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    Muslim Migrants Invited to Take Over German Church; Altar, Cross, Pulpit Removed Alex Jones’ Infowars

    9 years ago

    A Protestant church in Oberhausen, Germany is set to remove Christian crosses, altars and pulpits in order to accomodate 50 Muslim migrants who were invited to stay in the building.

    “The parish had offered that to the city,” Oberhausen city spokesperson Rainer Suhr told media outlets.

    “Before the refugees can move in, the seats have to be taken away. Also the altar, the pulpit and font are movable,” said the superintendent of the Oberhausen church district Oberhausen, Pastor Joachim Deterding.

    Sanitary facilities with washing machines will be installed next to the church, while free lunches will also be delivered to the migrants.

    While Germany is beginning to turn over Christian churches in order to house the influx of Muslim migrants, Sweden may be about to follow suit.

    As we reported earlier this month, the world’s first lesbian Bishop Eva Brunne suggested removing Christian crosses and symbols from a church in Stockholm in order to make the building “more inviting” for Muslims.

    Brunne, who also said that the direction of Mecca should be marked, argued that the church should be treated more like an airport, where Muslim prayer rooms are provided.

    Migrants are also being provided with accomodation at luxury ski resorts and hotels while Europeans living in social housing are being given eviction notices to make way for the “refugees”.

    These are just two more examples which illustrate why some commentators assert that

    Europe is committing cultural suicide in order to accomodate the migrants,

    the vast majority of whom aren’t even Syrian and are not fleeing war.

    Earlier this week we also highlighted how German security experts are warning that the middle class in Germany is becoming “radicalized” in response to the migrant influx and that domestic unrest may occur as a result.


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    » Muslim Migrants Invited to Take Over German Church; Altar, Cross, Pulpit Removed Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.