*Holistic Vision

Ci mancano i “visionari” come il futurologo Toffler – IlGiornale.it

Vita esemplare dell’umanista che riuscì a intuire l’impatto dello sviluppo tecnologico sulla società Operaio, poeta, giornalista, consulente, futurologo, guru. Sono stati 87 anni intensi, quelli che hanno scandito la vita di Alvin Toffler, il futurologo più celebre e influente della propria generazione, morto alla fine di giugno nella sua casa di Los Angeles.   Nato Read More

▶ “Easiest Way to Turn Your Kids into Geniuses” – John Taylor Gatto

NY State Teacher of the Year Award Winner, John Taylor Gatto shares how to easily turn your child into a genius. Great interview!! An intellectual champion for self-directed learning, Mr. Gatto speaks about Richard Branson’s experience at age 4 which forever changed his life. Get ready for tremendous insight in the creative genius of the Read More

Q&A: Why Robert Kiyosaki thinks our education system is a bust

Beginning of main text By Sally Herigstad Robert Kiyosaki doesn’t believe your kids’ best route to success is to get straight “A’s,” go to college, get a job and work 40 years until retirement. In fact, he’s often observed an inverse relationship between advanced degrees and getting rich, and notes that ‘A’ students often end up Read More