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    Entitled Illegals: “When Will I Get My House and Car?” | Alex Jones’ Infowars

    9 years ago
    Illegal immigrants in Germany feel they are entitled to homes and cars, according to an article appearing in Dachauer Rundschau.

    “I realize that most of them with unrealistic ideas and expectations when they come here. They often ask me: ‘When will I get my house and my car?’” asylum coordinator Isabell Sittner told the newspaper.

    In mid-October Syrian

    migrants filed a case against the state government in Berlin demanding immediate access to shelter and benefits.

    Germany is struggling to process the flood of migrants and has proposed establishing transit zones on its borders.

    In St. Kanzian in the Austrian state of Carinthia, illegals engaged in a hunger strike and demanded the state give them 2,000 euros each a month, according to a report posted on Unzensuriert.at, an Austrian web portal.

    Christian Ragger, the chairman of the Carinthian Freedom Party, said the migrants have misconceptions about Austria and Germany.

    Hunger strikers in Austria. Photo: unzensuriert.at.

    In 2012 Germany’s Constitutional Court ruled asylum seekers are entitled to receive the same level of benefits as the country’s welfare recipients.

    More than 80% if migrants streaming into Europe are “without formal qualifications,” reports Junge Freiheit daily, citing Germany’s Federal Employment Agency. Only 8% have a college degree and 11% vocational training.

    The agency said it will require 3,500 new employees and an increased budget of around 855 million euros to deal with placing hundreds of thousands of migrants in jobs.

    The chief executive of Airbus Group, Tom Enders, has called for Germany to deregulate its labor market and create “mini-jobs or low-paid jobs” for unskilled migrants.

    “Hundreds of thousands of young people in the refugees centers should not be condemned to sitting around and doing nothing. They will only find an entry into the labour market if we open it up and make it flexible,” Enders wrote in an op-ed appearing in the Sueddeutsche newspaper on October 26.

    German states and municipalities are finding it difficult to finance food, supplies, personal monetary allowances, policing, education, childcare, and affordable accommodation.

    “Refugees—just like other residents—need a flat, and access to the city’s schools and childcare facilities.,” Helmut Dedy, a bureaucrat at Deutscher Städtetag (the German Association of Cities) told Deutsche Welle.

    The German government has denied that it is discussing with the European Union a “solidarity tax” to pay for the massive and unprecedented influx of migrants.

    Entitled Illegals: “When Will I Get My House and Car?” Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.