BLOG – http://azioneprometeo.wordpress.com/2… La storia del novecento vista sotto l’aspetto economico, principalmente nella lotta dottrinale tra due punti di vista, quello keynesista e quello neoliberista, personificati dalle figure degli economisti Keynes e Von Hayek. ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 1/2 – YouTube.     ▶ Storia dell’economia Liberismo contro Keynesismo 2/2 Read More

Singapore e il capitalismo autoritario | Michele Marsonet

Scarsa l’attenzione prestata dai mass media italiani alla morte di Lee Kuan Yew, padre-padrone della moderna Singapore. Eppure la piccola città-Stato asiatica, collocata all’estremità meridionale della penisola malese ed ex colonia britannica, presenta più motivi d’interesse. Non tanto di per sé ma per come Lee l’ha plasmata a partire dai tardi anni ’50 del secolo Read More