

“Il socialismo non funziona”: indovinate chi l’ha scoperto? Libero Quotidiano

Scoprire, di persona, l’acqua calda. E’ questa, benvenuta, l’esperienza di Jack Stauder, professore di antropologia della Universita’ del Massachusetts Dartmouth, una delle Ivy League. Marxista alla partenza, ha visitato 110 paesi nel mondo, compresi quelli comunisti, e ha concluso che “il socialismo non funziona”. Viaggiando per le sue ricerche accademiche ha via via visto crollare Read More

Viva il modello americano! O forse no, questi dati dimostrano un’altra verità – il Blog di Marcello Foa

#Inefficienze, #Poverty trap           dossier:
Confesso : sono stato, in gioventù, un grande ammiratore degli Stati Uniti. Poi, da inviato speciale, ho iniziato a girare questo grande Paese in lungo e in largo ma non nelle solite, note grandi città – New York, San Francisco, Boston, Washington – bensì nell’America profonda, quella, noiosissima, mai battuta dai turisti e dove i Read More
LibTV -

▶ China’s Incredible Ghost Cities Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Empty Cities, 2012 China is the world’s most populated country but it’s full of vast, empty cities, including a replica Paris. Is it forward thinking or a crazy economic risk? For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=65924&a… In the world’s most populated country there are dozens of empty cities and more are being built every Read More

Public “Education” has become indoctrination and distraction

Come  nella Social-democrazia le persone sono educate a sentirsi sottomesse. People are not being educated they’re being tested for levels of obedience. School is about memorizing what you are told short term and repeating it. The bulk of how you are graded is by completely daily busy work. This is for the work force the Read More

▶ TAKE IT TO THE LIMITS: Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

This interview was filmed February 10, 1999. What are the elements of the libertarian movement and how does one of its most illustrious proponents, Milton Friedman, apply its tenets to issues facing the United States today? Milton Friedman, Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences discusses how he balances the libertarians’ desire Read More